The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Thomas Merton: The Development of a Spiritual Theologian

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01 Grayston focuses on the five extant versions of Seeds of Contemplation beginning with theMacCormick, Chalmers Choice 23,2 (October 1985): 312.
02 Grayston analyzes, in a closely detailed study, five versions of Thomas Merton's classic work inCarr, Anne E. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 54.3 (Fall 1986): 583-584.
03 G. has already publsihed Thomas Merton's Rewriting, a variorum edition of the five textsKing, Peter C. Theological Studies 47.3 (September 1986): 546-547.
04 Thomas Merton's life and writings continue to exert a major influence inJantzen, Grace M. Religious Studies 23.1 (March 1987): 148-150.
SEASONAL-HinsonService to MertonophilesNo matter from which direction one approaches Merton, he will appear both lucid and enigmatic atHinson, Edward Glenn Merton Seasonal 11:2 (Spring 1986): 12-13.
SEASONAL-WilkesThe Merton ChallengeUpon concluding one of the many books about Thomas Merton, I inevitably pause and, callingWilkes, Paul Merton Seasonal 11:2 (Spring 1986): 14-15.