The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Silent Life

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01The Silent Lifea Catholic monk, who is one of the foremost interpreters of his faith to the layman, writes a shortNo Author Listed Publishers' Weekly (3 December 1956).
02aNoted Novelist Reveals Secrets of Monastic LifeMerton, who wrote "the Seven Storey Mountain," maintains that the monastic life is experiencing itsScratch, Patty Citizen Hollywood CA (4 January 1957).
02bThe Silent LifeBeginning with his widely read autobiography, "The Seven Storey Mountain" in 1948, Thomas Merton,Sweeney, Anne Banner Nashville, TN (4 January1957).
02cThe Silent Life"Because of Thomas Merton," Evelyn Waugh has said, "America is discovering the monastic life and itsCamillus, M. Globe Sioux City, Iowa (3 January 1957).
03aThomas merton Casts Light on Monastic LifeComing from the busy pen of Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk, this slender volume throws light uponO'Brien, John A. Chicago Sunday Tribune (6 January 1957): 8.
03bThomas merton Tells Aspects of Monastic LifeThis is just the book for persons who have wondered about monks and monastic life. "A monk is a manKramer, Richard Neil New Sentinel Fort Wayne, IN (5 January 1957).
03cBy A Monk--About All Monks"The Silent Life" is by one who abandoned the fleshpots of Greenwich Village and the intellectualHabich, William News Journal Pensacola Florida (6 January 1957).
03dDiscourse on MonasticismIn modern American society the idea of a man shutting himself up in a monastery is considered odd,Scardino, Katherine M. News Savannah, GA (6 January 1957).
04aPortrait of a MonkThe story of people finishing the last page of Thomas Merton's The Seven Storey Mountain and hoppingRushton, Frederick L. Telegram Worcester, MA (6 January 1957).
04bMonastic LifeThe Silent Life, by Thomas Merton (Farrar, Strauss and Cudahy; $3.50), is a new book by the TrappistNo Author Listed Star Washington DC (8 January 1957).
04c Also recent and worthy: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy: "The Silent Life," by Thomas Merton ($3.50), anNo Author Listed New York Times (13 January 1957).
04dMerton Again Extolls Cloistered Life of MonkOn a day that produces John Keats' fusillade into the wallow of mediocrity that claims so many of usNo Author Listed New York World Telegram (17 January 1957).
04eMerton, Thomas. A Man in the Divided Sea. 1946After a discussion of the spiritual principles on which the monastic life is grounded the TrappistNo Author Listed Booklist [Chicago, IL] 53 (15 January 1957): 237.
04fMerton, ThomasEvelyn Waugh has observed that America is discovering the monastic life and its meaning because ofWassmer, Thomas A., S.J., PhD Best Sellers 16 (15 January 1957): 355-356.
04gThe Silent LifeA brief but lucid exposition of the life purpose of a monk by a Catholic monk who is one of theNo Author Listed Journal Providence, RI (13 January 1957).
04hReligionthis rarely told story of the monastic life is a simply written explanation of monasticism, itsNo Author Listed Herald Tribune New York City (13 January 1957).
05aPilgrimage Of the SpiritThe bristling Latin quotations, references to the Church Scriptures give the pages of this book aC. Times Herald Dallas, TX (20 January 1957). C.
05bSeeking God In Solitude"To sit in a room where everything is so still that one can hear a grain of sand fall, andBrewer, James Pilot Norfolk, VA (20 January 1957).
05cHe Now Writes As a MysticMysticism has a history as long as the available record of man's thoughts. It is no wonder that itMarchand, LaFayette L. Globe Boston, MA (20 January 1957).
05dThe Silent LifeAnyone in America who has ever tried to gather information concerting the customs and practices ofLanglois, R.L. Ave Maria 85 (26 January 1957): 587.
05eMeditation Is What Makes Monastery GoThomas Merton's short narrative on St. Benedictine Monasteries will be remembered by Christians andHosea, Fred Times Herald Dallas, TX (20 January 1957).
05f A monk himself, Thomas Merton writes of monastic life in "The Silent Life." He describes the twoNo Author Listed Times Los Gatos, CA (30 January 1957).
05g America, it is said, is discovering the monastic life and its meaning through Thomas Merton. FatherNo Author Listed Press Telegram Long Beach CA (3 February 1957).
05hMonastic LifeIn the first book of its kind to appear in English, this is the full story of monastic life--of theM. Avertiser Montgomery, AL (17 February 1957). M.
06aMonastic Regime As Lived TodayWith depth of perception, Thomas Merton explains the meaning of the monastic life. To thoseHansen, Ann N. Dispatch Columbus, OH (24 February 1957).
06b There is a wealth of information to be found in these two books on the theory and practice ofHayes, Vincent de Paul America 96 (23 February 1957): 587; incomplete copy.
06cOrigins And Rules Of MonksIn a neat brown volume illustrated with photographs of monks and hermits at their labors orFrayser, Louise C. Times Dispatch Richmond, VA (17 February 1957).
07aMr. Merton Studies Life of 'Silence'Father Merton has contributed as enlightening and informative book in "The Silent Life." He explainsMeadowcroft, Doris News Charleston SC (24 February 1957).
07bTrappist Monk Writes Book to Explain Monastic Life to LaymenThomas Merton, who should be eminently qualified on the subject, being a Trappist monk, has writtenRecord, Pat Star Ft Worth, TX (25 February 1957).
07cThe Silent LifeMonastic life is experiencing its greatest revival since the Middle Ages. Mr. Merton, a monk himselfNo Author Listed Gazette Middleboro, MA (28 February 1957).
