The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Road to Joy: The letters of Thomas Merton to new and old friends / selected and edited by Robert E. Daggy

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Thomas Merton's Three Gifts: A Review EssayA human life is the story of a person recognizing and actualizing the gifts he or she has received.Shannon, William H. America 161.11 (21 October 1989): 267-277.
02Suggestions from M. Basil Pennington OCSOThere are lots and lots of "spiritual" books coming out these days, because there is, thanks be toPennington, M. Basil, Dom, O.C.S.O. America 161.15 (18 November 1989): 358-359.
03Merton, ThomasThe second in a projected series of five volumes of Merton's letters, this new collection bringsWidmer, Cynthia Library Journal 114.12 (July 1989): 84.
04News of the Thomas Merton IndustryDuring 1988-89, innumerable twentieth anniversary events commemorated the death of Thomas MertonKilcourse, George Mid-Stream: An Ecumenical Journal 30.1 (January 1991): 35-39.
05This indefatigable monk wrote to all sorts about all subjectsWith the publication of the Courage for Truth in August, the number of volumes of Thomas Merton'sTobin, Mary Luke, Sr., S.L. National Catholic Reporter 30.7 (10 December 1993): 23.
06In Short; NonfictionThomas Merton was, in his mind, at all times a monk. His other vocation, the writing of poetry andLeimbach, Dulcie New York Times Book Review (17 September 1989): 25.
07Nonfiction"Keep jiving," Thomas Merton wrote at the end of a letter sent in 1967, the year before he died --No Author Listed Washington Post Book World (3 September 1989): 13.
08The Road to Joy: Letter to New and Old Friends by Thomas Merton: Robert E. DaggyJudging from the number of his works that are to be found in even the chain bookstores, ThomasQuinlan, Kieran World Literature Today 64.3 (Summer 1990): 469.
09Merton, ThomasThis collection of Merton's letters serves as a sequel to The Hidden Ground of Love [BLK My 1 85],McGinn-Moorer, Sheila E. Booklist [Chicago] 85.21 (July 1989): 1853.
10Book ReviewThomas Merton didn't fit anyone's image of a contemplative monk. While most living the monasticGrip, Robert Catholic Week [Mobile AL] 55.36 (8 September 1989).
11Thomas MertonThomas Merton knew the secret of friendship--give more than you take. Through the hundreds ofBiddle, Arthur W. Cistercian Studies 25.2 (1990): 410-412.
12Sunlight in A Dark LandscapeThe persistent interest in Thomas Merton, poet, essayist and aesthete, who became a convert toMcCarthy, Abigail Q. Foundation News (May-June 1991): 61.
13 When, suddenly and not without theatrical flourish, the monk-savant Thomas Merton died in 1968, heHiggins, Michael W. Grail [Canada] 6.1 (March 1990): 106-110.
14A Special Man And His LettersWhen Thomas Merton wrote -- with a beautifully eloquent but restrained cadence many people somehowO'Connell, Kathy Middletown Press [Connecticut] (12 October 1989): 10.
15 The corpus of literature in this country concerning Thomas Merton continues to grow with Collins'Pearson, Paul M. Priests and People 4.10 (November 1990): 426.
16NonfictionThomas Merton successfully lived an apparent paradox: a contemplative monk who wrote books, poemsStuttaford, Genevieve Publishers Weekly 236.1 (17 July 1989): 43.
17Merton StudiesThe corpus of literature by and about Thomas Merton continues to grow apace. Two important booksPearson, Paul M. Way [London] 31.2 (April 1991): 174-176.
18Merton Letters Reflect His Roles: Friend, Writer, MonkThese volumes are part of a projected five book series of selected letters. Read together theseKramer, Victor A. Georgia Bulletin (17 January 1991): 13.
19 The corpus of literature in this country concerningPearson, Paul M. New Seeds 1.5 (1990): 6-7.
ANNUAL Three years before his death Merton wrote: "I could fill another page with names of people I haveRichardson, Jane Marie, Sr., S.L. Merton Annual 3: 300-304.
JOURNALThe Art of Serious Letters - Five Volumes of Merton's CorrespondenceThomas Merton was once advised by Evelyn Waugh, who edited The SevenPearson, Paul M. Merton Journal [UK] 2.1 (Easter 1995): 46-50.
SEASONAL-CaseyFresh and Readable LettersThe second collection of Merton's letters continues the high standard set by The HiddenCasey, Michael, O.S.C.O. The Merton Seasonal 14:4 (Autumn 1989): 8-93.
SEASONAL-GripDifferent People, Different LevelsAfter four years of waiting, the second volume of the Merton letters, The Road to Joy, isGrip, Robert The Merton Seasonal 14:4 (Autumn 1989): 10-12.
SEASONAL-RichardsonSturdy ShelterThree years before his death Merton wrote: " I could fill another page with names ofRichardson, Jane Marie, Sr., S.L. The Merton Seasonal 14:4 (Autumn 1989): 12-15.
SEASONAL-Van-WaesMailbox Number 5The perdurance of Thomas Merton's influence and importance to contemporary spiritualityVan Waes, Bernard The Merton Seasonal 14:4 (Autumn 1989): 15-19.