The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

A Search for Solitude: Pursuing the Monk's True Life

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01A Search for Solitude: Pursuing the Monk's True Life"Is it really a good idea to know this person so well?" I mused upon finishing the third of sevenThurston, Bonnie Bowman America 175.14 (9 November 1996): 24-26.
02The Restless monkThomas Merton's journals passes the half-way point and we come within five years of his death. TheyArchdeacon, Denis Catholic Herald [London] (13 June 1997): 6.
03Prose into prayer: Merton in his journalsThe Thomas Merton revealed in these journals is the quintessentially restless American, everCarr, Anne E. Christian Century 113.18 (22-29 May 1996): 570-571.
04A Search for Solitude: Pursuing the Monk's True LifeThis third and so far most evocative of Thomas Merton's personal journals spans the years from JulyAitken, Beverly Cistercian Studies Quarterly 33.2 (1998): 236-237.
05Five Volumes & CountingWriting to Thomas Merton in 1960, the poet Czeslaw Milosz reflected that we moderns "lack an imagePrusak, Bernard G. Commonweal 124.15 (12 September 1997): 36-37.
06Merton's Years of FrustrationThomas Merton was surely one of the most cosmopolitan people ever to reside in rural Kentucky. BornRunyon, Keith L. Courier Journal [Louisville] (22 June 1996): A13.
07Merton, ThomasThe third in this publisher's projected seven-volume publication of Merton's journals contains theCarrigan, Henry Library Journal (1 May 1996): 100.
08Another journal shows Merton still speaks to us"Out here in the woods," he wrote, "I can think of nothing except God, and it is not so much that IDear, John National Catholic Reporter 33.5 (22 November 1996): 17.
09A Search for Solitude: Pursuing the Monk's True LifeA Cistercian monk and author of the bestselling The Seven Storey Mountain, Merton records in hisNo Author Listed Publishers Weekly 243.20 (13 May 1996): 68.
10Book ReviewsThomas Merton published so many items drawn from his journals and so many Mertonophiles are laboringHinson, Edward Glenn Review & Expositor [Louisville] 94 (Spring 1997): 321-322.
11 Like the first two volumes of Merton's journals, this third volume is full of insight into his lifeSchroeder, Steve Booklist [Chicago] 92.21 (15 July 1996): 1782.
12The Uncensored MertonOne March, not long after we were married, my wife put on her birthday wish-listJones, Timothy Books & Culture: A Christian Review [London]6.6 (Nov.-Dec. 2000): 25-31.
13 I may have said before when reviewing the previous volumes as how I seemed to have had so many commonEastman, Patrick Monos 9.4 (Jul/Aug 1997): 8.
ANNUAL A Search for Solitude, the third volume of Merton's published journals, covers the yearsEllsberg, Robert Merton Annual 10: 331-333 [online].
JOURNAL Last year saw the appearance of the third and fourth volumes of the seven projectedPearson, Paul M. Merton Journal [UK] 4.2 (Advent 1997): 57-62.
SEASONALA Fresh Air InterludeIn the third volume of Thomas Merton's Journals, A Search for Solitude, Merton tells the story of aRuttle, Paul, C.P. Merton Seasonal 21:3 (Fall 1996): 22-25.