The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Survival or Prophecy?: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Jean Leclercq

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Monk's MissivesSurvival or Prophecy? Is the right book for Merton devotees seeking greater insight into Merton's thoughts aboutHauser, Richard J. America 187.10 (7 October 2002): 21-22.
02 This exchange of letters between Merton, the well-known American Trappist, and Leclercq, a French BenedictineReiss, Jana Publishers Weekly 249.26 (1 July 2002): 72-73.
03 The correspondence between these remarkable monks began in 1950 with Leclercq asking for Merton's helpCunningham, Lawrence S. Spiritus 2.2 (Fall 2002): 260-262.
04 Early on in his monastic life Thomas Merton began to research early monasticism.Eastman, Patrick Monos 16.4 (July-August 2003): 11.
05 The title of this book is derived from Thomas Merton's last letter to Jean LeclercqWeber, Richard [Columban], O.C.S.O. Regional Mailbag 267 (April-June 2002): 9-10.
06 At the beginning of his introduction to this volume, the editor, Patrick Hart, quotesO'Connell, Patrick F. Catholic Historical Review 95.4 (October 2009): 856-857.
07 The correspondence of Jean Leclercq, OSB, and Thomas Merton, OCSO, began in 1950Waldstein, Edmund Collectanea Cisterciensia 58 (2008): 286-289.
08 In the past few years, there has been a resurgence of interest in the life and works of Thomas MertonRyan, Jerry Spiritual Life 55.4 (Wiinter 2009): 245-248.
09 This is the seventeenth and most recent offering in Cistercian Publications' exceptionalPramuk, Christopher Spiritus 9.2 (Fall 2009): 251-253.
10 Besides being the title of this book, "Survival or Prophecy?" is the monastic question of our day.Thole, Simeon J., O.S.B. American Benedictine Review 55.3 (September 2004): 341-343.
11Dlaczego swiat jeszcze istnieje"Przetrwanie czy proproctwo?" to kolejny tom listow slawnego amerykanskiego trapisty Thomas Mertona.Sokolowska, Katarzyna Wiez 48.7 (July 2005): 143-145.
12 This collection of letters exchanged between Merton and the Benedictine Jean Leclercq between 1950Farrelly, John, O.S.B. St. Anselm's Abbey Newsletter [Washington, Dc] (Winter 2003): 20-21.
13 As Abbot Weakland suggests in his prefatory essay to this volume, both writers were part of the scholarshipCarveley, Kenneth CR: Quarterly Review of the Community of the Resurrection 426 (St. John the Baptist 2009): 42-44.
ANNUAL This volume, the latest in the series of Merton letters published by FarrarKardong, Terrence A. Merton Annual 16: 245-246.
CSQ-Odell This significant collection of letters takes its title from a comment Thomas Merton made to his friend JeanO'Dell, Colman Cistercian Studies Quarterly 38.2 (2003): 233-34.
CSQ-Plekon First issued by Farrar, Straus & Giroux in 2002, this collection of lettersPlekon, Michael Cistercian Studies Quarterly 46.2 (2011): 238-239.
JOURNAL Readers of The Merton Journal need noPearson, Paul M. Merton Journal [UK] 9.2 (Advent 2002): 42.
SEASONALA Lively Monastic DialogueThis collection of letters exchanged between Merton and the Benedictine Jean LeclercqFarrelly, John, O.S.B. Merton Seasonal 27:4 (Winter 2002): 25-26.