The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Seeds of Contemplation

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01From A Pair of Modern MysticsTwo of the most distinguished present-day Roman Catholic writers--one American, one French--offerHabich, William Courier Journal [Louisville, KY] (18 February 1962).
02The Fruits of MysticismThomas Merton is his widely read The Seven Storey Mountain gave a moving account of his conversionKrikorian, Y.H. New Republic 121 (12 September 1949): 17-18.
03New Seeds of ContemplationThis is a much enlarged and completely revised version of one of Father Merton's most widely readNo Author Listed Book Blurb from dust jacket.
04aMonk Asks ContemplationContemplation is not very prevalent in the modern world. Everyone is going somewhere so fast, heNo Author Listed New York World-Telegram (8 March 1949): also see 05e.
04bSeeds of ContemplationThe Trappist monk and poet, author of the best selling book, "Seven Storey Mountain," explains whatNo Author Listed Retail Bookseller (March 1949).
04cSeeds of ContemplationThe new book by the author of "The Seven Storey Mountain," to be published on Ash Wednesday, is aNo Author Listed New York Saturday Review (19 February 1949).
04dThomas Merton Writes About Contemplative LifeMerton, whose The Seven Storey Mountain is still making best-seller lists, is a member of theBurns, George V. Press Cleveland, OH (8 March 1949).
05aThomas Merton Follows Up On "the Interior Life""The Seven Storey Mountain" was a compelling history of a young man whose search for spiritualAlbert, Abby Courier-Journal [Louisville, KY] (10 March 1949).
05bGuide to Aspiring Mystic Is Written by Author of "Seven-Storey Mountain'One of the more unexpected current best-sellers is Thomas Merton's "The Seven-Storey Mountain," aMcGarey, Mary Star Washington DC (13 march 1949). M. McG.
05cFruit of a Monk's Clear Mind: 'It Declares the Glory of God'At this season dawn comes to Houston around 6 a.m. Even in the thickest part of the city the madBedell, Bill Post Houston, TX (13 March 1949).
05dSeeds of ContemplationThe young Trappist monk and poet, Thomas Merton, has become widely known through the success of hisNo Author Listed Register New Haven Conn (20 March 1949).
05eShows Beauty of Inner LifeContemplation is not very prevalent in the modern world. Everyone is going somewhere so fast, heR.W.M. Times Indianapolis, IN (March 1949): Also see 04a. R.W.M.
05fSeeds of ContemplationThe author of that extraordinary best-seller The Seven Storey Mountain has given us an altogetherNo Author Listed Virginia Kirkus Bulletin NY City (15 March 1949).
06aRenunciation and SalvationThis new work by the Trappist monk, poet and author of the surprisingly and persistentlyBurnham, Philip New York Times Book Review (20 March 1949): 4.
06bTrappistMr. Merton is the Trappist monk who wrote "The Seven Story Mountain." In this volume of essays andNo Author Listed World herald Omaha, Neb (20 March 1949).
06cSeeds of ContemplationMerton "Imitation of Christ." Excellent. Should rival Seven Storey Mountain in popularity.No Author Listed Catholic Messenger Davenport Iowa (24 March 1949).
06dQuiet Reflections of Thomas MertonThe Trappist monk whose autobiography, "the Seven Storey Mountain," received widespread attentionBarry, Edward Tribune Chicago, IL (27 March 1949).
07aIn and Out of PrintIn the course of any year the number of so-called spiritual books coming from the presses is great.Walsh, Brian Pilot Boston, Mass (26 March 1949).
07bHumility the Great Freedom"Seeds of Contemplation" by Thomas Merton (Frater Mary Louis of the Trappist Monastery in GethsemaneAherne, Daniel E. Courant Hartford Conn (27 March 1949).
07cSeeds of ContemplationSeeds of Contemplation, by Thomas Merton, a young Trappist monk and author of the best-selling SevenNo Author Listed Inquirer Philadelphia, PA (10 April 1949).
07dTreasure chest: The Self-CenteredI have what you have not, I am what you are not. I have taken what you have failed to take and INo Author Listed New York Times (27 March 1949).
07eTrappist Monk Writes AnotherThe phenomenal success of "The Seven Story Mountain," his autobiography, has made this youthfulMcFadden, Elizabeth News Newark NJ (10 April 1949).
07fMysticismIn this follow-up to his popular autobiography, "the Seven Storey Mountain," the young Trappist monkMcFadden, Elizabeth News Newark NJ (10 April 1949).
