The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01 Fascinating, exasperating, diffuse, insightful, clear, complex; all these adjectives can be appliedMiller, Louis G. Review for Religious 45.3 (May-June 1986): 473-474.
02 Thomas Merton (1915-68) was a remarkably complex individual--Catholic priest, Trappist monkEnglish, John C. Religion and Intellectual Life 3.4 (Summer 1986): 133-136.
03 Mott, successor to the late John Howard Griffin as Merton's official biographer, has written theCraft, Carolyn M. Library Journal 109 (December 1984): 2272.
04 There is something uncanny about this official biography of Thomas Merton.Knitter, Paul F. Kenyon Review 8.1 (Winter 1986): 128-131.
05 The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton is the long awaited biography of Thomas MertonKountz, Peter J. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 54.4 (Winter 1986): 787-788.
06 This is a mountain of a book, but it is doubtful if anything less could do justice to soRyan, Marybride Christianity and Literature 34.4 (Summer 1985): 88-90.
07 "When you get down to it," Thomas Merton wrote when he was 26, "Catholic Action means notSimon, Linda Christian Science Monitor 77 (22 May 1985): 21.
08 The cult of Thomas Merton was an established reality even before Merton died, in DecemberMcInerny, Dennis Q. Catholic Historical Review 72.4 (October 1986): 681-683.
09Merton's Mountainous LegacyA new wave of interest in the century's most celebrated monk.Ostling, Richard N. Time Magazine 124 (31 December 1984): 65.
10 It is difficult to write about Thomas Merton without using the word paradox, and Michael MottMartin, Stephanie Wilson Library Bulletin 59.8 (April 1985): 562.
11The monk heard around the worldIn the literary world, the late 1940's are remembered for two book publishing successesCostello, Gerald M. U.S. Catholic 50 (May 1985): 48-51.
12 Michael Mott, poet, novelist, and professor of English at Bowling Green University,Heiser, William Charles, S.J. Theology Digest 32.3 (Fall 1985): 283.
13 Eighteen years after the death of Thomas Merton by electrocution in Bangkok the authorisedPearson, Paul M. Clergy Review 71.8 (August 1986): 307-308.
14Thomas Merton biography traces spiritA biography of Thomas Merton, the late Trappist monk, is a product of Merton's own designing.Hennessy, Fr. Augustine Record [Louisville] (29 November 1984): 5.
15 In 1948 the autobiography of a monk was not only a best-seller but likened to the Confessions of St.No Author Listed Publishers Weekly 226 (28 September 1984): 108.
16A multiplicity of MertonsOne of my favourite descriptions of Thomas Merton comes from a friend who came to visit himLonsdale, David Month [London] 19.5 (1986): 78.
17 Thomas Merton (1915-1918) spent most of his life as a Trappist-he entered the monastery of OurNo Author Listed New Yorker 60 (18 February 1985): 121-122.
18The Seven-Storey MertonOn Dec. 13, 1941, Thomas Merton renounced his secular self and at the age of 26 enteredWoodward, Kenneth L. Newsweek 104 (10 December 1984): 87.
19Many Mertons, Many MeadsThe Merton "industry" keeps growing. The first dissertation on Merton's writings appeared the yearShannon, William H. Commonweal 111 (19 October 1984): 560. 562-563.
20An examined life: Merton by MottAt last--the "authoritative" biography of Thomas Merton for which we have waited ever since 1968.Furlong, Monica Tablet [London] 240.7593 (25 January 1986): 90.
21The many lives and stirring times of Thomas MertonWe have waited a long time for it--and it is worth the wait.Pennington, M. Basil, Dom, O.C.S.O. National Catholic Reporter 21 (11 January 1985): 9, 20.
22The many lives and stirring times of Thomas MertonOften, uninvited visitors to Thomas Merton's KentuckyGarvey, Michael National Catholic Reporter 21 (11 January 1985): 9, 21.
23The many lives and stirring times of Thomas MertonSixteen years ago Thomas Merton died in Bangkok.Kinzie, Charles National Catholic Reporter 21 (11 January 1985): 9, 21.
24 At last, the authorized biography! Happily, it is authoritative as well.MacCormick, Chalmers Choice 22 (April 1985): 1148.
