The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Secular Journal of Thomas Merton

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01The Secular Journal of Thomas mertonThis unusual journal starts in a furnished room in Greenwich Village, moves to the burning climateNo Author Listed New York Times Book Review (15 February 1959).
02From Harlem to GethsemaniThrough the years subsequent to the publication of The Seven Storey mountain the paradox that wasLentfoehr, Therese, S.D.S. Renascence 12 (Spring 1960): 149-153.
03aSecular JournalThis is a work by Thomas Merton which dates back twenty years, before his entry into the Trappists,No Author Listed Virginia Kirkus Service 27 (15 January 1959): 49.
03bA Thirst for Spiritual ValuesA decade ago the phenomenal success of "the Seven Storey Mountain" catapulted Thomas Merton, aO'Brien, John A. Tribune Chicago, IL (1 February 1959).
04aWritten 20 Years AgoDuring the two years preceding his dramatic entrance into the Trappist monastery of Gethsemani inRushton, Frederick L. Telegram Worcester, MA (1 February 1959).
04bWords of Faith, Hope and InspirationTwenty years ago, when he was 24, and before he became a Trappist monk and wrote his famous TheNo Author Listed Mirror & News (2 February 1959).
04cThe Philosophy of History in Our TimeMajor 20th century historians and philosophers debate on the nature and validity of historicalNo Author Listed Star Washington DC (1 February 1959).
04dSecular Writings of MertonWhen Thomas Merton, a new convert to Catholicism in 1941, made his Easter retreat at a monastery inDarsie, Darsie L. Herald Express Los Angeles CA (2 February 1959).
05aMerton's Diary of DecisionThomas Merton's writings, whether in prose or verse, are chiefly important as witnesses to theFleming, Rudd Post Times Washington, DC (1 February 1958).
05bMerton's Early DiariesFrom October 1939 to November 1941, when Merton was in his mid-twenties, he was a convert toRogers, W.G. New York Post (8 February 1959); 2 copies, complete copy on pg 2: also see 05c, 05d, 06a, 07a.
05cLatest Merton Novel Issues Call for Unbiased JudgmentsFrom October 1939 to November 1941, when Merton was in his mid-twenties, he was a convert toRogers, W.G. Telegram Portland ME (15 February 1959); Also see 05b, 05d, 06a, 07a.
05dThe Secular Journal of Thomas MertonFrom October 1939 to November 1941, when Merton was in his mid-twenties, he was a convert toRogers, W.G. News Tribune Tacoma Wash (2 February 1959); 2 copies, complete copy on pg 2: Also see 05b, 05c, 06a, 07a.
05eMerton, ThomasA journal written 20 years ago records a newly converted Catholic's impressions of New York City,No Author Listed Booklist [Chicago, IL] 55 (15 February 1959): 313.
05fThe Secular Journal of Thomas merton. Farrar, Straus & Cudahy. $3.75.On the safe assumption that all Merton fans have read The Seven Storey Mountain, this "spontaneousNo Author Listed Commonweal (27 February 1959).
05gFr. Merton's Road To Gethsemani"I had wondered what was holding the country together, what has been keeping the universe fromWolfe, Ann F. Dispatch Columbus, OH (15 March 1959).
06aThomas Merton Reflects on MoralityFrom October 1939 to November 1941, when Merton was in his mid-twenties, he was a convert toRogers, W.G. Toledo Blade (1 March 1959): Also see 05b, 05c, 05d, 07a.
06bThe Secular Journal of Thomas MertonIn his preface tot his book, Thomas Merton writes: "These are a few selections taken from a diaryDe Casia, Mary Globe Sioux City Iowa (12 March 1959).
07aSunday News Book ReviewsFrom October 1939 to November 1941, when Merton was in his mid-twenties, he was a convert toRogers, W.G. New Hampshire Sunday News Manchester, NH (15 March 1959): Also see 05b, 05c, 05d, 06a.
07bEarly Book By Merton Is PraisedThe appearance of a new book by Thomas Merton is always an event. The reading public has come toMoriarty, Mary O'C. Times Dispatch Richmond, VA (15 March 1959).
