The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Seven Storey Mountain

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas MertonIf you have not yet read this extraordinary and inspiring book that has brought peace andNo Author Listed Dust jacket (?).
02a Harcourt, Brace will publish The Seven Storey Mountain, an unusual autobiography by Thomas MertonNo Author Listed Press Cleveland, OH (29 June 1948).
02b "The Seven Storey Mountain" by Thomas Merton (Brother M. Louis) is the autobiography of a young man,No Author Listed News Newark NJ (1 February 1948).
02cBreaking Silence"The Seven Storey Mountain" (Harcourt. $3) is the autobiography of Thomas Merton. Of English andNo Author Listed Michigan Catholic (18 January 1948).
02d What are Chicago high school fellows and girls reading these days? Are they solely comic bookDaly, Sheila John Tribune Chicago, IL (17 July 1948).
02fWorld Left BehindHarcourt, Brace & Co. announce the publication on Aug 12 of 'The Seven Storey Mountain," by ThomasNo Author Listed News Detroit, MI (11 July 1948).
03aRenouncing the WorldThe poet Thomas Merton now tells the story of his life in "The Seven Storey Mountain," a symbolNo Author Listed New York Herald-Tribune (17 September 1948).
03bDecay and RenewalHow did it ever happen that, when the dregs of the world had collected in Western Europe, when GothNo Author Listed New York Times (3 October 1948).
03cThe Seven Storey MountainThomas Merton has written an account of what happened to one of the bright young men who maturedCheatham, Richard Carolina Quarterly (Fall 1948).
03dPublisher's RowAlthough mules are said to have only an academic interest in posterity, David Stern apparentlyNo Author Listed New York Times.
03eThe Seven Storey MountainAutobiographical account of a worldly, active, and intelligent young American who, at the age of 28,No Author Listed Retail Bookseller New York City (September 1948).
04aLife and Poems of a Trappist MonkBecause Thomas Merton's autobiography, "The Seven Storey Mountain" (the title refers to Dante'sGregory, Horace New York Times (3 October 1948): 4,33.
04bGeneralThe autobiography of a thirty-three year old poet who is also a Trappist monk in the monastery ofNo Author Listed New Yorker (9 October 1948).
04cThe Seven Storey MountainAutobiographical account of a worldly, active, and intelligent young American who, at the age of 28,No Author Listed Retail Bookseller (October 1948).
05aSoul of a PoetThe author of this autobiography is a young poet who, at the age of 26, entered the TrappistFarrelly, John New Republic (4 October 1948).
05bKingdom of SufferingIt has been my good fortune, over the past few years, to read and review the poetry of Thomas MertonWolfe, Ann F. Saturday Review of Literature 31 [New York] (9 October 1948): 30.
06aLibrary Column"Seven Story Mountain" is the autobiography of Thomas Merton, a convert to Catholicism, who enteredNo Author Listed Herald Natick, Mass (14 October 1948).
06bCahtolic Convert Finds His PeaceFrom a cell in the Trappist Monastery of Our Lady of Gethsemane in Kentucky comes the frank,Albert, Abby Courier-Journal [Louisville, KY] (10 October 1948).
06cLife of MertonThe autobiography of Thomas Merton, a brilliant young American and famous poet, is rather an intenseO'Brien, Frank Observer [Raleigh NC] (10 October 1948).
06dBooks at a GlanceExperiences of a young man of the world, a poet, a one-time Communist, who entered a TrappistNo Author Listed News San Francisco CA (22 October 1948).
07aBooksIn Bernanos' "Diary of a Country Priest," when a renegade cleric who has been asked by the dyingMiles, George Commonweal 49 (15 October 1948): 16.
07bEx-Red Turned Monk Writes Absorbing StoryIt is an autobiography of a young man now a monk in the Order of the Cistercians of the StrictNo Author Listed News Cleveland, OH (20 October 1948).
07cMerton's Flight from a World of TrivialitiesThis is the autobiography of a man who was town between a lobe of worldly pleasures and a hunger forBarry, Edward Chicago Tribune (17 October 1948).
08aOctober SelectionThe Seven Storey Mountain is the autobiography of Thomas Merton, a convert to Catholicism, who isStephen McKenna, C.S.S.R. Best Sellers [Scranton, PA] 8 (15 October 1948): 146.
08bStory of Life In Trappist MonasteryIn 1941, when he was 26 Years old, Thomas Merton, son of a well known artist, and himself a giftedFuess, Claude M. Herald Boston, Mass (24 October 1948).
