The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Springs of Contemplation: A Retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemai

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Springs of ContemplationThere is an old saw that says "every analogy limps" (omnis analogia claudicat). Be that as it may,Cunningham, Lawrence S. Commonweal 121.4 (25 February 1994): 26-27.
02The Springs of ContemplationIn the late 1960s, a period in which vowed religious found the Spirit awash in new contexts and in aDowney, Michael Horizons 21.2 (Fall 1994): 366.
03How Merton primed prioresses about sexismThe jaded may moan, "Not anotherThurston, Bonnie Bowman National Catholic Reporter 30.7 (10 December 1993): 22.
04Merton, ThomasIn 1967 and 1968, the Trappist monk Thomas Merton met in retreat with a group of womenMonaghan, Pat Booklist [Chicago] 88.18 (15 May 1992): 1644.
05The Springs of ContemplationOnce hooked on Thomas Merton, one is hooked forever. His voice is clear and his message is simple.McCain, Roger Denver Catholic Register (12 August 1992): 23, 26.
06The Springs of ContemplationIn December 1967 and again in may 1968, Thomas Merton hosted gatherings of about a dozen prioressesO'Connell, Patrick F. Saint Anthony Messenger 101.1 (June 1993): 48-50.
07Light from MertonGetting the measure of a new thinker is sometimes difficult, especially after the age of 40, when weWroe, Ann Tablet [London] 246.7930 (1 August 1992): 946.
08Trappist's Writings Give New Meanings to Contemplative LifeThe Abbey of Gethsemani, when I visited thereJohnson, Charles Blake Knoxville News-Sentinel (February 7, 1993).
09 From time to time I'm asked how booksGraham, William C. National Catholic Reporter [Kansas City, MO] (May 9): 14.
ANNUAL In the years immediately following the Second Vatican Council, Thomas Merton felt it necessaryZynda, Mary Damian, C.S.S.F. Merton Annual 6: 215-219 [online].
SEASONAL-NorrisRefreshing SpringsI find it refreshing, when reading this roughcut gem of a book, to find that back in the lateNorris, Kathleen Merton Seasonal 22:2 (Summer 1997): 27-28.
SEASONAL-WeberThe Springs of ContemplationAbbot Flavian Burns once remarked that Father Louis could give a conference/ chapter talk"everyWeber, Richard [Columban], O.C.S.O. Merton Seasonal 17:3 (Summer 1992): 23-24.