25 In this superb biography of America's most outstanding Catholic writer, we have, finally,Milord, James E. America 151 (24 November 1984): 346.
26 I have a confession to make.McCormick, Bill Catholic Agitator 15 (January 1985): 6.
27 While he lived, Thomas Merton's life was a mystery to many, including himself, and since his deathLabrie, Ross Canadian Catholic Review 10.6 (September 1985): 15295-16/296.
28Thomas Merton finds his BoswellThis astonishing book must be read to be believed.Lally, Francis J. Boston Sunday Globe (23 December 1984): A12-A13.
29 Any biography of Thomas Merton is bound to be controversial.Boucher, Norman Boston Review 10 (February 1985): 24.
30 I have read most of the published work of Thomas Merton.Steele, Springs Best Sellers 44.11 (February 1985): 421.
31Biographies Resurrect Merton's MemoryFrom his hermit's hut on the grounds of an isolated Kentucky monastery, Thomas MertonGraham, Keith Atlanta Constitution (16 December 1984): 19.
32Man Of Our CenturyThomas Merton was first of all a man, a man open to and filled with the anguish of our times. At ageGarner, Marilyn Antigonish Review [Nova Scotia] 62 & 63 (1986): 41-43.
33 In the unlikely event that a campaign is launched for the canonization of Thomas Merton,Shea, James M. Columbia 65 (April 1985): 16.
34Monk and MysticFascination with the life and character of Thomas Merton seems almost insatiable. It corresponds toAllchin, A. M. (Arthur Macdonald) Church Times [London] (24 January 1986): 4.
35The conflicts of an activist monkWith the publication in 1948 of his spiritual journey, The Seven Storey Mountain,Cooney, John USA Today (14 December 1984): 3D.
36 A year before his death in 1968, Thomas Merton set up a literary trust to look after theGrayston, Donald Edward Christian Century 102 (10 April 1985): 361-362.
37Coming to Terms with the Elusive MertonHe was, early in his religious life, a zealous convert and sturdy son of the church.Wilkes, Paul Catholic Observer (29 March 1985): 19.
38 The monastic rule of the Cistercian Order of the Strict Observance (Trappists) hadHettinger, John A. Courier-Journal [Louisville KY] 259 (31 December 1984): I9.
39 It is finally out, the authorized biography of Thomas Merton.Page, Rose Contemplative Review 18 (Spring 1985): 47.
40Merton as Writing MachineOften what we find troublesome in others and what we are so hasty to criticizeKramer, Victor A. Cross Currents 35.1 ( Spring 1985): 109-111.
41Biography follows the life of an unusual Trappist monkIt was no easy task: to write a 600-page book on the activism of a contemplative.LaBriola, Carrie Dayton Daily News (7 November 1985): 15.
42'Seven Mountains' portrays Merton as complex manThomas Merton chose a life devoted to God in solitude and prayer.Barnes, Michael Dayton Daily News (27 January 1985): 6-D.
43Two different views of the brilliant Thomas MertonAlthough 16 years have passed since a freak accident killed him inKenyon, Richard L. Milwaukee Journal (20 January 1985): E3.
44 This is a very good book, I think, and just possibly even a great one.King, John J., OMI Heythrop Journal 30 (April 1989): 217.
45Merton biography: shattering the idolThe Merton public has awaited this monument for 16 years, has been pointed byQuenon, Paul, Br., O.C.S.O. Lexington Herald-Leader (25 November 1984): F4.
46 Following Thomas Merton's accidental death in Bangkok in 1968, his longtime friendQuinlan, Kieran Georgia Review 39.2 (Summer 1985): 448-450.
47 It sometimes happens that a person, precisely because of his own unique combination of gifts, woundsFarmer, Robert Messenger [London] (May 1986): 25-26.
48Thomas Merton: the hermit as celebrityMichael Mott is the appointed biographer of Thomas Merton (1915-1968); hisDonnelly, John Los Angeles Times Book Review (30 December 1984).
49Merton and UsThe summer of 1969 I received a letter from a major northeaster university asking if ILester, Julius Katallagete 9.3 (Summer 1986): 7-14.
50Merton PortraitsThe apparent contradictions alone are enough to make Thomas Merton aBriggs, Kenneth A. New York Times (20 December 1984), Section C; Page 21, Column 1; Cultural Desk.