08cA Poet's Testimonial of A Profound ExperienceThomas Merton, a young religious of the austere Cistercian order, commonly known as the TrappistsBlack, John S. Post-Dispatch Saint Louis MO (31 October 1948).
09aOn the Road to GethsemaniIt seems odd that people should be writing the story of their lives while still in their teens andShuster, George N. New York Herald Tribune (24 October 1948).
09bA Poet Finds Salvation In ReligionAn autobiography to be worth reading must not only detail the things the author did but must revealFender, George W. Times Herald Dallas, TX (21 November 1948).
09cThe Seven Storey MountainThis autobiography of a young man in search of God is a kind of "Hound in Heaven" in prose. ItMcGarey, Mary Star Washington DC (28 November 1948). M. McG.
09d Rather in the style of St. Augustine's confessions is Seven Story Mountain by Thomas Merton, a youngNo Author Listed Herald Syracuse NY (14 November 1948).
10aNot only from the pewsIf there must come "art from the pews," and there must, we hope that it is not for the reasonsDigby, Fred America (6 November 1948).
10b This is a portentous book because the author with his candid camera has not only made in hisNo Author Listed America (13 November 1948).
10cThe Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas MertonAs Dante climbed the Mount of Purgatory, at each stage he was freed from the burden of one of theDavenport, Basil Book of the Month (November 1948).
10dMerton, ThomasAutobiography of a young American poet, who, after, his conversion to Roman Catholicism entered theMiles, George; G.D. McDonald, Horace Gregory, and A.F. Wolfe Book Review Digest; excerpts from reviews by George Miles, GD McDonald, Horace Gregory, and AF Wolfe.
11aA Trappist Monk Recalls His Life as Worldy PoetThis is the autobiography of a cosmopolite and a true child of our century who, after tasting theNo Author Listed Journal Milwaukee Wis (14 November 1948).
11bTrappist: Young Poet Writes a Life Toward GraceThis is the autobiography of the 33-year-old Trappist monk whose poetry has excited a good deal ofW.T.S. Journal Providence, RI (28 November 1948). W.T.S.
11cFinds Spiritual Solace in Too Material WorldIt is most heartening in these evil days of slipshod writing and superficial thinking to come uponJoseph Immaculate, Sr. Brooklyn Daily Eagle (14 November 1948).
11dThe Seven Storey MountainThis contribution to the history of religious experience should interest many readers because of itsNo Author Listed News Detroit, MI (14 November 1948).
11eThe Seven Storey MountainSpectacular autobiography of conversion of young worldling, now a Trappist and one of our greatestNo Author Listed Catholic Messenger Davenport Iowa (4 November 1948).
11f Another autobiographical study set in the period between two wars is the distinctive "the SevenNo Author Listed Patriot Ledger (3 November 1948).
12a Poet Thomas Merton, now a Trappist monk, lent poetic excitement to his autobiographical account of aNo Author Listed Time Magazine (20 December 1948).
12bModern AugustineSaint Augustine was 40 years old when he turned from his worldly ways to God. Thomas Merton was onlyRegan, Emmett T. News Chicago, IL (29 December 1948).
12cBooks--Old and NewIn the world he is known as Thomas Merton, a young poet who writes with lucidity and grace. InTempleton, Lucy News Sentinel Knoxville, TN (21 November 1948).
13aLife of a MonkLiterary prospectors will discover some precious metal in Thom Merton's autobiography. TrappistHanlon, Frank Bulletin Philadelphia PA (19 December 1948).
13bMerton, ThomasThirty-three years ago, to an English artist-father and an American Quaker mother, was born ThomasNo Author Listed Guidepost Cincinnati, OH (December 1948).
13cThe Seven Storey MountainDante's seven-circled mountain of Purgatory suggested the title for Thomas Merton's autobiography.J.V. San Francisco CA (12 December 1948). J.V.
13d A book describing one man's transition from lack of faith to a condition of religious peace isNo Author Listed Vindicator Youngstown O (19 December 1948).
13e Those who are sometimes suspicious of best seller lists may be interested to know that theNo Author Listed New York World-Telegram (21 December 1948).
13f Catholic readers will not want to pass over Thomas Merton's "Seven Storey Mountain" (Harcourt, $3),No Author Listed Evening News Buffalo, NY (11 December 1948).
14aSpeaking of BooksLast week's column was, not inappropriately, devoted in past to a backward look, with a measure ofDonald Adams, J.
