The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

My Argument with the Gestapo; a macaronic journal

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Early Merton Novel Published First TimeThe accidental death of Thomas Merton last year represents a significant loss to contemporaryForbes, Anthony Banner Nashville TN (25 July 1969): Duplicate on item 23.
02'Gestapo' in Merton cycle of war, peaceThomas Merton's accidental death in Bangkok, Thailand, Dec 12, 1968, sent shock waves around theBoardman, Anne Cawley Catholic Bulletin Saint Paul Minn (25 September 1969) and Catholic Bulletin W (26 September 1969).
03Merton Novel Reflects Views on Peace and WarIn 1941, before Thomas Merton had quite made up his mind to join the Trappists, he wrote this "kindBale, Joy Courier Journal Louisville, KY (24 August 1969): Duplicate copies on items 22 and 23.
04Posthumous Journal of Merton Written At St. BonaventureUsually it is a disservice to a writer's memory to publish his early unsold manuscripts. It does notBrady, Charles A. Evening News Buffalo NY (26 July 1969).
05Unkown NovelNow published for the first time, this novel was written in the summer of 1941, shortly beforeNo Author Listed Herald Everett Wash (2 August 1970): Also see 10, 15, 19, 21a, 21b, and 23b.
06A Bonus from Tom MertonWhen Thomas Merton left the secular world to become a Trappist monk in December, 1941, he destroyedKurfman, Patricia Mississippi Register Jackson, MS (1 August 1969); Green Bay Register Green Bay WI (1 August 1969); Tennessee Register (1 August 1969); National Register (3 August 1969).
07My Argument with the GestapoThomas Merton's only existing premonastic work, a novel entitled, My Argument with the Gestapo, hasBeasley, W. Congar, Jr. National Catholic Reporter [Kansas City, MO] 6 (1 October 1969): 19.
08War Tragedies Aired From Poet's ViewpointThis novel was originally written in 1941, prior to Thomas Merton's entering Gethsemani, theNo Author Listed News Sentinel Fort Wayne IN (27 September 1969).
09World War II as a Rorschach TestMore than a surprise, this book is an astonishment. Thomas Merton destroyed three of his unpublishedLeonard, John New York Times Book Review (10 July 1969): 39; 2 copies: Also see 13.
10An Early Merton: An Unkown NovelNow published for the first time, this novel was written in the summer of 1941, shortly beforeNo Author Listed Patriot News PA (3 August 1967): Also see 05, 15, 19, 21a, 21b, and 23b.
11Merton's view on peace and warIt is as if this novel by the famous Trappist writer, Thomas Merton, had been buried in a timeNo Author Listed Post Houston Texas (21 September 1969): Duplicate on item 24.
12My Argument with the Gestapo, by Thomas MertonWritten 28 years ago and published only after his death last December, this is the first premonasticP.P. Reflector Greenville NC (1 January 1970). P.P.
13Discrete, Demonic War Memories RecordedMore than a surprise, this book is an astonishment. Thomas Merton destroyed three of his unpublishedLeonard, John St Petersburg Times (20 July 1969). Also see 9.
14A Valuable Merton ContributionThomas Merton's early novel, "My Argument With the Gestapo," now published for the first time,Rohrbach, Peter T. Star Washington DC (24 August 1969).
15Thomas Merton Made Plans to Publish His Early Novel Before His DeathNow published for the first time, this novel was written in the summer of 1941, shortly beforeSmith, Miles A. Sun Jackson, TN (3 August 1969): Also see 05, 10, 19, 21a, 21b, and 23b.
16My Argument with the Gestapo. By Thomas mertonThis book was written shortly before the author entered the Trappist monastery at Gethesmane,Schriver, Edward Telegram Portland ME (4 January 1970).
17My Argument with the Gestapo, by Thomas MertonWritten 28 years ago and published only after his death last December, this is the first premonasticNo Author Listed Times & News Leader San Mateo, CA (25 December 1969): Also see 22a.