07dThomas Merton Pens Good Account of Monastic LifeTo the countless Americans who have become interested in the monastic life and its meaning throughL.M. Standard New Bedford, MA (24 February 1957). L.M.
08aThe Silent LifeThis book combines the meditative spirit of the Seeds of Contemplation with the historical researchCrowley, Richard C. Sign 36 (March 1957): 65-66.
08bThomas Merton Authors Meditation On Monastic LifeWhat is a monk? "A monk," says Thomas Merton in this his latest book, "is a man who has been calledLaBranche, Ernest E. Catholic Free Press (29 March 1957).
08cThe Silent LifeThe monastic life, undergoing an unprecedented revival, is fully explained here by one who knows itKlein, Francis A. Globe-Democrat St Louis MO (13 May 1957).
08d'Silent Life' Shows How 'Spirit Is Made Flesh'The monastic life is a puzzling one to most persons. They not only do not understand it, they findMillen, Pauline Des Moines Sunday Register (10 March 1957).
08eBooks--AuthorsBooks about and by Thomas Merton, the Trappist monk, are on Farrar, Straus & Cudahy's publicationNo Author Listed New York Times (13 October 1956).
09aMonastic Life In Today's WorldThe jacket blurb is correct in noting that the monastic life is today experiencing its mostEberle, Luke, O.S.B. Presbyterian Action (July 1957).
09bReligion Revealed in SilenceThe Carthusians, the most intransigent of the many monastic order, have, says Thomas Merton, "anLaFarge, John, S.J. Saturday Review 40 (18 May 1957): 39.
09cMerton, ThomasEven to many spiritual persons the lives of monks seem wasted, and so Thomas Merton's beautifulHeiser, William Charles, S.J. Booklist Chicago, IL (8 December 1956).
09dThe Silent LifeBeautifully printed, and with lovely photographs, this is Father Merton's account, for laymen, ofNo Author Listed Episcopal Church News (3 March 1957).
09eTrappist Explains The Search for GodFather Thomas Merton of the Trappist monastery of Our Lady of Gethsemani, Kentucky, has writtenBarbour, Thomas Tennessean Nashville, TN (13 May 1957).
10aLife in Monastery Impressively Told By Thomas MertonEvelyn Waugh has written that America is discovering the monastic life and its meaning because ofRousseau-Evans, Blanche Sun Jackson, TN (14 July 1957).
10bThe Silent LifeThis volume is a work on the monastic life written by the well-known poet and Trappist monk whoseNo Author Listed Virginia Kirkus Bulletin 24 (1 December 1956): 883.
11By A Monk--About All Monks"The Silent Life" is by one who abandoned the fleshpots of Greenwich Village and the intellectualHabich, William Courier Journal (6 January 1957).
12 In these two works Father Merton treats of the monastic life under rather different aspects.MacGregor, George Irish Ecclesiastical Record 90 (September 1958): 210-211.
13 "O Happy, most happy the soul that is drawn by grace to God by God, so that, through the unity ofDell'Isola, Frank Catholic World 185 (February 1957): 396-397.
14 Originally published in 1957, The Silent Life is now available in a paperback edition for all whoClancy, Patrick M. J., O.P. Cross and Crown 12 (December 1960): 491-492.
15Call of the CloisterA striking phenomenon in RomanMurray, Gregory A., O.S.B. Times Literary Supplement [London] 2910 (Dec. 6 1957): 744.
16 Thomas Merton's latest book is an excellentNeville, Margaret M. (September-October 1957): 16.
17Inside StoryThis book, in the words of its author,McGinnis, Thos. E. The Scapular (July-August 1957): 35.
18 Father Merton, the author ofNo Author Listed Newsday Club (January 5, 1957).
19 A popular book on the monastic orders has long been needed, andFarmer, Hugh Life of the Spirit (December 1957): 287.
20 Within a sepia dust jacket photographNo Author Listed Catholic News (January 12, 1957).
21Monk's StoryFather Thomas Merton has writtenChabot, Edward
22Enlightenment for Those Who Think the Monk a 'Total Loss'One of the least understoodM. J. The Monitor (February 8, 1957).
23 Thomas Merton's The Silent LifeDevlin, John J. Vermont Catholic Tribune (January 25, 1957).
24Monastic Life Described in Latest Merton VolumeThe monastic life is difficult forEthridge, W. N. State Times, Jackson, Mississippi (January 27, 1957).
25Between the BookendsBelated though I am, since all theMcCarthy, Helen The Public Spirit (January 10, 1957).
26 Many questions about the contemplative life are being asked today withHart, J. E. Catholic Review Service VIII.7 (February 11, 1957): 39.
27 For a better understanding of the monasticNo Author Listed Franciscan Herald and Forum (March 1957).
28Merton's Magic Touch: Life of the Monk Brought Into Range of 'Reality'Several years ago when Thomas Merton announcedShinar, Jacob C. The Pittsburgh Press (December 30, 1956): 8.
29Trappist Writes of Simple, Rugged SoulsThe Trappist is the greatest enigma, the new hero (with all its false implications of)Demarest, Donald The News Weekly (January 6, 1957): 2-B.
30Monk's New Book Reflects His GrowthWhen Thomas Merton wrote Sign of JonasAgatha, Sister M. The Houston Chronicle (December 23, 1956).
31Monastery Life Is Described by Thomas MertonAny new book by Thomas MertonBarensfeld, Thomas Cleveland Plain Dealer (May 12, 1959).
32 Something on everyman's shelf of booksNo Author Listed Jubilee (March 1959).
33 A Catholic monk gives a lucid, graceful description of theNo Author Listed Minneapolis (January 13, 1957).