08aInterior Life Described by Trappist PoetThe Trappist monk and poet Thomas Merton modestly calls this "the kind of book that writes itselfRolfs, Alvin R. Post-Dispatch Saint Louis, MO (27 March 1949).
08bSeeds of Contemplation. Thomas Merton. New Directions. $3.00.Fra Louis's Seven Storey Mountain has been compared with Augustine's immortal Confessions and,Reinhold, H.A. Commonweal 50 (15 April 1949): 20.
08cSpiritual AidsThomas Merton, the Trappist monk whose "Seven Storey Mountain" continues as a best-seller, offers aHanlon, Frank Bulletin Philadelphia PA (10 April 1949).
08dFreedom in HumilityIn humility is the greatest freedom. As long as you have to defend the imaginary self that you thinkNo Author Listed New York Times (24 April 1949).
08eMerton, ThomasThose who enjoyed reading The Seven Storey Mountain will turn eagerly to this little book in whichNo Author Listed Advocate Arlington, Mass (21 April 1949).
08fSeeds of ContemplationSolitary in the stillness of a call, a Trappist monk follows his much-read autobiography, "The SevenNo Author Listed New York Times (16 April 1949).
08gRewarding Tranquility of the Inner LifeThomas Merton, the young Trappist monk whose The Seven Storey Mountain is a sensational best seller,McGarey, Mary Dispatch Columbus, OH (17 April 1949).
09aInto the First Haven of ParadiseWe were created for joy and not pleasure, Thomas Merton reminds us. "If you do not know theWolfe, Ann F. Saturday Review of Literature 32 (16 April 1949).
09bSelf Laid Aside In Sober Essays"To be unknown of God is altogether too much privacy." So says the young Trappist monk Thomas MertonNo Author Listed Appeal Memphis TN (17 April 1949).
09cSeeds of ContemplationMerton will be remembered as the Trappist monk and poet whose account of his conversion, The SevenDavenport, Basil Book of the Month (May 1949).
09dBook Marks: News About Books and Their AuthorsNightclubs have caused a delay in the publication of a monk's book. It sounds ironic, and it is.Proven, Grace Press Pittsburg, PA (24 April 1949).
09eMerton Tells 'Interior Life'A book of thoughts, ideas and aphorisms about the "interior life" by the young Trappist monk andNo Author Listed Times Los Angeles CA (24 April 1949).
09fSeeds of Contemplationthe author of this remarkable book, the fastest selling this firm has ever had, was received intoMcSorley, Joseph Catholic World 169.1009/1014 (May 1949): 156.
10aGod paramount"America is discovering contemplation," Thomas Merton remarked in The Seven Storey Mountain. TheEdward Duff, S.J. America 81 (30 April 1949): 164.
10b Thomas Merton asked New Directions if it would bind his "Seeds of Contemplation" in somethingNo Author Listed Journal Providence RI (1 may 1949).
11aThe Contemplative LifeReaders of Thomas Merton's previous prose work--he also has two books of poetry to his credit--"TheWeston, D.R. Gazette Montreal Canada (7 May 1949).
11bOne's Own VirtuesAs soon as you begin to take yourself seriously and imagine that your virtues are important becauseNo Author Listed New York Times (1 May 1949).
11cSeeds of Contemplationthe young Trappist monk and poet whose autobiography, "The Seven Storey Mountain," has been on theNo Author Listed Observer Charlotte, NC (15 May 1949).
11d New Directions is having trouble keeping up with the demand for Thomas Merton's Seeds ofNo Author Listed New York World-Telegram (17 May 1949).
11eOdds and Ends.It seems that the young Trappist monk, Thomas Merton, asked that his new book, "Seeds ofNo Author Listed News Newark, NJ (22 May 1949).
11f'Niteries' cforner Sackcloth SupplyThomas Merton, the young Trappist monk whose "The Seven Storey Mountain" is a sensational bestNo Author Listed Post Washington DC (22 May 1949).
11gThoughts on ReligionThe two religious books here considered differ widely in their approach to the subject, the firstClement, Angela Tennessean Nashville, TN (May).
12aMerton's Popularity Is Indication of America's Desire for Inner Peace"America is discovering contemplation," Thomas Merton remarked in The Seven Storey Mountain. TheNo Author Listed Catholic Messenger Davenport IA (12 May 1949).
12bSeeds of ContemplationThomas Merton, a Trappist monk, author of the current best seller, "The Seven Storey Mountain,"J.N.H. Journal Providence RI (15 May 1949). J.N.H.
12c Thomas Merton, the young trappist monk whose The Seven Storey Mountain is a sensational best seller,No Author Listed Courier Express Buffalo NY (22 May 1949).