51Mountain MenIn 1948, one of the titles on the nonfiction roster of the New York publishingHubbard, Roberta Nothern Ohio Live (March 1985): 28-31.
52Bringing Words Out of SilenceIn early October, 1948, the firm of Harcourt, Brace in New YorkColes, Robert New York Times Book Review (23 December 1984): 1,19.
53A Man Outside All CategoriesDuring the six years he spent on his biography of Thomas MertonBruckner, D.J.R. New York Times Book Review (23 December 1984): 19.
54Thomas MertonAny list of great American Catholics is incomplete without one name: Thomas Merton.Finley, Mitch Our Sunday Visitor 73 (16 December 1984): 12,16.
55Thomas Merton: The Many Identities of a Spiritual SojournerAbout half way into Michael Mott's biography, The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton, I began listingForest, James H. Other Side 21 (July 1985): 62-64.
56The Merton EnigmaThe long-awaited "official biography" of the Trappist monk and writer Thomas Merton has finallyRice, Edward Parabola 10.1 (Spring 1985): 111-119.
57Merton: Passionate Prayer-WrestlerWe learned as children that the acronym ACTS sums up theLoesch, Juli Pax Christi [USA] 10 (June 1985): 28-29.
58Thomas Merton, the 'tramp of God'Thomas Merton took vows as a monk in the Cistercian Order of the StrictBeddow, Reid Plain Dealer [Cleveland] (25 November 1984): 18-P.
59Finding Virtue in MertonTo be designated the official biographer of Thomas Merton is like being blessed withHenry, Patrick Philadelphia Inquirer (23 December 1984): L1. LB.
60The Mystifying MonkThe fascination of Thomas Merton, Trappist monk and world-famous writer, lies partly in the eternal story of a sinner struggling to be a saint-Fuller, Edmund Wall Street Journal 65 (15 January 1985): 15.
61 Not as congenial or digestible as Monica Furlong's Merton (1980), this long, dense, quasi-official biography providesNo Author Listed Kirkus Reviews (15 September 1984).
62Thomas Merton's PilgrimageThis is an almost overwhelmingly complete biography of the famous Catholic Trappist monk and writer Thomas MertonRoss, Nancy Wilson Washington Post Book World (16 December 1984): 1, 14.
63Thomas Merton's Dynamic Center of CalmOn October 4, 1948 the New York firm of Harcourt, Brace publishedHughes, John Jay St. Louis Post-Dispatch (16 December 1984).
64 Thomas Merton, the Trappist monk from the Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani near Bardstown, Kentucky,Coughlin, Robert M. St. Anthony Messenger 93.7 (December 1985): 50-51.
65In spite of all, a real vocationThe sensation of reading these 670 pages is like that of swimming throughLevi, Peter Spectator 256.8222 (8 February 1986): 29-30.
66 After converting to Roman Catholicism, Thomas Merton (Father Louis), an almostRounds, G. Starr Spiritual Life 31.2 (Summer 1985): 109-111.
67A Solitude That Exploded On the WorldThomas Merton's death left a profound sense of loss.Hoover, Conrad C. Sojourners 14.4 (April 1985): 40-41.
68The Burgeoning Merton IndustryA colleague of mine regularly drops off for my perusal the proceedings of a societyLabrie, Ross Resources for American Literary Study 15.1 (Spring 1985): 49-59.
69Thoroughly mystical MertonIn 1949 I set out to save the world as a teacher in a poor Catholic elementary school in New York City.Unsworth, Tim Salt 5.8 [Chicago, IL] (October 1985):27-28.
70In BriefIn a way, all biographers compete with their subjects, but the biographer of a distinguished autobiographer facesFleming, John Saturday Review (November/December 1984).
71A genuine search for GodThomas Merton enthusiasts and devotees should be very pleased at the appearance of these three books.Blonigen, Frederick J. Reflections… The Wanderer Review of Literature, Culture, The Arts 4.2 (Spring 1985): 7.
72Michael Mott gave his all to biography of Thomas Merton"I've never worked so hard on anything," Michael Mott says emphatically, glancing at the bookcase in his small at-homeWilliams, Shirley Courier-Journal [Louisville, KY] (4 November 1984).
