The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Silent Lamp

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01 For those with no prior knowledge of Merton and for whom Merton symbolizes the best sort ofLichtenberg, Carol J. Library Journal 117.5 (15 March 1992): 93.
02 The latest unnecessary biography of our century's most garrulous monk, by the Rochester priestNo Author Listed Kirkus Reviews (15 February 1992).
03 The central issue William Shannon explores in his biography of Thomas Merton is,Burton-Christie, Douglas Horizons 20.2 (Fall 1993): 369-370.
04In Search of Thomas MertonIt is difficult to identify another twentieth-century American religious figure who has generatedKountz, Peter J. Catholic Historical Review 78.4 (October 1992): 615-620.
05Monk for our timeIt will be 25 years this December since Thomas Merton's sudden death by electrocution while takingForest, James H. Tablet [London] 247 (13 November 1993): 1491-1492.
06 Merton has become a modern guru and has generated a huge interest in his life, writings and work.Campbell, James Month [London] 26 (May 1993): 198.
07More holy peopleHis book is a nice balance of biographical information and close reading of Merton's major texts.Cunningham, Lawrence S. Commonweal 120.3 (12 February 1993): 24.
08 This is a wonderful biography of Thomas Merton, told simply but compellingly.Deeley, Mary Booklist [Chicago, IL] 88.14 (15 March 1992): 1318.
09The sin of the worldOnce the monastic life was a penance; today, it looks like running away from the world's troubles.No Author Listed Economist 323.7775 (18 April 1992): 91-92.
10 William Shannon, a priest of the diocese of Rochester, was the first president of the InternationalHeiser, William Charles, S.J. Theology Digest 39.4 (Winter 1992): 384.
11 In Silent Lamp: The Thomas Merton Story, Msgr. William H. Shannon, first president of theSamway, Patrick H. America 166.10 (28 Maarch 1992): 255.
12 First, a brief chronology. Tom Merton was born in 1915 in the southBrady, Ray The Furrow 44.5 (May 1993): 324-25.
13Bogaty Mlodzieniec I Jego ZeszytyPisana w latach II wojny swiatowej autobiografia Tomasza Mertona,Chmielewski, Wojciech W Drodze 5.369 (2004): 76-81.
14Znak MertonaLegenda bohatera tej ksiazki poteznieje, choc od jegoMaslon, Krzysztof Plus Minus/Rzeczpospolita (11-12 January 2002): A12.
15Book offers good introduction to MertonSilent Lamp's author needs no introduction to Catholic Courier readers.Bochen, Christine M. Catholic Courier [Rochester, NY] (9 July 1992): 7.
16'Silent Lamp' gives fresh look at MertonEvery time I see that another book has been written about Thomas Merton, I wonder why.Olszewski, Brian T. Catholic Transcript (3 July 1992): 20.
17Mapping the Inner JourneyAs general editor of Thomas Merton's collected letters, William Shannon is in anGrayston, Donald Edward Christian Spirituality Bulletin 1.2 (Fall 1993): 30.
18 Silent Lamp is the name given to Merton by the Chinese scholar John C. H. Wu.Williams, Joan, O.C.D. Living Prayer 25.6 (November-December 1992): 32.
19 Thomas Merton, writer, monk, man of faith, stood out from his contemporaries over a period of twentyBrady, Ray Furrow [Ireland] 44.5 (May 1993): 325-326.
20Silent Lamp: The Thomas Merton StoryThis book seems to me a real gem.Goodwin-O'Neal, Beth Eremos [Australia] (November 1994): 28-33.
21 The Thomas Merton story has been told, recast, and retold numerous times --Del Prete, Thomas Andrew New Oxford Review 59 (November 1992): 28-30.
22A guide in the search for GodYes, there is another Thomas Merton book out, and yes, weSupik, Wilma Record [Hackensack, NJ] (24 April 1992): 5.
23Merton: 'Universal Person' Who Spoke to a Common HumanityANOTHER BIOGRAPHY of Thomas Merton? Why, you may ask, isFinley, Mitch St. Anthony Messenger 100 (May 1992): 50.
24 In what he calls a "reflective biography," Shannon, a priest and Merton scholar, focuses on significantStuttaford, Genevieve Publishers Weekly (10 February 1992): 68.
25Thomas Merton: A Model For Our TimesWilliam Shannon, the undisputed dean of Thomas Merton scholars,Weber, Richard [Columban], O.C.S.O. Courier Journal (April 18, 1992).
26 It is twenty-five years since Merton's death and, as A. M. Allchin says in a ForewordHaggart, Alastair Theology 97.775 (1994): 68-69.
ANNUAL William H. Shannon calls Thomas Merton "easily the most important and influential writer on theKline, Francis, O.C.S.O. Merton Annual 6: 208- 214 [online].
CSQTrappistianaReaders of Cistercian Studies Quarterly are already familiar with Monsignor William Shannon'sHart, Patrick, Br., O.C.S.O. Cistercian Studies 28.1 (1993): 35-36.
SEASONAL-CarrLighting the WayThis is a book that equals and even surpasses the glowing comments on its jacket by Merton friendsCarr, Anne E. Merton Seasonal 17:3 (Summer 1992): 8-10.
SEASONAL-MontaldoReflecting the LightIf only Robert Daggy, before sending me a review copy of William H. Shannon's Silent Lamp: TheMontaldo, Jonathan Merton Seasonal 17:3 (Summer 1992): 10-14.