08aBy Giving They Gained All: the Beginning and End of Religious ExperienceFather Louis, now at Gethsemane Abbey, Kentucky, startled the world of books some years back withMaioriello, Gabriel Theo. Pilot Norfolk, VA (29 March 1959).
08bThomas merton's Secular Journal DisappointingThis book consists of the private thoughts of Thomas Merton during the years 1939-1941, when he wasChristin, Robert E. Globe Democrat Saint Louis MO (27 June 1959).
08cA Youthful JournalThis curious book, made up of selections from a journal kept between 1939 and 1941 by Thomas Merton,Kelley, William P. Journal Providence RI (29 March 1959).
08dTwo 'Lost" Years: Thomas merton Resurrects an Old JournalThis book was fashioned from a manuscript written before Thomas Merton became a Trappist andCattol, Louise Journal Milwaukee, WI (12 April 1959).
09aThe Young Thomas MertonWhen England's D.W. Brogan in a "Harper's" article some months ago contrasted the America of theDeasy, Philip New York Herald Tribune Book Review (9 August 1959): 11.
09b As an immediate first impression upon reading the entire book, this diary seems to relate theNo Author Listed Catholic Home Messenger St. Paul Monastery Canfield, OH (May 1959).
09cThe Secular Journal of Thomas MertonWhenever a person becomes famous, we wonder what he is like. Even more, we wonder what that personDonohue, Thomas H. Ave Maria 86 (6 June 1959): 27.
10The Pre-Monastic MertonHere after 20 years, selections from a journal which Thomas Merton wrote before he became a TrappistHabich, William Courier Journal [Louisville] (15 February 1959).
11From Harlem to GethsemaniThrough the years subsequent to the publication of The Seven Storey Mountain the paradox that wasLentfoehr, Therese, S.D.S. Renascence 12 (Spring 1960): 149-153.
12 Another reissue is The Secular Journal of Thomas Merton. Written in 1940-1941 and first publishedWeber, Richard K., O.P. Cross and Crown 29 (September 1977): 322.
13 These selections from a twenty-year-old diary are advertised by the publishers as 'private thoughtsWebb, Geoffrey Blackfriars 40 (June 1959) 284-285.
14 This book contains a few selections taken from the diary of Thomas Merton kept when he was aKing, John E. American Ecclesiastical Review 141 (August 1959): 141-142.
15 Writers do not become so overnight, nor do spiritual men; hence it is a sheer delight to trace, ifLentfoehr, Therese, S.D.S. Cross and Crown 13 (June 1961): 245-246.
16 In our era, it is safe to say, no one has done more than Thomas Merton to unveil for the world theWolfe, Ann F. Saturday Review 42 (21 February 1959): 42.
17Storming HeavenOne's appreciation of this book is only modified by Father Merton's candid admission that it hasSpeaight. Robert Tablet [London] 213 (25 April 1959): 394-395.
18 Even if he never wrote another word, Thomas Merton has attained a literary eminence by reason ofGenevieve, Sister Mary Sign 38 (April 1959): 62-63.
19Prayer for a MiracleUndoubtedly the most famous monk in America is Thomas Merton (Father M. Louis) of the TrappistNo Author Listed Newsweek 53 (16 February 1959): 106.
20Cloistered ReflectionsThis journal covers the two yearsJennings, Elizabeth Joan Times Literary Supplement [London] 2986 (May 22 1959): 309.
21 Among the previous writings of theLentfoehr, Therese, S.D.S. The Critic XVII.4 (Feb.-Mar., 1959): 23-24.
22 In his preface Thomas Merton tells us that the present volumeConnolly, Francis Xavier Catholic Telegraph - Register (September 11, 1959).
23 Those who expect this book by Thomas MertonMullan, Desmond The Furrow, 10.11, (Nov. 1959): 743-744.
24Merton: First and LastTo Christians in the secular world, surrounded byGorman, John R. Chicago Sun Times (3 January 1979).