The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

A Vow of Conversation: Journals, 1964-1965

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Suggestions from M. Schneiders, IHMTrue gift-giving is always a transaction between two spirits, but the giving of a book introduces aSchneiders, Sandra M., I.H.M. America 159.14 (12 November 1988): 387.
02Merton, ThomasDuring the years 1964-65, Merton sought, and was finally given, permission to live alone in hisLichtenberg, Carol J. Library Journal 113.13 (August 1988): 164.
03News of the Thomas Merton IndustryDuring 1988-89, innumerable twentieth anniversary events commemorated the death of Thomas MertonKilcourse, George Mid-Stream 30.1 (January 1991): 35-49.
04A Vow of ConversationI have always numbered The Sign of Jonas among my favorite Merton Books. It is a collection ofLeonard, Billy Jim Review and Expositor 87.2 (Spring 1990): 357-358.
05A Vow of Conversation: Journal 1964-1965 by Thomas Merton: Naomi Burton StoneThomas Merton has been a part of my life since the early fifties, when I read Seeds of ContemplationLaHood, Marvin J. World Literature Today 63.2 (Spring 1989): 311-312.
06Thomas Merton 20 years after his deathDec. 10, 1968--20 years ago. Anyone who died on that day was in good company. In England, theFinley, Mitch Our Sunday Visitor 77.33 (11 December 1988): 8.
07 Poet, essayist, would-be activist, and Trappist monk, Thomas Merton (1915-1968) was a man whoseCole, Peter 7 Days (12 October 1988).
08Prayer and Christian DevotionGeorge E. Thompson, in a sermon published in the November/December 1988 issue of PulpitCondon, Denis Pulpit Digest 69.1 (October 1989): 77-78.
09New Merton Journal Reveals Mature, Everyday MonkThomas Merton was the quintessential writer of journals. Many readers think those publishedFinley, Mitch St. Anthony Messenger 96 (December 1988): 48.
10Solitude is Joyful SorrowWhen Thomas Merton's autobiography, The Seven Storey Mountain, was published 40 years agoGrohskopf, Bernice Plain Dealer [Cleveland] (20 October 1988): 5.
11 Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk of Gethsemani, wrote a series of journals before his tragic death inKocka, David Courier-Journal [Louisville] (11 September 1988): 17.
12 The appeal of Thomas Merton as a spiritual guide is perenially with us. He is still welcomed someJagoe, Bede, O.P. Spirituality Today 41.1 (Spring 1989): 81-82.
13A glimpse of Thomas Merton's last notesAmong the work left undone when Blaise Pascal died in 1662 was an "apology" for Christian religion.Kirsch, Robert Blade [Toledo] (11 September 1988).
14'Hermit' author Merton tells of monastic lifestyleOriginally scheduled for publication in 1971, Thomas Merton's journals for 1964-65 temporarilyLawrence, Larry Abilene Reporter-News (16 October 1988).
15 Long-awaited journal by Thomas Merton--this one covering the two years leading up to his retirementNo Author Listed Kirkus Reviews (1 May 1988): 676.
16The Sensual GodOn July 5 in 1965, Thomas Merton wrote, "Enough is evident in this journal to destroy me forever."Forest, James H. Other Side 26.1 (January-February 1990): 32-35.
17Assessing the real cost of progressReading these two boooks in the space of a few days is like listening in on a conversation betweenBird, Merle Topeka Capital-Journal (16 April 1989): 7G.
18 Thomas Merton died suddenly in 1968, he left behind, in the hands of his publisher, a manuscriptCutrell, Dorothy Provident Book Finder (March-May 1989): 4.
19 I looked at this title several times. Benedictine monks make five vows, one being a vow ofWilliams, Joan, O.C.D. Living Prayer 21.6 (November-December 1988): 61-62.
20A Merton feast of ideas and triviaWhen you belong to the cult of Thomas Merton, as I do, the mere announcement of a new MertonSupik, Wilma Record [Hackensack, NJ] 11 (12 August 1988): B8.
21 Thomas Merton was a devotedly secular writer and intellectual who became a Catholic and then aStuttaford, Genevieve Publishers Weekly 233.23 (10 June 1988): 62.
22 Only a small fraction of Merton's 15 journals have been published, so we might assume that thisSimsic, Wayne Spiritual Life 35.1 (Spring 1989): 48-49.
23 'It seems to me the most mature writing you have done,' so Naomi Burton Stone, the editor of thisPearson, Paul M. Priests and People 4.4 (April 1990): 161.
24 Merton's journal from 1964 to 1965--the period when he still was novice master at GethsemaniMcGinn-Moorer, Sheila E. Booklist [Chicago] 84.2 (August 1988): 1870-1871.
25 "Enough is evident in this journal to destroy me forever" Thomas MertonForest, James H. [unpublished].
ANNUAL There are four major journals of Thomas Merton which precede A Vow of Conversation.Padovano, Anthony T. Merton Annual 2: 320-323.
SEASONAL-FisherA Critical Period in Merton's LifeIn the Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton biographer Michael Mott wrote: "While making finalFisher, James T. Merton Seasonal 13:4 (Fall 1988): 8-9.
SEASONAL-McLaughlinA Direct Glimpse of MertonFinally, we are able to read an edition of the journals of Thomas Merton for 1964-1965 which heMcLaughlin, Thomas, O.S.B. Merton Seasonal 13:4 (Fall 1988): 10-11.