The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Thomas Merton

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01 Kramer complements very well the growing corpus of Merton studies with this careful overviewCraft, Carolyn M. Library Journal 109 (August 1984): 1451.
02 This must be something of a first. Thomas Merton, cloistered TrappistRule, Philip C. Christianity and Literature 34.4 (Summer 1985): 84-86.
03 In focusing on Merton's life and his myriad connections, Monica Furlong and Michael MottSlavick, William H. Commonweal 113.19 (7 November 1986): 604.
04 A professor of English and respected Merton scholar, Kramer methodically reflects on all of Merton'sMacCormick, Chalmers Choice 22 (February 1985): 815-816.
05Four Profiles of the Many-Sided Thomas MertonOne of the best-known, most lyrical sentences in American autobiography is theFinley, Mitch Our Sunday Visitor 75.39 (25 January 1987): 7.
06The Burgeoning Merton IndustryA colleague of mine regularly drops off for my perusal the proceedings of a societyLabrie, Ross Resources for American Literary Study 15.1 (Spring 1985): 49-59.
SEASONAL-BurnsThe Merton I KnewMany good and interesting things have been written about Thomas Merton, but, in my opinion, thisBurns, Flavian, Dom, O.S.C.O. Merton Seasonal 10:2 (Spring 1985): 16-17.
SEASONAL-LeaxUnifyng MertonVictor Kramer's essays are familiar to Merton scholars. Over the last ten years he has producedLeax, John Merton Seasonal 10:2 (Spring 1985): 18-19.