The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

No Man Is an Island

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Thomas merton: No Man Is an Island"My own reflections on certain aspects of the spiritual life" is Thomas Merton's description of hisNo Author Listed Dust jacket blurb.
02The Heart of ThingsThomas Merton's new book fall easily within the genre of personal reflections and meditations, asLentfoehr, Therese, S.D.S. Renascence 8 (Spring 1956): 153-157.
03aNo man is an islandA book of meditations "on certain aspects of the spiritual life"--Love Can Be Kept Only by BeingNo Author Listed Retail Bookseller (March 1955).
03bThe Peace of SeclusionThomas Merton, whose autobiographical "The Seven Storey Mountain" was a best-seller in 1948, toldLynch, Mary Press Pittsburg PA (27 March 1955).
03cNo man is an islandNone of Thomas Merton's subsequent writings have had the same wide reader appeal as The Seven StoreyNo Author Listed Virginia Kirkus Bulletin (15 February 1955).
03dMerton, ThomasSplendid treatise on the spiritual life with much attention given to the theological virtues ofBreaden, Richard P. Library Journal NY City (1 April 1955).
03eNo man is an island by Thomas MertonThis Trappist monk has built up an impressive audience during the last 10 years. The book developsNo Author Listed Post Boston MA (27 March 1955).
04aMerton Travels With Man Along Highway to HappinessThomas Merton's books are not read because they come from a contemplative monk instructing others toAgatha, Sister M. Chronicle Houston TX (3 April 1955).
04bMerton's Latest Work Called One of His BestThe spiritual life is the life of man's real self, writes Thomas Merton in No Man Is An IslandBurns, George V. Press Cleveland OH (5 April 1955).
04cthomas merton Counsels Man of the Market PlaceIn his latest volume, Father Merton shares with the reader his "own reflections on certain aspectsHanlon, Frank Catholic Standard & Times (8 April 1955).
04dNo man is an island"Leaving system to others, and renouncing the attempt to lay down universal principles which haveHandley, H.T. Herald Boston MA (10 April 1955).
04eThis is One Man'sThis is the latest work of Thomas Merton whom his follow monks know as Fr. Louis, a Trappist nowNo Author Listed Globe Boston MA (10 April 1955).
04fAn Inspirational merton VolumeMost appropriate for reading at this season is "No Man Is An Island," a new inspirational book byHabich, William Courier-Journal [Louisville KY] (10 April 1955).
04gMerton on Life of the Soul: Vital Topic in H-Bomb EraPublication of Thomas Merton's first book, "The Seven Storey Mountain," which became a national bestRyan, Lucy Register Des Moines IA (10 April 1955).
05aMerton Sees Life As MonkThomas Merton's latest book has neither the human appeal of "The Seven Storey Mountain" nor theFrayser, Louise C. Times Dispatch Richmond VA (10 April 1955).
05bSpiritual Notebook"I am not a prophet, nor am I the son of a prophet, but I am a herdsman, plucking wild figs." WithKelley, William P. Journal Providence RI (10 April 1955).
05cThe Literary PageantJohn Donne, the Anglican clergyman who wrote beautiful metaphysical verse 300 years ago, has beenHallett, Paul H. Santa Fe (Cath.) Register (15 April 1955).
05dMeditation of a TrappistFrom the Abbey of Gethsemani comes yet another lengthy meditation from the pen of the TrappistDoherty, Daniel Telegram Worchester MA (17 April 1955).
06aCatholic Book Club--April SelectionThomas Merton has established himself as the literary voice of Catholic America. Although living asRyan, E.A., S.J. Best Sellers 15 (15 April 1955).: 16.
06bNo man is an islandThomas Merton is Trappist Father Louis. When he became a convert he did not use half-measures. HeNo Author Listed Catholic Universe Bulletin (29 April 1955).
07aNo man is an island"Every other man is a piece of myself," says Thomas Merton in the prologue to this book, "for I am aLanglois, R.L. Ave Maria 81 (30 April 1955): 23.
07bTrappistThe Trappist monk has produced another book to go beside his "Seeds of Contemplation" and "The SevenNo Author Listed World Herald Omaha Nebraska (8 May 1955).
07cNon-FictionThe author believes the spiritual life is the life of man's real self and this book is written toNo Author Listed News Detroit MI (8 May 1955).
07dMerton Points To Salvation Through PrayerThe writings of Thomas Merton, a monk, are so thought-provoking almost every sentence can easilyO'Bryant, Arch Eagle Wichita Kansas (24 April 1955).
08aMerton At His BestThomas Merton has come a long way since his "Seven Story Mountain" days. His whole work represents aMurchland, Bernard G., C.S.C. Ensign (7 May 1955).
08b Thomas Merton has now written his 12th book, "No Man Is An Island," a reflection on the spiritualNo Author Listed News Malden, Mass (26 May 1955).
08cNo man is an islandThomas Merton, who is Father Louis of the Trappist Oder of Gethsemani, writes a sequel to his "SeedsJ.V. Chronicle San Francisco CA (29 May 1955). J.V.
08dNo man is an islandBy his own statement this new book of Thomas Merton's is not a continuation of Seeds ofCaliri, Fortunata Sign 34 (May 1955): 69.