13aMerton, ThomasAn entirely different kind of book than the author's best selling Seven Storey Mountain, this is aNo Author Listed Guidepost Cincinnati, OH (June 1949).
13bSeeds of contemplationModern, "Imitation of Christ." Excellent. Should rival Seven Storey Mountain in popularity. ThomasNo Author Listed Catholic Mirror Springfield Mass (June 1949).
13cSeeds of Contemplation"...a volume of more or less disconnected thoughts and ideas and aphorisms about the interior lifeNo Author Listed Call Allentown, PA (26 June 1949).
13dSeeds of ContemplationThis book which the author, a Trappist Monk, modestly describes as "more or less disconnectedDemarest, Donald Tomorrow (June 1949).
14athomas merton's Meditations Indicate New Literary TrendThomas Merton's spiritual autobiography, The Seven Storey Mountain, has achieved the accolade of theMitchell, M.M. Globe & Mail Toronto Canada (9 July 1949).
14bMerton, ThomasReflections on prayer and the inner life by the Trappist monk, author of Seven Storey Mountain (BookMcSorley, Joseph; Reinhold, H.A.; Burnham, Philip; Wolfe, Ann F. Book Review Digest (July 1949).
14cHis Best BookThomas Merton (now Father Louis, OCSO), comprises 27 chapters on beginning to learn how to liveNo Author Listed Michigan Catholic Detroit, MI (21 July 1949).
14dSeeds of ContemplationHere you can share with the young Trappist monk and poet the blessings which have come to him in hisNo Author Listed State Columbia, SC (16 October 1949).
15aSeeds of ContemplationA young Trappist monk explains what contemplation really is and how it enriches life.No Author Listed Enterprise Brockton, Mass (29 November 1949).
15bContemplation as Way of LifeThe author of "The Seven Storey Mountain" has brought together in this handsomely printed book aShuster, George N. New York Herald-Tribune (21 August 1949).
16aSeeds of ContemplationIn these beautiful meditations the author shares the blessings which have come to him in the peaceNo Author Listed America (18 February 1950).
16bmerton, ThomasThe thousands who lived with Merton as he made his way to Gethsemani in the pages of The SevenNo Author Listed Catholic booklist St. Catherine, KY (1950).
16cmerton, ThomasThe author shares the blessings which have come to him in the peace and seclusion of the monastery.No Author Listed leader Manchester, NH (14 March 1950).
16dSeeds of ContemplationMeditations, addressed to all men, in which the author discusses the blessings which have come toNo Author Listed Plain Dealer Cleveland OH (5 March 1950).
17Seeds of ContemplationBound in a strong, thickly woven cloth, this book is truly garbed like a monk. Its healthy, rusticCailliet, Emile Journal of Religion 29.3 (July 1949): 241-242.
18Seeds of ContemplationFr. Louis (Thomas) Merton has written his best book: as literature, it manifests a terse, luminousKing, David A. Orate Fratres 23 (15 May 1949): 336.
19Fusion and Fission: Two by MertonWhat is likely to strike the general reader first is the heterogeneity of this collection. ItGilbert, Mary Sewanee Review 72.4 (Autumn 1964): 715-718.
20To Worship Nothing Is HellAnd all hell is filled with the nothingness of self! With the catapulting to fame of the work of aKenny, Laurette V. Integrity 3 (May 1949): 44-45.
21Merton scholars can benefit from 4 worksMerton replaced the original edition of this work with a revised and enlarged "New Seeds ofKiser, Thelma Scott Sunday Independent [Ashland KY] (27 July 1986): 12.
22 Scarcely a half dozen years have passed since Thomas Merton became Frater Mary Louis, professedBulman, David, C.P. Sign 28 (March 1949): 61.
23 One of the unusual things about our admittedly secularistic age in the United States is the strangeJustin, Brother, F.S.C. Catholic Library World 20 (May 1949) : 264.
24 Like another well-known wanderer in the 'dark wood' of doubt and waywardness, Thomas MertonWalsh, Gerald G. Thought 24 (September 1949): 557-559.
25 Again the Trappist silences are beating on our doors--this time in the form of an austere, burlapLentfoehr, Therese, S.D.S. Renascence 1 (Spring 1949): 68-70.
26Silence BrokenThis is the second book by Mr. Thomas MertonNo Author Listed Times Literary Supplement [London] (23 December 1949): 845.
27 There is scarcely a Catholic review, German, French, English,Pepler, Conrad, O.P. Life of the Spirit 4.46 (April 1950): 472-473.