73Rising Above SilenceThe Cistercian monk Thomas Merton - FatherHebblethwaite, Peter Times Literary Supplement [London] 4338 (May 23 1986): 559.
74The Seven Mountains of Thomas MertonThis engrossing, well-researched biography is a suitable companion and supplementDiviney, Charles E. "From the Shelf".
75Thomas Merton: Writer, Monk and Complex ManThere are easier tasks in life than seeking God in a Trappist monasteryGuereschi, Edward Newsday.
76Review Symposium: Four PerspectivesAbout Thomas Merton I have two very strong convictions. One isCunningham, Lawrence S. Horizons 12.1 (Spr 1985): 147-150.
77Review Symposium: Four PerspectivesThomas Merton was obviously intrigued with the contours of geographyMalits, Elena, C.S.C. Horizons 12.1 (Spr 1985): 150-152.
78Review Symposium: Four PerspectivesOver a leisurely breakfast in Kentucky during his disciplined researchKilcourse, George Horizons 12.1 (Spr 1985): 153-154.
79Review Symposium: Four PerspectivesMichael Mott's The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton is written with unfailing grace.Padovano, Anthony T. Horizons 12.1 (Spr 1985): 154-157.
80Review Symposium: Authors ResponseThree of the four reviewers are experts on Merton with whom I have had long and animated conversationsMott, Michael Horizons 12.1 (Spr 1985): 157-160.
81Another Side of Trappist Thomas MertonThe visitor to Our Lady of Gethsemani Trappist monasteryLewis, Jim San Francisco Examiner (December 1, 1984): A9.
82Merton Bio "Rich, Rollicking"It is 571 pages long, and the notes, sources and bibliography nail on another 104 pagesKeller, Julia Columbia Dispatch (January 10, 1985).
83The Multifaceted Thomas Merton: Two Books Recall Religious WriterThere are so many Thomas Mertons - the Trappist monk, the poet,Tehan, Arline Boucher
84 Merton was a theologian who used autobiography as the major vehicle for his theological work.Grayston, Donald Edward Theological Studies 46.3 (September 1985): 561-562.
CSQ When Thomas Merton died some sixteen years ago the New York Times referred to him asBamberger, John Eudes, Dom, O.C.S.O. Cistercian Studies 20.1 (1985): 65-71; [see also "Bamberger" correspondence file for a draft of his review dated December 2, 1984].
SEASONAL-AllchinWhale of a BookThis, it must be confessed, a mountain of a book, almost seven hundred pages in all,Allchin, A. M. (Arthur Macdonald) Merton Seasonal 10:1 (Winter 1985): 4-5 [online: accessed March 7th, 2017].
SEASONAL-CarrAnti-Hero of Many FacesMichael Mott's authorized biography, The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton, is an arduousCarr, Virginia S. Merton Seasonal 10:4 (Fall 1985): 5-6 [online: accessed March 7th, 2017].
SEASONAL-CrewsBenchmark ReadingOne of the anecdotes around Catholic circles in Louisville a generation ago was about a lamentCrews, Clyde F. Merton Seasonal 10:1 (Winter 1985): 12-13 [online: accessed March 7th, 2017].
SEASONAL-ForestVarious IdentitiesAbout half way into Michael Mott's biography of Thomas Merton, I began listing various MertonForest, James H. Merton Seasonal 10:1 (Winter 1985): 16-18 [online: accessed March 7th, 2017].
SEASONAL-HaughtonTwo QuestionsReading Michael Mott's biography is a very strange and discomforting experience for anyone whoHaughton, Rosemary Merton Seasonal 10:1 (Winter 1985): 6-7 [online: accessed March 7th, 2017].
SEASONAL-LabrieMan in MotionWhen James Laughlin visited Vancouver a couple of years ago, he told me how much he missedLabrie, Ross Merton Seasonal 10:1 (Winter 1985): 14-15 [online: accessed March 7th, 2017].
SEASONAL-RiceTrivia GameBiography is a notoriously difficult discipline, and the exacting demands imposed on today'sRice, Edward Merton Seasonal 10:1 (Winter 1985): 8-10 [online: accessed March 7th, 2017].