The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

A Search for Wisdom and Spirit: Thomas Merton's Theology of the Self

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01 In this appreciative, suitable brief analysis, CarrMacCormick, Chalmers Choice 26..1 (September 1988): 146-147.
02 True gift-giving is always a transaction between two spirits, but the giving of a book introducesSchneiders, Sandra M., I.H.M. America 159.14 (12 November 1988): 387.
03 Thomas Merton anniversaries abounded in 1988. Merton had entered the Catholic church in 1938.Egan, Keith J. Theology Today 46.1 (April 1989): 97-98.
04 As the twentieth anniversary of Thomas Merton's death approaches there are noMalits, Elena, C.S.C. Journal of Religion 69.2 (April1989): 261-262.
05 This is not an easy book to read, and it was probably at least as difficultO'Hanlon, Daniel J., S.J. Theological Studies 49.4 (December 1988): 789-790.
06Books on Merton and SartreFifteen years ago, the mischievous anecdote circulated inThomas Merton circles that JohnKilcourse, George America 159.11 (22 October 1988): 292, 294-296.
07 Three years after Thomas Merton's untimely death in December 1968, Henri Nouwen was atKountz, Peter J. Christian Century105.31 (26 October 1988):957-958.
ANNUAL Even those of us who love who Thomas Merton was and what he stood for pale at times at yetCunningham, Lawrence S. Merton Annual 2: 329-332.
SEASONAL"Your Own Self"One of the motive factors behind Sister Anne Carr's fresh and insightful study of Thomas Merton'sMcGuire, Paul J., S.C.J. Merton Seasonal 13:1(Winter 1988): 18-20.