The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Run to the Mountain: The Story of a Vocation

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Books on spirituality -- Re-Discovering the Sacred: spirituality in America by Phyllis A. Tickle /Spirituality is not merely an aspect of the Christian life; it is the Christian life in response toDowney, Michael America 173.14 (4 November 1995): 33-34.
02Run to the MountainBy late 1966, Thomas Merton viewed his public existence ambivalently. In one sense, it seemed anCristie, John America 174.20 (22 June 1996): 23-24.
03Run to the Mountain; Entering the SilenceThese volumes are beautifully produced. Simply to hold and look at them seems to confirm theEveritt, Gabriel, O.S.B. Anglican Theological Review 79.1 (Winter 1997): 92-95.
04Summer ReadingWhen asked by the editors of the Catholic World for some recommendations for the summer reader, aCunningham, Lawrence S. Catholic World 238.1425 (May 1995): 136-137.
05Prose into prayer: Merton in his journalsThe Thomas Merton revealed in these journals is the quintessentially restless American, everCarr, Anne E. Christian Century 113.18 (22-29 May 1996): 570-571.
06Five Volumes & CountingWriting to Thomas Merton in 1960, the poet Czeslaw Milosz reflected that we moderns "lack an imagePrusak, Bernard G. Commonweal 124.15 (12 September 1997): 36-37.
07Merton's journals reflect on nearly everythingThe first of these journals records the thoughts, feelings and observations of the young ThomasThomson, Clarence National Catholic Reporter 32.19 (8 March 1996): 14.
08Books in Brief: NonfictionAt the age of 50, 25 years after the period covered by these journals, Thomas Merton calledHall, Alexandra New York Times Book Review (1 October 1995): 33.
09Why Merton embraced the monastery and another abandoned itThomas Merton published "The Seven Storey Mountain" in 1948, and the generation coming of age afterMark, Edward Boston Sunday Globe (9 July 1995): B11.
10A mountain at the centre of the earthThomas Merton, peace worker, artist, spiritual explorer and Trappist monk, died in 1968. With thisArchdeacon, Denis Catholic Herald [London] (23 February 1996): 6.
11Run to the MountainTwenty-seven years after his death in Thailand, Kentucky monk Thomas Merton remains a phenomenonCrews, Clyde F. Courier Journal [Louisville] (7 October 1995): A13.
12Merton's pre-monk days topic of journalThis is the first of seven volumes of the journals of Thomas Merton, who was a Trappist monk, poet,Richards, David R. Indianapolis Star (1 October 1995): C1.
13Literary SpiritWhen the great Trappist monk and prolific author of spiritual works died in 1968, his will specifiedFiest, Joe Michael Dallas Morning News (12 August 1995): 2D.
14A Trappist's journalsThe first volume of the private journals of Thomas Merton begins with their 24-year-old authorFinn, Robert Plain Dealer [Cleveland] (3 September 1995): 12-J.
15Browsing the New Dimensions LibraryThis is the first of a projected seven-volume series of Merton journals, the ones his literary trustToms, Michael New Dimensions 22.4 (Autumn 1995): 34.
16 Is Thomas Merton the most prolific posthumous author in modern times--if not all times? It wouldFinley, Mitch Saint Anthony Messenger 104.1 (June 1996): 50-51.
17BrieflyHold on folks, here we go. This first volume of Merton's personal journals is a heavy tome that isNo Author Listed
18Dealing With TextsI recall with great pleasure the moment in life in which I discovered, sitting on the booksellersSpaeth, Paul J. Merton Seasonal 20.4 (Autumn 1995): 13-15.
19 This first of seven volumes of Merton's journals consists of writings that predate his entranceSchroeder, Steve Booklist [Chicago] (1 August 1995):1914-1915.
20Notatki z lektury dziennikow Thomasa MertonaPrzez cale swoje zycie Thomas Merton zapisywal swoje dzieje,Zarebianka, Zofia Topos12.1-2 (2004): 297-299.
21Bogaty Mlodzieniec I Jego ZeszytyPisana w latach II wojny swiatowej autobiografia Tomasza Mertona,Chmielewski, Wojciech W Drodze 5.369 (2004): 76-81.
22The Uncensored MertonOne March, not long after we were married, my wife put on her birthday wish-listJones, Timothy Books & Culture: A Christian Review [London]6.6 (Nov.-Dec. 2000): 25-31.
23 Of the works by the prolific monkGoodwin, Peter (October 10, 1995): 10.
24 Sealed for 25 years after his deathNo Author Listed QPB Review (April 1996): 9.
ANNUAL-Hart First, I want to thank the three reviewers of Run to the Mountain for their careful reading andHart, Patrick, Br., O.C.S.O. Merton Annual 9: 314-315 [online].
ANNUAL-King It is Saturday, September 30, 1939, a damp early autumn evening in New York CityKing, D. P. Merton Annual 9: 303-313 [online].
ANNUAL-OConnell On April 18, 1941, back in New York after his Holy Week retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemani,O'Connell, Patrick F. Merton Annual 9: 288-298 [online].
ANNUAL-Shannon This first of a projected series of seven volumes of Merton journals actually comprises threeShannon, William H. Merton Annual 9: 298-303 [online].
JOURNALA Mirror of My Own Character and ConscienceIn 1967 Thomas Merton organised the setting up of a Legacy Trust to look afterPearson, Paul M. Merton Journal [UK] 3.2 (Advent 1996): 59-63.