The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Seeds of Destruction

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Sowing Thorns in the fleshIf an American knows the name of only one living monk, the chances are good that the name will beMarty, Martin E. Book Week 2 (17 January 1965):4.
02Few Appear to Care for HUMAN LibertyDo most 20th century Americans care anything about human liberty and the human person? No, saysBubel, Katharine Chronicle Houston, TX (7 February 1965).
03Thomas merton EssaysThomas Merton, the hard-living young poet who, in the 1940's, turned his back on the world to becomeHabich, William Courier Journal [Louisville, KY] (31 January 1965): 7.
04Postmarked Gethsemanithe Two principal ingredients in Thomas Merton's latest effort are the race issue and the war-peaceBrock, Terry F. Critic 23 (February-March 1965): 87.
05From Contemplation to ConcernIf any modern day mystic's name survives this century, it will be the Trappist monk Thomas Merton.Albright, William E., Jr. Gazette Charleston WV (10 January 1965).
06Merton Savage on RacismOut of the silent solitude of the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky cries the unmistakable voice ofTehan, Arline Boucher Hartford Times (2 January 1965).
07Plea for Negro RightsThomas Merton--Father Louis of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance--has written "SeedsNo Author Listed New York Times (6 November 1954).
08thomas Merton Finds Seeds of DestructionThe title of the prolific Father Merton's latest book suggests one of his earlier books, "Seeds ofQuinn, Mary Ditlinger News Sentinel Fort Wayne, In (2 January 1965).
09Solution Is BrotherhoodIn the latest of his many books, Thomas Merton turns the rolling thunder of his majestic prose toNo Author Listed Register Des Moines, IA (10 January 1965).
10Seeds of destructionThomas Merton's latest books is an attempt to penetrate and respond to those challenges to modernQuitslund, Sonya Sign 44 (March 1965): 69-70.
11Also CurrentThomas Merton, the complete bohemian who became a Trappist monk at 26, has carried on an astringentNo Author Listed Time Magazine 85 (5 February 1965): 116.
12'The Intellectual Love of God' Pictured With Literary ArtistryFor many years Thomas Merton has been a Trappist monk at Kentucky Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemane.Cowan, T.B. Times Chattanooga, TN (14 February 1965).
13Thomas Merton: Seeds of DestructionOne of his best.... It is remarkable and emblematic that a monk who left Manhattan 25 years ago forNo Author Listed Book blurb from dust jacket.
14Seeds of destructionWritten by a member of the Trappist Abbey in Gethsemani, Kentucky, this book is a "tract for theBarrette, H.H. Review and Expositor [Louisville] 64 (Summer 1967): 402-403.
15Monastic Life and the Secular CitySince the Middle Ages, Christian monasteries have been periodically under attack--first by theLandess, Thomas Sewanee Review 77.3 (summer 1969): 530-535.
16Seeds of destructionIn this, his 26th book, the famed Trappist monk gives merited attention to theologian Karl RahnerGreene, Thomas F. America 112 (16 January 1965): 83-84.
17Merton, ThomasIf a reviewer were not awed by the scholarly Fr. Thomas Merton, he might say that this is a bookDooley, Eugene A. Best Sellers 24 (15 January 1965): 405-406.
18Merton's 'Seeds of Destruction'A monk is a man who is not of the world, a man set apart. Yet this separation from the world enablesNelson, Marianne Catholic Messenger (4 March 1965): 13.
19Detached Invovement with LifeFrom his monastery in Gethsemane, Ky., Thomas Merton sees the world today from a somewhat unusualCasey, Genevieve Chicago Tribune (7 March 1965).
20Unworldly WisdomThomas Merton has always occupied a special place in the American Catholic Church, though forCallahan, Daniel J. Commentary (April 1965): 90-94.
21Seeds of destructionThe longer Father Merton lives in cloister and silence, the louder his voice seems to become. HisHorchler, Richard Commonweal 81 (12 March 1965): 766.
22Merton's Words of ChallengeThomas Merton is one of the authentic Christian voices in our time, and we can be grateful that hisLaird, James H. Detroit Free Press (3 January 1965): 6.
23Merton, ThomasFather Merton's many writings have given him a high reputation as a religious leader and socialChrist, John M. Library Journal 89 (1 June 1965): 2350.
24A Moral Stance on the IssuesI think it a curious commentary on us that the magnificent and challenging works of Thomas MertonKirsch, Jonathon Los Angeles Times Book Review (19 February 1965): 6.
25Merton Denounces Modern EthicsThomas Merton's latest literary offering, "Seeds of Destruction," is a thundering denouncement ofPerley, Marie E. Louisville Times (8 January 1965): Book Scene.
26The Strategy is LoveThomas Merton's twenty-sixth book, and one of his best, records his reflections on some pressingSweeney, Francis New York Times Book Review (14 February 1965): 14.
27Fiery Words on Race from a MonkOf all the words that have been written on the subject of race relations, these in this new book byPasley, Virginia Newsday (2 January 1965): 16w.
28Uneven and ObviousI dissent! It seems certain that Father Merton will receive nothing but praise from reviewers andAlexander, Michael Chicago Daily News (2 January 1965): 6.
29Quiet Mind in an Uneasy AgeThomas Merton's newest book, Seeds of Destruction, is a disappointing work, a condition for whichPratt, John M. Saturday Review 28 (6 February 1965): 39.
30Letters to a ConscienceThomas Merton's sixteenth book, "Seeds of Destruction" (Farrar, Straus & Giroux. $4.95), addressesWells, Joel US Catholic 30 (February 1965): 65-66.
31the "white liberal" mythPonder on God's patience, good Christians, says Merton, on the immense patience with which His powerJessey, Cornelia Way [San Francisco] 21 (May 1965): 17-22.
32 Since we have become accustomed to Merton writing about the interior life, this book may come asAmbrose, Angela Ave Maria 101 (17 April 1965): 26.
33 A collection of essays and letters written by the famous Trappist monk who, from the Abbey ofFleischer, Leonore Publishers Weekly 191 (30 January 1967): 114.
34 This is Merton's 26th book. His Seeds of Contemplation (1949) are now seeds of world destructionNo Author Listed Choice 2 (June 1965): 238.
35 The varying attitudes Catholics take to race and moral problems are held up to view. The authorNo Author Listed Catholic Library World 36 (March 19465: 469.
36Elected SpeechSixteen years have passed since Elected Silence cast its sudden light on the drab landscapeEvans, Illtud, O.P. Tablet [London] 220 (12 November 1966): 1269-170.
37 This book, whose title rather ironically recalls his earlier work, Seeds of Contemplation, is an attempt on the partGriffiths, Bede Pax Bulletin [London] 97 (May 1965): 6.
38Realistic and RadicalThomas Merton's new book is ominously entitledKennedy, John S.
39Theme of Our Timeā€¦ An Argry WarningThe great Trappist mystic-poet-philosopherBuckley, Anne The Advocate.
40Why Monasticism? Trappist Tells UsDepending upon whether we view history in termsCunningham, William