09aElemental VeritiesIn the world of the spirit there is no isolationism. "We are all members one of another," St. PaulWolfe, Ann F. Saturday Review 38 (14 May 1955): 19,39.
09bThoughts on one's searchThis is another book of contemplation, of, as its author says, "reflections on certain aspects ofM.V. News Birmingham AL (8 May 1955). M.V.
10aVerities of the SpiritThis book, written by the widely read author of "The Seven Storey Mountain," is remarkable for itsJoseph D'Invilliers, S.J. Sun Baltimore, MD (15 May 1955).
10b100-200 Philosophy--ReligionTaking its theme from John Donne's famous "Devotion," this book of meditations on the life of theNo Author Listed Booklist Chicago IL (15 June 1955).
10cThe Inner Flamethis is a book written by a man of God for men of God. As such it may also be of value to those menCailliet, Emile New York Times Book Review 60 (27 March 1955):4.
10dNo man is an islandLet not the prospective reader be discouraged by another title drawn from the writings of John DonneNo Author Listed Catholic World (June 1955) [:234.
10ePurity of Thought Is Prominent in Study of OrderThomas Merton, who is Father Louis in the Cistercian Order at the Abbey of Gethsemani, made aMonroe, Harold Star Fort Worth TX (19 June 1955).
11aCan a Man Live Only to Himself?This book, by the noted author of "The Seven Storey Mountain," consists of a series of reflectionsO'Brien, John A. Tribune Chicago, IL (26 June 1955).
11bCertain Aspects of Spiritual LifeThomas Merton, the prolific writing Trappist monk, aptly describes the latest book from his facileW.J.B. Republican Springfield Mass (19 Jun 1955). W.J.B.
11cMerton, ThomasIn a note, the author says: "I only desire in this book to share with the reader my own reflectionsGraham, Aelred; R.P. Breaden; Emile Cailliet; and A.F. Wolfe Book Rev Digest (Aug 1955).
11dNo man is an islandThe most useful book since Seven Storey Mountain, for the general reader. Such topics as silence,No Author Listed America (18 February 1956).
11eNo man is an islandThe most useful book since Seven Storey Mountain, for the general reader. Such topics as silence,No Author Listed Catholic Messenger Davenport IA (26 February 1956).
11fMerton, ThomasThe author describes this book as "My own reflections on certain aspects of the spiritual life." InP.T. Library Journal NY City (1 September 1955). P.T.
11gDefines 'Real Life' As Spiritual Life"No Man is an Island" by Thomas Merton has been published by Dell in a paper bound reprint edition.Wills, H.B. World Tulsa OK (12 May 1957).
11hNo man is an islandThis book, says this author (Father Louis of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance) isNo Author Listed Plain Dealer Cleveland OH (4 March 1958).
11iNo man is an islandThomas Merton's series of meditations on the basic truths of man's spiritual life, "No Man is anNo Author Listed Globe Sioux City Iowa (14 February 1957).
12aMerton Achieves Real Distinction As Expositor of the Spiritual LifeIt is indeed a rare thing to be permitted to assist at the conversion and gradual unfolding andSimons, John W. Catholic Messenger Davenport IA (28 July 1955).
12bWhat Is A Monk?The monastic life is experiencing its most remarkable revival since the middle ages. In "The SilentNo Author Listed Tribune Oakland, CA (13 Jan 1957).
13No man is an islandSt. Thomas in his exposition De Trinitate quotes Peter Lombard to the effect that theologicalSloyan, Gerard S. Worship 29 (September 1955): 495-497.
14The Mysticism of Thomas MertonTo judge from the Catholic press, the Church's activity today is as vigorous as it has ever been.Graham, Aelred, O.S.B. Commonweal 62.6 (13 May 1955): 155-159.
15Merton scholars can benefit from 4 works"No Man Is an Island" was first published in 1955. This is the first large print edition of thisKiser, Thelma Scott Sunday Independent [Ashland KY] (27 July 1986): 12.
16Notes and Meditations by Thomas MertonIn the tradition of personal notes and meditations in which Thomas Merton set himself in an earlierLentfoehr, Therese, S.D.S. Books on Trial 13.6 (April 1955): 311-312.
17We Are Not IslandsThe regular reader of Fr. Merton's books need only be told that No Man is an Island is a sequelLyons, H.P.C. Month [London] 15 (March 1956): 172-174.
18 Let not the prospective reader be discouraged by another title drawn from the writings of John DonnePeters, Edward H., C.S.P. Catholic World (June 1955): 234.
19 No Man is an Island is an absorbing book which achieves a very difficult task in a remarkably simpleSquire, Aelred, O.P. Blackfriars 38 (February 1957): 84-85.
20Loving WellThe Merton reprint excepted, all these books on prayer and spirituality touch on two questionsHocken, Peter Tablet [London] 229 (18 January 1975): 58-59.
21 It was said of Paul Claudel that his poetry disclosed a "terrible unity." Claudel's meaning was soHarkins, Frederick A., S.J. America 93 (16 April 1955): 79,81.
22 If not approached by the rightStanley, John Catholic Worker XXI.10 (May 1955): 4.