14b'Only the brave can live alone'Thomas Merton, poet, Catholic convert and Trappist monk, at 33 has written his autobiography, aSupple, James O. Chicago Sun [Chicago, IL] (28 December 1948).
14cFrom World of SilenceOut of the centuries-laden silence of a Trappist monastery has come a new book as modern as aWilliams, George M. Post Denver Colo (2 January 1949).
14dMerton, Thomas, OCSOAcclaimed by Monsignor Fulton [] century form of the Confessions of [] biographical document of theNo Author Listed Catholic Booklist Rosary College River Forest, IL (1949).
14e Thomas Merton's "The Seven Storey Mountain" is the autobiography of a young man who led a full andNo Author Listed Dispatch Herald (2 January 1949).
15aThe Silence and the GoldEvery season has its surprise hits, and possibly the most surprising of them, in the semester justNo Author Listed New York Herald-Tribune (9 January 1949).
15bArtist's SonThis autobiography of an artist's son who, at 26, became a Trappist monk is unusual, moving--andMcFadden, Elizabeth News Newark NJ (2 January 1949).
15cPoet Turns TrappistThis book, which has earned the praises of Evelyn Waugh, Clare Booth Luce, Monsignor Fulton J. SheenAherne, Daniel E. Courant Hartford Conn (2 January 1949).
15d Thomas Merton's "Seven Storey Mountain" has sold 70,000 copies to date according to J. Donald AdamsNo Author Listed Monitor San Francisco, CA (14 January 1949).
15e The new non-fiction books at the public library include: "The Seven Storey Mountain" by ThomasNo Author Listed Tribune LaCrosse Wisc (13 January 1949).
15fPoet and MonkThomas Merton, the poet and Trappist monk whose autobiography, "Seven Storey Mountain," is now nearNo Author Listed New York Herald-Tribune (2 February 1949).
15gOdds and Ends....Another new printing of 25,000 copies of "The Seven Storey Mountain," by Thomas Merton--theNo Author Listed Chronicle San Francisco, CA (5 February 1949).
15hRemarkable BookReaders of this page may remember in this column, a long and enthusiastic review of The Seven StoreyNo Author Listed News Sentinel Knoxville, TN (6 February 1949).
16aSeven Story MountainA very unusual autobiography of a young American who after being thoroughly immersed in the world,No Author Listed State Columbia SC (13 February 1949).
16bNon-FictionSeven Story Mountain is an outstanding autobiography of Thomas Merton, who entered a TrappistNo Author Listed Facts Redland, CA (4 February 1949).
16c Thomas Merton, the young Trappist monk and poet whose autobiography, "The Seven Storey Mountain,"No Author Listed New York Times (3 February 1949).
16dThe Seven Storey MountainAutobiography of a modern Augustine who, after fumbling with Communism and sipping the superficialNo Author Listed Globe Boston, Mass (6 March 1949).
16eNon-FictionThe autobiography of a young man who led a full and worldly life, and then, at the age ofNo Author Listed Reporter Berlin NH (17 February 1949).
16f"The Seven Story Mountain" by Thomas MertonThis is a striking story of a young American who lived a full and worldly life and then, at the ageNo Author Listed News Milford, Mass (15 February 1949).
16gSeven Storey MountainA young man of the world became a Trappist monk in a Kentucky monastery, Seven years later, at theNo Author Listed Jrl Transcript Franklin, NH (17 March 1949).
16hAutobiography Hits Best-Selling StrideHarcourt, Brace & Co. announces that another new printing of 25,000 copies of "The Seven StoreyNo Author Listed News Detroit, MI (27 February 1949).
16iThe Seven Storey MountainAutobiography of a modern Augustine, who, after fumbling with Communism and sipping the superficialNo Author Listed Publishers Weekly (26 February 1949).
17aA Man Who Found An Ardent FaithOf "The Seven Storey Mountain" (the title comes from Dante's depiction of Purgatory as a seven-Kenny, Herbert A. Post Boston, Mass (16 January 1949).
17b Thomas Merton's The Seven Story Mountain (Harcourt $3.00) continues to astound the booksellers andNo Author Listed Commonweal (25 February 1949).
17cBook CommentsThere are some outstanding fiction and non-fiction books now on display at the Middlesex Drug storeNo Author Listed Stoneham Independent [Stoneham, MA] (3 March 1949).
17d As this week is Catholic Book Week it is an appropriate time to call attention to another 1948 bookNo Author Listed Herald Rutland, VT (22 February 1949).
