The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Thomas Merton in Alaska: Prelude to the Asian Journal: The Alaskan Conferences, Journals, and Letters

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Thomas Merton in AlaskaThomas Merton (1915-1968) was one of the more important American theologians and poets of his time,No Author Listed Bloomsbury Review (July-August 1989): 12.
02Thomas Merton in AlaskaCan any original Merton writing remain unpublished? Almost none. The publication of his journalBangley, Bernard K. En Christo 3.3 (July 1990): 48.
03"Odds and Ends" of Merton IdeasOnly because Merton generated such a large following in the 20 years since his death is it possibleKramer, Victor A. Georgia Bulletin (24 August 1989): 10.
04Merton, Thomaslike the relics of the saint he probably was, Merton's writings have by no, 21 years after his deathNo Author Listed Kirkus Reviews (1 February 1989).
05Thomas Merton in AlaskaRobert Daggy, curator of the Thomas Merton Studies Center, makes some excellent observations in hisWilliams, Joan, O.C.D. Living Prayer 22.5 (September-October 1989): 32-33.
06News of the Thomas Merton IndustryDuring 1988-89, innumerable twentieth anniversary events commemorated the death of Thomas MertonKilcourse, George Mid-Stream 30.1 (January 1991): 35-49.
07Thomas Merton in AlaskaA forgettable, hodgepodge of brief journal entries, letters and lectures that will interest only theKaganoff, Penny Publishers Weekly 235.6 (10 February 1989): 67.
08Thomas Merton in AlaskaIn 1968, a few weeks after Thomas Merton searched in vain for a hermitage in Alaska, the Dalai LamaLawbaugh, William M. Spiritual Life 35.4 (Winter 1989): 244-247.
09Monk's journals, letters chronicle events of '68 Alaskan conferenceThomas Merton, the famed Cistercian monk of the Gethsemani, Kentucky monastery, spent two weeks inKiser, Thelma Scott Sunday Independent [Ashland KY] (14 May 1989): 42.
10Thomas Merton in AlaskaEn route to Asia in 1968, where he was to die accidentally in a Bangkok hotel, the celebratedNina King, ed Washington Post 19.16 (16 April 1989): 13.
11 Thomas Merton spent two weeks in Alaska in 1968, just before his fateful Asian trip. This volumeHeiser, William Charles, S.J. Theology Digest 36.3 (Fall 1989): 279.
ANNUAL The journal entries of Thomas Merton in Alaska offer yet another kaleidoscopic viewFoster, Diane Merton Annual 3: 305-309.
SEASONAL"I Am Here In Answer To Someone's Prayer"Thomas Merton spent two weeks in Alaska prior to his Asian sojourn. He was there at the invitiationPatterson, Jodi, O.C.D. Merton Seasonal 14:3 (Summer 1989): 18-20.