The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The New Man

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Book Reviews: The New ManThe content of this new book by the distinguished Christian thinker and Cistercian monk ThomasWilliamson, Claude Charles H. American Ecclesiastical Review 148 (January 1963): 65-66.
02The New ManEver since Seven Storey Mountain Thomas Merton's public and critics have anticipated the fulfillmentNo Author Listed Ave Maria 95 (3 February 1962): 26.
03Merton, ThomasThe new man is alive when he becomes aware of himself, of life, and of death. The new man isHrico, Bernard Best Sellers 21 (15 February 1962): 454.
04Merton, ThomasMeditations on the necessity of becoming one with God by the path of supernatural charity. The stepsNo Author Listed Booklist [Chicago] 58 (15 March 1962): 464.
05Merton's Man: Adam Struggling Against His GodThe formal essay has gathered a cloak of disrepute about itself in this literary era. Perhaps thePfister, Edward Catholic messenger 80 (8 February 1962): 11.
06The New ManThomas Merton is a very well-known person and a very popular writer of religious books. Ever sinceOutcault, Cornelius B. Catholic World 195 (April 1962): 44.
07Mystic and PoetReligious contemplation aims at that unimpeded penetration of reality which often so tantalizinglyMayhew, Leonard F.X. Commonweal 75 (16 March 1962): 650.
08Powerful, Mystical Meditations"It is a spiritual disaster for a man to rest content with his exterior identity, with his passportHabich, William Courier-Journal [Louisville] (7 January 1962).
09The New ManThe mind and the pen of Thomas Merton have proved themselves remarkably fertile; and the singularMcKenzie, John L., S.J. Critic 20 (March 1962): 72.
10The New ManThe theme of Father Merton's fourteenth book centers upon the new creation of man through Christ'sTrutter, Lambert, O.P. Cross and Crown 15 (June 1963): 232-233.
11The New MertonThomas Merton grows and does so with considerable grace. Those who avoid his writing on theO'Hanlon, Daniel J., S.J. Cross Currents 12 (Winter 1962): 104.
12The New ManReviewers like to use superlatives when appraising Thomas Merton's books. This book deserves them.Sullivan, Kathryn, R.S.C.J. Jubilee 9 (March 1962): 52.
13merton, ThomasFor the Christian of awakened intellect, this excellent book of meditations should be welcomed asGros, Charles G. Library Journal 87 (1 January 1962)L 104.
14Release from DespairSince the appearance, some twelve years ago, of his Elected Silence, Thomas Merton has establishedEvans, Illtud, O.P. Times Literary Supplement [London] (3 August 1962): 561.
15The New ManIf literature enriches in two ways--by recording the world of sense and by extending the borders ofKathryn Sullivan, R.S.C.J. Worship 36 (October 1962):604-605.
16Sin and SaviourA far more complex and profound examination of man's anguish is provided by Thomas Merton in the NewJ.S.K. Catholic Transcript Hartford Conn. (1 February 1962). J.S.K.
17Cold War Pulls at Each Human MindThomas Merton is dealing with the war which today is pushing the world into chaos. He sees it as aScratch, Walter L. Citizen News (5 January 1962).
18The New ManThis book is concerned with the search for spiritual identity and it is indeed heartening to findNo Author Listed Gazette Berkley CA (23 December 1961).
19Spiritual ThemeThomas Merton's "The New Man" is a book of meditations. The question of spiritual identity is theNo Author Listed News Benton Harbor MI (14 February 1962).
20Man and His GodAbout two decades ago a young man of the world with a talent for writing ended a spiritual odysseyHooper, Thomas J. News Newark, NJ (22 April 1962).
21The New ManFrom the prolific pen of Father Thomas Merton comes this book of meditations calculated to promoteKlumb, Frances News & Courier Charleston SC (18 February 1962).
22Man Must Find Self in God, Says Merton in New VolumeThis book of meditations has such a profundity and breadth of vision that it cannot be read lightly,Friedebertha, Sister M., O.S.F. News Sentinel Fort Wayne IN (6 January 1962).
23CollectionsA book of meditations exploring the question of spiritual identity by Father Thomas Merton, authorNo Author Listed New York Herald Tribune Books (11 February 1962): 14.
24 Thomas Merton's the New Man will also be published Thursday by Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, FatherNo Author Listed Pioneer Press St Paul MN (31 December).
25 Thomas Merton's "The New Man' (Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, $3.50) explores the question of spiritualNo Author Listed Press Telegram Long Beach CA (18 February 1962).
26A Cry in the WildernessThomas Merton's New Man is one who has achieved spiritual identity. He has found the true self AdamBowes, Paula Providence Visitor Providence RI (12 January 1962).
27Man's 'Brave New World' Vs. Merton's 'New Man'Reading is seldom more fascinating than when it involves the concurrent or successive experience ofAlexander, Holmes Tampa Tribune (4 February 1962).
28the Perils of Pride, Virtues of HumilityIn a world which is desperately trying to find itself amid turmoil and confusion and whose eyes areCoblentz, Stanton A. Times Los Angeles CA (24 December 1961).
29Essays Describe Road To Peace and FreedomThe road which Thomas Merton bids us travel for peace and freedom is a simple one, but hard forA.C.H.
30Merton, ThomasMeditations on the necessity of becoming one with God by the path of supernatural charity. The stepsNo Author Listed
31The New ManThere is an incising analysis in these pages of the interior life of man with God. A clinical studyNo Author Listed
32The New ManMerton explores the question of spiritual identity. "We come to 'realize' and 'know' ourselves whenCorbett, Eugene J., S.J. Review for Religious 21.5 (September 1962): 483.