17eThe Seven Storey Mountain"The Seven Storey Mountain," written by Thomas Merton and published by Harcourt, Brace & Co., is theDarsie, Darsie L. Herald Express Los Angeles CA (9 March 1949).
17f A manuscript of Thomas Merton's "The Seven Storey Mountain," the Trappist monk's autobiography whichNo Author Listed Journal Milwaukee (March 1949).
18aFor This No-Church's LandWilliam James would have found ample documentation for his "Varieties of Religious Experience in theMiller, Kenneth D.
18bThe Seven Storey MountainStrange though it may seem to the average modern, this autobiography of a twentieth centuryNo Author Listed Catholic Register Sacramento, CA (27 March 1949).
19aThe Reading GlassCan we believe the best seller lists? A free for all literary slugfest is raging in New York overNo Author Listed Journal Milwaukee, WI (27 March 1949).
19bThomas Merton, Trappist Monk, Offers Fine Document of ConversionLast December, a book, written by a young Trappist monk, was published and reviewed, but receivedNo Author Listed Vallejo, CA (10 April 1949).
19cThat Hardy Perennial, "Best Sellers," in the News Againnew York, March 26--"What d'ya mean, 'best seller?'" asks the Saturday Review of Literature, and theNo Author Listed Cleveland Plain Dealer (27 March 1949).
20aThe Seven Storey MountainFrom a bare cell in Gethsemani, Kentucky, a book has come out from a man who has foresworn speech asE.Y. Chronicle Augusta, GA (24 April 1949). E.Y.
20b A highly interesting account of mental and spiritual development from youth to manhood is furnishedNo Author Listed Think New York City (May 1949).
20c I asked about the new items on the Harcourt Brace list, and it appears that Thomas Merton is writingNo Author Listed Times Herald Dallas, TX (1 May 1949).
20dThe Seven Storey MountainThe descriptive title of Thomas Merton's autobiography is borrowed from Dante's image of Purgatory.No Author Listed Virginia Quarterly Review Charlottesville, VA (summer 1949).
20eThe Inner LifeFor weeks Thomas Merton's The Seven Storey Mountain has headed the list of non-fiction best sellers.Templeton, Lucy News-Sentinel Knoxville, TN (1 May 1949).
20fThomas Merton, Author, Becomes Trappist PriestLouisville, May 26--In a solemn ceremony of the Roman Catholic Church, Thomas Merton, author of theNo Author Listed New York Times (27 May 1949).
21aThe Monastic LifeMany a man has heard the distant call of monastic life. I have heard it myself no only on visits toNo Author Listed Atlantic (May 1949).
21bSt. Irene's Guild Members Hear Mrs. Rudkin ReviewAssembling in the dining room at the home of Mrs. Ernest J. Woelfel of Summit avenue, Peabody, justNo Author Listed Telegram-News Lynn, Mass (8 May 1949).
21cAn Autobiography of a Religious ManOccasionally a book slips by one with insufficient attention when it first appears. Such is ThomasNo Author Listed Spokesman Review Spokane, Wash (17 July 1949).
21d "The Seven Storey Mountain" is the autobiography of Thomas Merton who entered a Trappist monasteryNo Author Listed Union Bulletin Walla Walla Wash (26 June 1949).
21eThe Seven Storey MountainThomas Merton has written about his mental and spiritual development from youth to manhood. HisNo Author Listed Argonaut San Francisco, CA (10 June 1949).
21f As a companion volume to "the Seven Storey Mountain," by Thomas Merton, Harcourt, Brace will releaseNo Author Listed Enterprise Riverside CA (22 August 1949).
21gThe Seven Storey MountainThis is an autobiography of a young man whose life moves from Cambridge and Columbia universities toNo Author Listed Monitor & NH Patriot Concord NH (22 June 1949).
21hMerton Adds Volume to His AutobiographyA companion volume to Thomas Merton's now famous autobiography, "The Seven Storey Mountain," will beNo Author Listed News Detroit, MI (28 August 1949).
22a"The Seven Storey Mountain"high on the best-seller lists these days is an amazing book, "The Seven Storey Mountain." by oneNo Author Listed Press Gleaner Glendora, CA (20 April 1949).
22bWhat is Happening?The best selling non-fiction book is The Greatest Story Ever Told by Fulton Oursler. The next best-No Author Listed Catholic Mirror (June 1949).
22cThe CloisterAfter the dismaying neurosis of much of the serious writing from contemporary America, this accountNo Author Listed News Review London England.