18My Argument with the Gestapo: A Macaronic JournalThis freeform journal kept by Thomas Merton when he was 26, facing his own personal crisis ("tryingNo Author Listed V Kirkus Bulletin (1 May 1970).
19Thomas Merton Wrote Early, Unkown NovelNow published for the first time this novel was written in the summer of 1941, shortly before MertonNo Author Listed World Tulsa OK (30 August 1969): Also see 05, 10, 15, 21a, 21b, and 23b.
20aMerton's Theme is Guilt"I am still trying to find out: and that is why I write... I will keep putting things down untilZingman, Barbara Louisville Times Louisville, KY (22 July 1969): Duplicate on item 21.
20bThomas Merton's early novelAs unexpected as Thomas Merton's death, December 10 in Bangkok, comes a novel by the poet-monk andOtt, James Enquirer Kentucky Edition Cincinnati, OH (10 July 1969).
21amerton's Early TalentNow published for the first time, this novel was written in the summer of 1941, shortly beforeSmith, Miles A. Examiner San Francisco CA (24 July 1969): Also see 05, 10, 15, 19, 21b, and 23b.
21bMy Argument with the GestapoNow published for the first time, this novel was written in the summer of 1941, shortly beforeNo Author Listed News - American Baltimore, MD (25 July 1969): Also see 05, 10, 15, 19, 21a, and 23b.
22aNovel by MertonWritten 28 years ago and published only after his death last December, this is the first premonasticNo Author Listed Sunday Herald-Leader Lexington, KY (14 December 1969): Also see 17.
23aWar's Futility Serves as Monk's Novel ThemeThe manuscript of Trappist Thomas Merton's only extant pre-monastic prose work was in the hands ofWells, Susan M. Times-Picayune New Orleans, LA (10 August 1969).
23bEarly Novel by MertonNow published for the first time, this novel was written in the summer of 1941, shortly beforeSmith, Miles A. Inquirer Philadelphia, PA (10 August 1969): Also see 05, 10, 15, 19, 21a, and 21b.
24'Macaronic' Is the Word For Merton's JournalTwenty-seven years before his tragic death in Bangkok, Thailand, Dec., 10, 1968, Thomas MertonMcGroarty, Joseph G. Tablet Brooklyn NY (4 September 1969).
25My Argument with the GestapoThe other day I received a copy of a well-known portrait of Thomas Merton, taken a few years ago byStark, Philip M., S.J. America 121 (16 August 1969): 102.
26On the eve of conversion, a secular fantasyAt Thomas Merton's funeral last December a Methodist woman managed to take Holy Communion five timesDavenport, Guy Washington Post Book World (6 July 1969): 7.
27 Thomas Merton's early novel, written in his 20's, before he became a Trappist monkNo Author Listed Publishers Weekly 195 (28 April 1969): 67-68.
28 In January 1968, Thomas Merton reflected that My Argument with the Gestapo: A MacaronicBenestad, Thomas J. Best Sellers 35 (February 1976): 347.
29 Written when the late Thomas Merton was in his twenties, this novel moves back and forth from theNo Author Listed Publishers Weekly (7 July 1969): 82.
30Pre-Monastic ProseThomas Merton in his early twenties beforeNo Author Listed Durham Morning Herald (July 20, 1969).
31 Not a particularly good novel as a novel, nevertheless there is aMurray, James G. Long Island Catholic (July 17, 1969).
32A Poet: Roaming and ReflectingThomas Merton's "Journal" was written in the summerH. P. Austin American-Statesman (July 27, 1969).
33 The late Thomas Merton wrote this autobiographical novelNo Author Listed Portland Oregonian (July 27, 1969).
34Young Merton Book PublishedPosthumously in "My Argument With the Gestapo" come this mark by which the scopeC. H. The Anniston Star (July 6, 1969).
35 The late Merton's work, written beforeNo Author Listed Houston Chronicle (July 11, 1969).
36 In the summer of 1941, Thomas Merton, an unknown, 26-year-oldMcNally, Terrence J. St. Anthony Messenger 77 (November 1969): 58-59.