The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Mystics and Zen masters

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Book on Zen Is Full Of Ideas, Beautiful But Taxing to ReadThomas Merton, Catholic Jesuit monk who might be defined as being within the liberal persuasion, hasPyros, John Advocate Baton Rouge LA (30 July 1967).
02Analytical Study Of Contemplative ZenFrom the pen of one world's great theological scholars emerges a thoroughly analytical, sometimesLopez, Eddie Fresno Bee (21 May 1967).
03Mystics and Zen MastersReligious thinkers have been fascinated by the search for perfection and by methods leading to theGodfrey, Aaron W. Liturgical Arts 36 (November 1967): 27-28.
04aMerton's New Work Mark Return To Most Competent Area--MysticismIn recent years Thomas Merton (Father Louis) has written much regarding areas of activity farMiller, Joseph M. Louisville Times Louisville, KY (9 May 1967).
04bTheology Back in World, Looking AheadThe purist, one supposed, is not particularly happy with the state of theology today, however muchMurray, James G. Long Island Catholic (11 May 1967): Also see 08.
05Thomas Merton explores the mysticism of the East and of the West in his new book Mystics & Zen Maste"The horizons of the world", Thomas Merton writes, "are no longer confined to Europe and America. ItNo Author Listed New York Review (4 May 1967).
06Book Review: Mystics and Zen Masters"A hundred years ago America began to discover the Orient and its philosophical tradition...theJ.W. Register New Haven, Conn (17 May 1967): Also see 07. J.W.
07Book Review: Mystics and Zen Masters"A hundred years ago America began to discover the Orient and its philosophical tradition...theJ.W. Register New Haven, Conn (17 May 1967): Also see 06. J.W.
08New Thoeology, Old Theology -- And Related MattersThe purist, one supposes is not particularly happy with the state of theology today, however much heMurray, James G. Long Island Catholic (11 May 1967): Also see 04b.
09Pilgramage of Merton ContinuesIn "The Seven Storey Mountain" Merton told of his religious and intellectual pilgrimage which ledEarly, Tracy Times Dispatch Richmond, VA.
10Monk Views Wide Range of MysticsThe validity of a "profound religious sense" which has permitted men of whatever race or time toNolan, James W. Times Picayune New Orleans LA (30 July 1967).
11One for the ThoughtfulHere is a book that every thoughtful Protestant should read, not merely for the knowledge of RomanMurray, J.J. Times Roanoke VA (19 November 1967).
12Fr. Merton Book Out May 5The talented pen of Thomas Merton has produced over 25 books, including his best-sellingNo Author Listed Visitor Providence RI (21 April 1967).
13Thomas Merton: Mystics & Zen Masters"The horizons of the world are no longer confined to Europe and America," Thomas Merton points outNo Author Listed Copy of dust jacket.
14This Week"Fr. Louis" has returned to familiar ground (for him) and strange ground for the rest of us: heNo Author Listed Christian Century 84 (10 May 1967).
15Monastic Life and the Secular City, Seeds of Destruction by Thomas Merton: Mystics and Zen Masters:Since the Middle Ages, Christian monasteries have been periodically under attack--first by theLandess, Thomas Sewanee Review 77.3 (Summer 1969): 530-535.
16A Contemplative's AnswersSome of the recent books about Asian religions, written by liberal Roman Catholic priests who appearRoss, Nancy Wilson New York Times Book Review (2 July 1967): 8.
17Out of Time, Out of Place"All reality," Sir Rabindranath Tagore declared, "is relationship," and that, according toFremantle, Anne Reporter (21 September 1967): 50.
18In the Field of ReligionThe broadening of subject matter and viewpoint in the religious books of 1967 - perhaps the mostBurger, Nash K. New York Times [1923-Current file] (24 December 1967): ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2008).
19 According to Merton's preface, the unifying purpose of these essays is "to understand various waysMargaret, Helene Thought 43 (Spring 1968): 139-140.
20 The fact that this book has been granted two nihil obstat sanctions will make reading it easier forNo Author Listed Choice 4 (November 1967): 1004.
21 The multi-media publicity of the West has already banalized Maharishi Mahesh Yogi of IndiaMcDonnell, Thomas P. America (24 February 1968): 266.
22 This book is the best result to date of Fr. Merton's growing fondness for picking from among hisStark, Philip M., S.J. America (22 July 1967): 93-94.
23 The catch-all title embraces a wide range of essays on religious subjects: Zen Buddhism, theNo Author Listed Publishers Weekly 191 (17 April 1967): 58.
24Ekumenizm mistykow"Chrzescijanin przyszlosci bedzie mistykiem, albo nie bedzie go wcale"-Trzeciak, Przemyslaw Nowe Ksiazki 1 (2004): 63.
25 In recent times Thomas Merton (who mayJohnston, William Monumenta Nipponica 23.3/4 (1968): 503-504.