The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The School of Charity: the letters of Thomas Merton on religious renewal and spiritual direction / selected and edited by Patrick Hart

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01The School of CharityThe School of Charity is the third volume of Thomas Merton's letters to appear, and while it may beThurston, Bonnie Bowman America 163.12 (27 October 1990): 309.
02The School of Charity: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Renewal and Spiritual Direction byThis volume of Merton's collected letters--the third of five--is concerned mainly with his life as aCrews, Clyde F. Catholic Historical Review 77.3 (July 1991): 537-538.
03The School of Charity: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Renewal and Spiritual Direction byDiffering from its predecessors (The Hidden Ground of Love, CH, Nov'85; The road to Joy, 1989), thisMcCormick, Chalmers Choice 28.7 (1 March 1991).
04Thomas Merton: The School of Charity Letters.This volume of Merton's collected letters--the third of five--is concerned mainly with his life as aKaftan, Robert Christian Century 108.16 (8 May 1991): 529-530.
05The School of Charity: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Renewal and Spiritual Direction byThe third volume of Thomas Merton's letters (two more are projected) is a chronological printing ofCunningham, Lawrence S. Commonweal 118.8 (19 April): 270.
06This indefatigable monk wrote to all sorts about all subjectsWith the publication of The Courage for Truth in August, the number of volumes of Thomas Merton'sTobin, Mary Luke, Sr., S.L. National Catholic Reporter 30.7 (10 December 1993): 23.
07The School of Charity: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Renewal and Spiritual Direction byAnyone interested in Thomas Merton and his writing will find in this third volume of his letters aSmith, Mary Review for Religious 51 (November-December 1992): 935-937.
08The School of Charity: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Renewal and Spiritual Direction byThis carefully edited and beautifully presented volume is the third in a projected series of fiveWeber, Richard [Columban], O.C.S.O. Worship 66.5 (September 1992): 466-468.
09Merton speaks to his brother and sistersThe excerpt of a 1962 letter expresses the essence of The School of Charity, the third volume ofGrip, Robert Catholic Week [Mobile AL] 55.50 (14 December 1990): 4.
10Spiritual DirectionThis third volume of the projected five-volume series of the letters of Thomas Merton embraces theBeattie, L. Elisabeth Courier Journal [Louisville] (10 November 1990): A15.
11Merton Letters Reflect His Roles: Friend, Writer, MonkThese volumes are part of a projected five book series of selected letters. Read together theseKramer, Victor A. Georgia Bulletin (17 January 1991): 13.
12Thomas MertonThis is the third volume of Merton's letters and in its way is the most interesting so far,Kingdon, Frank Hallel [Ireland] 18.2 (1993): 148-150.
13The 'loving-kindness' of Thomas MertonFor the last three years of his life, Thomas Merton was a Desert Father. After a quarter of aDavenport, Guy Lexington Herald-Leader (23 December 1990): F6.
14A Letter to Brother LouieDear Brother Louie, I have just finished reading The School of Charity, letters you wrote toMilligan, Mary, RSHM Merton Seasonal 16.2 (Spring 1991): 20-22.
15The Rebel In the MonasteryIt is reasonable to assume that Thomas Merton will be, at least for a good while to come, the lastPassaro, Vince Newsday (6 December 1990): 44.
16The School of CharityNamed for a term taken from St. Bernard of Clairvaux referring to the monastery, The School ofTeasdale, Wayne Parabola 16.1 (1991): 124-126.
17The School of CharityThomas Merton, activist monk, reformed man of the world and author of The Seven Storey Mountain,No Author Listed Publishers Weekly 237.38 (21 September 1990.
18The School of CharityDivided into three sections on the early, middle formative and later solitary years of ThomasVentine, Lawrence S. St. Anthony Messenger 99.1 (June 1991): 52.
19Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968.This, the third volume in this series which includes The Hidden Ground of Love (1985) and The RoadHeiser, William Charles, S.J. Theology Digest 38.2 (Summer 1991): 177.
20 What most recommends this third volume of letters is Patrick Hart's keen editorial decision to breakKilcourse, George Thought 67.266 (September 1992): 342-344.
21 The third published collection of letters from Thomas Merton are addressed to members of religiousMcGinn-Moorer, Sheila E. Booklist [Chicago, IL] 87.3 (1 October 1990): 230.
22 This is the third volume of Merton's collected letters which has been published.Eastman, Patrick Monos 3.4 (April/May 1991): 10-11.
23School of Charity: Merton's LettersIf you want to give someone a Christmas presentMunger, Guy North Carolina Catholic (December 16, 1990).
24 The third volume in a projected five-volume series of letters by the late (d. 1968)No Author Listed Kirkus Reviews (15 September 1990): 1306.
ANNUAL Whether for reasons of the heart or for affections of the intellect, whether traumatized by theMontaldo, Jonathan Merton Annual 5: 275-284.
CSQ The third volume of the letters of the late Thomas Merton, carefully selected and editedCunningham, Lawrence S. Cistercian Studies 25.4 (1990) :332-337.
JOURNALThe Art of Serious Letters - Five Volumes of Merton's CorrespondenceThomas Merton was once advised by Evelyn Waugh, who edited The SevenPearson, Paul M. Merton Journal [UK] 2.1 (Easter 1995): 46-50.
SEASONAL-DowneyThe Third Collection of Merton LettersThis volume is the third collection of letters in a series of five which includes The Hidden GroundDowney, Michael Merton Seasonal 16.2 (Spring 1991): 23-25.
SEASONAL-MilliganA Letter to Brother LouieDear Brother Louie, I have just finished reading The School of Charity, letters you wrote toMilligan, Mary, RSHM Merton Seasonal 16.2 (Spring 1991): 20-22.