22dMerton's Novel Hits Success In Third AttemptNew York -- (CPA) -- When Thomas Merton, author of the best-selling The Seven Storey Mountain tookNo Author Listed Catholic Messenger Davenport IA (8 September 1949).
22e Thomas Merton's non-fiction work, the best-selling Seven Storey Mountain, has been published inNo Author Listed Chronicle Augusta, GA (2 October 1949).
23aMerton, Thomas"To a Protestant, this book is a mixed blessing. As an autobiography it has in it the search for theWeeks, Edward; J.O. Supple Book Review Digest (August 1949).
23bThe Reading HourThe most active and exuberant of people have moments when the contemplative life has its charms. InBanes, Louise Parks Bakersfield, CA (14 May 1949).
23c There was no outstanding literary or publishing success in 1949, nothing remotely approaching "GoneNo Author Listed News Week (12 December 1949).
24a We still think that if one wants to learn something of Catholicism he will find a much moreNo Author Listed Press Glendora CA (4 November 1949).
24bIrish House Adds to BoardPlanning expansion of business Irish publishers Clonmore and Reynolds, who handled the Irish editionNo Author Listed Variety New York City (October).
24cBooks and AuthorsIf publishers have any idea about what America wants to read--and if they didn't they would be outDedmon, Emmett Chicago Sun (1949).
24dBooks for Catholic ReadersThe autobiography of Thomas Merton, a mundane, young intellectual who after fully immersing himselfHartung, Marguerite Advance Burlingame, CA (24 November 1949).
24eThe Seven Storey Mountainboth by Rev. Fr. Thomas Merton, are recommended to those who may wish to understand how one manNo Author Listed Press Cleveland OH (6 December 1949).
24fJoy Through PrayerPrayer, the act of loving converse with our Maker, is the one occupation that brings greatest joy toNo Author Listed America (November).
25aMerton Wins AwardThe Golden Book Award of the Catholic Writers Guild of America for the best nonfiction volume by aNo Author Listed Times Indianapolis IN (29 January 1950).
25b Thomas Merton's best-selling autobiography, "The Seven Storey Mountain," which was recentlyNo Author Listed Journal Atlanta, GA (8 January 1950).
25cSeven Story MountainA significant account of the spiritual journey of a thoroughly modern young man to his eventual andNo Author Listed Herald Boston, MA (19 February 1950).
25dWhat's Heaven Like?Spiritual geographers seem to have learned nothing new on the subject in the last three quarters ofNo Author Listed Michigan Catholic Detroit MI (12 January 1950).
25eBest Seller TranslationsThomas Merton's autobiography, "The Seven Story Mountain," best seller, has been translated intoNo Author Listed Press Cleveland OH (8 January 1950).
25f Thomas Merton's two books, "Seven Storey Mountain" and "The Waters of Siloe" are also excellentNo Author Listed Californian Bakersfield, CA (18 March 1950).
25gElected SilenceIt's author, Thomas Merton, has the unusual distinction of being the author of two books which areNo Author Listed News Jackson Miss (15 January 1950).
25h Thomas Merton's best-selling autobiography, "The Seven Storey Mountain," has recently been publishedNo Author Listed Times Los Angeles, CA (9 January 1950).
26aNotes on the MarginJust published as a Modern Library Giant as $2.45 is Saint Augustine's "the City of God" with aNo Author Listed Chronicle San Francisco, CA (8 June 1950).
26b "Seven Storey Mountain" by Thomas Merton is an autobiography of Father M. Louis, as he is known inNo Author Listed Hillsboro Argus [Hillsboro, Ore] (4 May 1950).
26c"The Seven Story Mountain" by Thomas MertonThe famous story of a man who at 26 gave up a luxurious, carefree life for the drabber but moreNo Author Listed News Newark, NJ (6 August 1952).
26dNotes on the MarginTo appear in February is a book called "Roman Road," in which an Englishman, George Lamb, inspiredNo Author Listed Chronicle San Francisco, CA.
27Of Many ThingsWhen Harcourt Brace reissued four months ago Thomas Merton's The Seven Storey Mountain in a 50thSamway, Patrick H. America 180.5 (20 February 1999): 2.
28The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas MertonThe book called the Confessions of St. Augustine is celebrated in world literature as the firstMcCarthy, Abigail Q. Orate Fratres 23 (20 February 1949): 187-189.
