The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Raids on the Unspeakable

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Merton, ThomasAlthough Raids on the Unspeakable is classified under the heading "religion," it is actuallyNo Author Listed Choice 3 (January 1967): 1007.
02Raindrops and RiddlesAlmost simultaneously, two new yet dissimilar books have been ushered out of the Kentucky woods byForest, James H. Critic 25 (April May 1967): 70-72.
03Merton, ThomasThomas Merton is so well known that a mere description of this paperback collection of his proseHeiser, William Charles, S.J. Library Journal 91 (August 1966): 3738.
04Life viewed too facilelyOnce More we have the work of Thomas Merton, this time in two books published almost simultaneouslyMurray, Michele National Catholic Reporter 3 (21 December 1966): 9.
05Forecast of PaperbacksThomas Merton, the Trappist monk, has gathered together a new collection of his literary pieces:Bannon, Barbara A. Publishers Weekly 189 (20 June 1966): 79.
06Raids on the UnspeakableAfter his disappointing Seasons of Celebration Fr. Merton seems to be hitting his stride again inNo Author Listed Christian Century 83 (10 August 1966): 990.
07 Thomas Merton byl postacia wybitna, czlowiekiemMoscicki, Pawel Nowe Ksiazki 1 (2005): 27.