The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Thomas Merton's Art of Denial: The Evolution of a Radical Humanist

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01News of the Thomas Merton IndustryDuring 1988-89, innumerable twentieth anniversary events commemorated the death of ThomasKilcourse, George Mid-Stream 30.1 (January 1991): 35-49.
02Merton: An Expanding MysticismDavid Cooper's fine study of Thomas Merton's personal and intellectual developmentBurton-Christie, Douglas Cross Currents 40.4 (Winter 1990-1991): 562-566.
03 This most recent of countless books on monk and writer Thomas Merton shows more originalityNo Author Listed Christian Century 106.27 (27 September 1989): 859.
04 David Cooper's brilliant study aims at showing how Thomas Merton raised the mechanism ofWeber, Richard [Columban], O.C.S.O. Thought 67.266 (September 1992): 348-350.
05 Daggy has collected the special prefaces written by Merton for translations of his books intoCarr, Anne E. Journal of Religion 70.3 (July 1990): 511.
06 This carefully-researched, well-written, and profound psychological study of MertonKing, Peter C. Theological Studies 51.1 (March 1990): 178-179.
07 Few writers have been as influential in forming the contructs and images whereby we modernsBodo, Murray Mystics Quarterly 17.3 (September 1991): 149-151.
08 Two Thomas Mertons haunt the literary and religious arena: the absolutist youngHodgkins, Hope H. Christianity and Literature 39.2 (Winter 1990): 216-218.
09The Augustine of America…From the dust jacket photo, the monk stares forth, a study in resolution.Crews, Clyde F. Courier-Journal [Louisville] (22 July 1989): A13.
10 Though he reaches back to Merton's childhood, Cooper focuses mainly on two major adult phases:MacCormick, Chalmers Choice 27.5 (January 1990): 818.
11 As Joseph Campbell tells it, the mythical hero appears throughout history wearing a thousand differentHart, Henry American Literature 62.2 (June 1990): 354-56.
12 This handsome volume would offer us a new Merton, theNugent, Don Christopher Register of the Kentucky Historical Society 88.3 (Summer 1990): 336-337.
13Monks Pond and the Slough of Despond: Crisis in the Cloister and the Flight from the FeminineIn 1967, when Thomas Merton announced Monks Pond as a little magazine with a planned lifetime ofDeFrees, Madeline Georgia Review XLV.1 (Spring 1991): 177-186.
14 Some people's lives seem to defy limitation and definition. They appear on the human sceneMercer, Jerry Asbury Theological Journal 45.1 (1990): 75-82.
ANNUAL There seem to be two kinds of books and articles about Thomas Merton, the one anecdotal, personalLabrie, Ross Merton Annual 3: 321-324.
CSQ This study is a valuable addition to Thomas Merton scholarship, yet it is ofKramer, Victor A. Cistercian Studies 25.2 (1990): 415-417.
SEASONALA Scholarly "Good Read"Thomas Merton's Art of Denial: The Evolution of a Radical Humanist is a critical and interpretiveRuttle, Paul, C.P. Merton Seasonal 14:4 (Fall 1989): 27-29.