The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Thomas Merton: A Comprehensive Bibliography

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01 In 1941 Thomas Merton entered a Trappist monastery to seek God's will in his life and to leaveRettig, James Wilson Library Bulletin 61.1 (September 1986): 82.
02 Marquita Breit and Robert Daggy, of Bellarmine College, Louisville, Kentucky, have triedHeiser, William Charles, S.J. Theology Digest 33.4 (Winter 1986): 460.
03 Fortunately, Thomas Merton's Trappist vow of silence allowed room for him to become a highlyKennedy, J. R. Choice 24.1 (September 1986): 78.
04 In the thirty years immediately preceding his death in 1968, Thomas MertonTutwiler, Paul American Reference Books 18 (1987): 525.
05 Truly comprehensive, this volume includes all materials available for inclusion through late 1985.Kramer, Victor A. Resources for American Literary Study 16.182 (1986-1989): 229-231.
CSQA New Comprehensive BibliographyBibliographies facilitate research. As such, they must be judged according to three fundamental criteria: accuracy,Cooper, David D. Cistercian Studies 21.4 (1986): 85-86.
SEASONAL-PenningtonFrisbee SmilesComprehensive would be the word to describe this bibliography which brings us up toPennington, M. Basil, Dom, O.C.S.O. Merton Seasonal 11:3 (Summer 1986): 18-19.
SEASONAL-Shannon"All-The-Things-You-Wanted-To-Know-About-Merton"It was with joy and delight that I perused this Comprehensive Bibliography, compiled and edited byShannon, William H. Merton Seasonal 11:3 (Summer 1986): 16-17.