The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Thirty Poems

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Thirty Poems. By Thomas merton. (The Poets of the Year: Norfolk, Connecticut.)Here is Poetry with roots struck deep in meditation, nourished by the slow, rich dripping of silenceDonaghy, William A. America 73 (21 April 1945).
02"New Directions" Presents a Catholic Poet"In there columns where America has lately aroused interest in the status of Catholic art, drawingJulie, Sister America 73 (21 July 1945): 316-318.
03The Verses of Thomas MertonThomas Merton's career has been varied and spectacular: Cambridge University, the New Yorker andLowell, Robert Commonweal 42 (22 June 1945): 240-242.
04Modern or Medievalist?In these thirty pieces, as many poems as Merton has years, the poet shows himself a combination ofNicholl, Louise T. Saturday Review of Literature 29 (23 March 1946): 44.
05Thirty Poems By Thomas merton. New Directions Press. $1.00.An odd contrast is provided by this book, bearing the imprint of the avant-garde press, and yetLynch, Alban, C.P. Sign 24 (March 1945): 446.
06Book ReviewsAnyone with previous experience of Thomas Merton's work in SPIRIT, The New Yorker or View, willMorten, Paul Spirit 12 (March 1945): 24-26.
07LiteratureRobert Bridges once remarked that Gerard Hopkins' "Wreck of the Deutschland" lay in the veryDaniel J. Honan Thought 20 (September 1945): 543-544.
08Twenty-Four PoetsIn the Mystery of the Incarnation, which is at the same time an official ecclesiastical mystery, Mr.Devlin, Denis Sewanee Review 53 (1945): 457.
09The Verses of Thomas MertonThomas Merton's career has been varied and spectacular: Cambridge University, the New Yorker and theLowell, Robert Commonweal 42 (22 June 1945): 240-242.
10 Thomas Merton's work is also, in large part, religiousWilder, Amos N. Journal of Religion, 26.1 (Jan. 1946): 75.