The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Merton: A Film Biography

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Merton film highlights his humanity, prophecyThomas Merton in October 1968 left his Kentucky monastery for Asia to address a group of religious leaders.Ryan, Dick National Catholic Reporter 20 (25 May 1986): 16.
02'Merton' is a remarkable film biographyHis name was Thomas Merton. He lived more than half of his 53 years cloistered in a Trappist abbey near Bardstown, Ky.Staten, Vince TV Scene [Louisville (publication of the Courier-Journal)] (2 June 1984): 3.
03'A Kind of Prophet'If some people suppose that the Catholic clergy are cast from a single mold, they can easily straighten themselves outDonohue, John W. America 150 (2 June 1984): 422.
04A Man Named MertonBrother Patrick Hart has done this before. He is sitting near the avenue at the Abbey of Gethsemani near CulvertownBlair, Brian Kentucky Standard [Bardstown, KY] (4 June 1984): [TV and Entertainment Week section].
05PBS's Merton Film Seen As PotpourriA couple of Sunday afternoons ago, I watched with great and occasionally dismayed interest the PBS televisionMcDonnell, Thomas P. Pilot [Boston] (15 June 1984).
06Trappist Monk Thomas Merton to be Topic of PBS DocumentaryThomas Merton, the famous philosopher monk,Dorsey, Tom. Courier-Journal (5 June 1984): C3.
07A TV Tribute to a 'Spiritual Giant'In 1956, Paul Wilkes was a student in a Catholic high school in ClevelandBreig, James The Chicago Catholic (June 22 and 29, 1984): 15.
08New TV Documentary Brings Thomas Merton Back to LifeIn the years immediately following the World War II,Herx, Henry Catholic Telegraph (June 1, 1984): 7.
SEASONALGift of Rare ValueThomas Merton stipulated in his legacy that no "autobiographical materials of mine or materials ofPennington, M. Basil, Dom, O.C.S.O. Merton Seasonal 9:2 (Summer 1984): 2-3 [online: accessed March 8th, 2017].