The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Thomas Merton, Spiritual Master: The Essential Writings

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01In BriefLike the proverbial Cheshire Cat, Thomas Merton may have departed but he keeps making appearances.Jordan, Patrick Commonweal 120.8 (23 April 1993): 30-31.
02Thomas Merton: Spiritual Master. The Essential WritingsThe remarkably wide range of interests reflected in the writings of the prolific Trappist monkWiseman, James A., O.S.B. Dialogue and Alliance 7 (Fall-Winter 1993): 139-140.
03Merton, ThomasThis reader contains sizable portions of representative texts written over the course of Merton'sLichtenberg, Carol J. Library Journal 117.12 (1 July 1992): 89.
04Thomas Merton: Spiritual guide for todayDespite the fact that Trappist monk and author Thomas Merton died on Dec. 10, 1968, most of hisFinley, Mitch Our Sunday Visitor 81.32 (6 December 1992): 14-15.
05 Thomas Merton continues to be one of the most influential spiritual writers this century.Eastman, Patrick Monos 4.10 (Nov/Dec 1992): 10.
06 Interest in the life and writings of Thomas Merton continues toZiobro, Stanley J. Perspectives in Religious Studies 23.1 (Spring 1996): 99-101.
ANNUAL This may be the book bargain of the year: two books in one modestly priced volume.Conn, Walter E. Merton Annual 6: 203-205 [online].
JOURNAL Thomas Merton: Essential Writings is the fourth collection of Merton's writing to appear.Pearson, Paul M. Merton Journal [UK] 8.2 (Easter 2001): 37.
SEASONALA Valuable BookMerton books continue to be published with amazing frequency. This is a most valuable one.Shannon, William H. Merton Seasonal 17:4 (Fall 1992): 22-24.