The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Thomas Merton: Monk and Poet: A Critical Study

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Catholic, monk & priestGeorge Woodcock says of himself, "I am not a Catholic; I am not even a practicing ChristianBergonzi, Bernard Commonweal 107 (18 January 1980): 23-24.
02Not the Last of the ProphetsA prophet is a person of neither vague ideas nor ready-made solutions. He or she is a person who, byHoover, Conrad C. Sojourners 9 (May 1980): 28-30.
03 This study of Thomas Merton as contemplative and poet will be of value to all who seekKramer, Victor A. Christianity and Literature 29.1 (Fall 1979): 77-78.
04Thomas Merton: Man and MonkIn the 6th century AD, St. Benedict of Nursia set forth the three monasticGray, Francine de Plessix New Republic 180 (26 May 1979): 23, 26, 28-30.
05Recent Merton CriticismShortly before Thomas Merton left on his Asian journey in 1968, his friend Edward RiseCooper, David D. Renascence 34.2 (Winter 1982): 113-128.
06The Emergence of the Real Thomas Merton: An Essay-ReviewIt is still disconcerting to realizeMcDonnell, Thomas P. The Pilot Boston Mass (16 February 1979): 8.
07Kentucky Books for Christmas GiftsGeorge Woodcock, a Canadian biographer, poet,Williams, Shirley Courier-Journal (December 3, 1978): D5.
08High SpiritsGeorge Woodcock and the late Thomas Merton are both of them copious and fluent writers and theirCameron, J.M. New York Review of Books 26 (27 September 1979): 25-26.
09 A l'occacion des seances commemoratives de la mort de Thomas MertonHart, Patrick, Br., O.C.S.O. Collectanea Cisterciensia 40 (1978).
SEASONAL The debut of this most recent critical Merton study appropriately coincided with the May 11-14Kilcourse, George Merton Seasonal 3:2 (Summer 1978): 4 [online: accessed March 20, 2017].
XREF1Merton's Affirmation and Affirmation of Merton: Writing about SilenceThomas Merton chose to be a cloistered contemplative within one of the most austere religious orders in the United States.Kramer, Victor A. Review [Charlottesville, VA] 4 (1982): 295-333 [see review author file].