29Autobiography of a SoulThe autobiography of Thomas Merton, a mundane, young intellectual who after fully immersing himselfJones, V.L. Phylon 10.2 (2nd Qtr 1949): 174-175.
30The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas MertonThis is a portentous book because the author with his candid camera has not only made in hisLowrie, Walter Theology Today 6.4 (January 1950): 567.
31Classic ReturnsHarcourt is pulling out all the stops for this 50th-anniversary edition of Merton's spiritualRogers, Michael Library Journal 123.14 (1 September 1998): 224.
32Taste -- Houses of Worship Merton's Storied ClassicFifty years ago this Sunday, a book appeared that told of a young man who had embraced and rejectedPowers, Elizabeth Wall Street Journal (2 October 1998): W14.
33Twentieth-century AugustineThomas Merton, after living in ten years what most men live in thirty, entered the TrappistHart, Hubert N. America 80 (16 October 1948): 47-48.
34Exciting Autobiography Condemns ModernismIn the winter of 1935 a young Columbia University student names Tom Merton was attending CommunistMagaret, Helene Books on Trial 7 (October-November 1948): 133, 144.
35UnexpurgatedAll publishers make mistakes sometimes. It seems as though the Sheldon Press (whose recentAllchin, A. M. (Arthur Macdonald) Church Times [London] (26 December 1975): 6.
36Beyond HumiliationAt the last judgment it will not be embarrassing to have our sins made public, nor will theJackson, Carol Integrity 3 (october 1948): 43-44.
37A gripping story of God's grace and a soul in search of itselfWhen Thomas Merton's The Seven Storey Mountain was published in 1948, it was not greeted withStephenson, John B. Lexington Herald-Leader (2 February 1992): F4.
38High SpiritsGeorge Woodcock and the late Thomas Merton are both of them copious and fluent writers and theirCameron, J.M. New York Review of Books 26 (27 September 1979): 25-26.
39The voice of contemplationMerton's the Seven Storey Mountain, which first appeared in this country 30 years ago under theToynbee, Philip Observer [London] (12 March 1978): review section.
40Years of SilenceThe recent hegira in Western society, especially of the young, to sit at the feet of oriental gurus,McCulloch, Joseph Times [London] (18 December 1975): 22.
41Creative EndeavourThe Seven Storey Mountain, Thomas Merton's account of his early life in America, France and EnglandFawcett, Sarah Tablet [London] 230 (7 February 1976): 140.
42A Study in RedemptionThomas Merton is more than an American: he is a monk, and one who has been brought to the FaithEvans, Illtud, O.P. Catholic World 170 (October 1949): 71-71.
43 Few books in our day have been so eagerly awaited as this autobiography of a thirty-three-year oldConnolly, Francis Xavier Catholic World (November 1948): 167-168.
44Mystics Among UsIn two perceptive, quietly stirring books published this week, an old and a young American gaveNo Author Listed Time Magazine 52.25 (11 October 1948): 87-89.
45The Complete Twentieth-Century ManThe extraordinary success of Thomas Merton's autobiography, The Seven Storey Mountain, owes asConnolly, Francis Xavier Thought 24 (March 1949): 10-14.
46 The young American poet here details the story of his life from his birth in 1915 to the present dayJustin, Brother, F.S.C. Catholic Library World 20 (January 1949): 134.
47 This is the autobiography of Thomas Merton, a convert to Catholicism, who is now a Trappist priestNo Author Listed Best Sellers 12 (1 June 1952): 52.
48Within Merton/Merton WithinOne of the most haunting phrases in Thomas Merton's writings is a passage in The Seven StoreyForest, James H. U.S. Catholic (April 2000): 22-23, 25.
49 In this time and culture few persons are born to the ways of asceticism and Christian mysticism.J.J.W. Carroll Quarterly 2 (Fall-Winter 1948): 40-42.
50 Today we are beginning to gather our converts from Communism and so-called Liberalism.Bregy, Katherine Sign 28 (November 1948): 59.
51Thomas Merton, '37, Tells How He Became A Trappist Monk."The Seven Storey Mountain," one of the top ten best sellers in the non fiction field for the past several weeks,Finkelstein, Mike Columbia Spectator 71.86 (February 24, 1949): 6.
52Spiritual SagaOne theme runs through ThomasCameron-Brown, Aldhelm O.S.B. Times Literary Supplement [London] 3870 (May 14 1976): 591.
53Merton Book is a Portrait of a 'Successful Man'In the years since the war biography and autobiographyGilligan, John Joyce Catholic Telegraph (February 25, 1949).