The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Waters of Siloe

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01The Waters of SilowThe phenomenon of Thomas Merton increases in interest with every eloquent book that comes out of hisKing, David A. Orate Fratres 24 (January 1950): 94-95.
02Merton's Chronicle of the Silent MenOnly Thomas Merton--Father Louis of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance--could haveOursler, Fulton New York Times Book Review (18 September 1949): 3,22.
03Thomas Merton, TrappistTom Merton sat on the floor of his Greenwich Village apartment one cheerless morning in 1939. "HalfNo Author Listed Newsweek 34.12 (19 September 1949): 72-73.
04Men of SilenceA century ago, the tiny vessel Brunswick sailed from the French port of Le Havre for New OrleansNo Author Listed Time Magazine (19 September 1949).
05The Waters of SiloeIn the Waters of Siloe Thomas Merton turned chronicler and historian, relates the story of the rise,McCauliff, George A. Renascence 2 (Fall 1949): 73-76.
06a Thomas Merton, author of "The Seven Story Mountain," will have a new books published October 6No Author Listed News Newark NJ (24 July 1949).
06b Thomas Merton, Trappist monk and author of two books will have his third brought out in the UnitedNo Author Listed Gazette Montreal Canada (23 July 1949).
06cBooks--AuthorsThomas Merton, Trappist monk and author of two books, will have his third brought out by Harcourt,No Author Listed New York Times (8 July 1949).
06dBook Notes: A Monk's LifeIn a companion volume to The Seven Storey Mountain, Thomas Merton, poet and young Trappist monk,No Author Listed New York Herald-Tribune (2 August 1949).
06eThe Waters of SiloeThat the Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton should have become a best seller and remained highNo Author Listed Virginia Kirkus Bulletin (1 August 1949).
07aTrappist Life to Be Told in New BookA companion volume to Thomas Merton's famous autobiography, "The Seven Storey Mountain," will beNo Author Listed Oklahoman [Oklahoma City] (14 August 1949).
07b'The Waters of Siloe' Tell of Trappistt LifeA companion volume to Thomas Merton's famous autobiography, "The Seven Storey Mountain," will beNo Author Listed Times Indianapolis IN (6 August 1949).
07c A companion volume to Thomas Merton's autobiography, "The Seven Storey Mountain," has been scheduledNo Author Listed New York Times (5 August 1949).
07d Thomas Merton, whose "Seven Storey Mountain" still makes the best-seller lists, has a companionNo Author Listed Times Los Angeles CA (22 August 1949).
07e As a companion volume to The Seven Storey Mountain, by Thomas Merton, Harcourt, Brace will releaseNo Author Listed News-Sentinel Knoxville, TN (21 August 1949).
07f Thomas Merton, whose "Seven Storey Mountain" still makes the best-seller lists, has a companionNo Author Listed Chronicle San Francisco CA (20 August 1949).
07g Thomas Merton, author of the best seller, "The Seven Storey Mountain," describes the life ofNo Author Listed Plain Dealer Cleveland OH (28 August 1949).
07h Students at Fordham university's second summer Institute of Professional writing had a chance toNo Author Listed Catholic Messenger Davenport IA (25 August 1949).
08aThe Contemplative LifeThe author of the now celebrated book "The Seven Storey Mountain" has again communicated with theStill, Walter Post-Dispatch St Louis MO (11 September 1949).
08b"The Waters of Siloe"Sequel to "The Seven Storey Mountain." Merton was ordained as a priest last May and is now known asNo Author Listed New York Post (11 September 1949).
08c Thomas Merton, whose new book, "The Waters of Siloe," will be issued by Harcourt, Brace Thursday,No Author Listed New York Times (10 September 1949).
08dThe Waters of SiloeMore about the life and background of the Trappists by the author of "The Seven Storey Mountain"No Author Listed New York Times (11 September 1949).
08e The annual Catholic Literary Award given by the Gallery of Living Catholic Authors has gone thisNo Author Listed Times Los Angeles CA (12 September 1949).
09aA New Merton Book on Silent Trappist LifeOn completing Thomas Merton's "The Seven Storey Mountain"--his odyssey from man of the world toCattoi, Louise Journal Milwaukee WI (11 September 1949).
09b'Waters of Siloe' A Lucid Story of Life in MonastariesA contemporary phenomenon has been the sudden widespread interest in books with a religious theme,Bradley, Van Allen News Chicago IL (14 September).
09cBooks and ThingsThe fireflies still flickered in the night like stars reflected in a wind-blown lake; a few tirelessGannett, Lewis New York Herald-Tribune (16 September 1949).
10aOdyssey of an Ascetical IdealIn Dante's "Paradiso" it is Bernard of Clairvaux who is deemed worthy to serve as guide to theWolfe, Ann F. Saturday Review 32 (17 September 1949): 20-21.
10bBooks in BriefThe author of "The Seven Storey Mountain" explains the meaning and purpose of life in a TrappistNo Author Listed
10c And now for the early autumn days comes the companion volume to Thomas Merton's famous "The SevenNo Author Listed Gazette Taunton MA (17 September 1949).
10dMonk Describes Trappist LifeThe author of "The Seven Storey Mountain" and Seeds of Contemplation" has just published his thirdNo Author Listed
10eTrappists' Daily Lives--Behind the ScenesGod enters every man's heart by a private door. The radiance of this entrance is to the manKing, Thomas M., S.J. New York Post (18 September 1949).
11aThomas Merton Leads Into the Mysteries ofThomas Merton, author of "The Seven Storey Mountain," that phenomenally popular account of hisNo Author Listed Star Washington DC (18 September 1949).
11bAtop 'Seven Storey Mountain'Thomas Merton's "The Seven Storey Mountain" is remarkable, among other things, for its awareness, asHughes, Riley Journal Providence RI (18 September 1949).
11cA Life of Prayer and WorkThomas Merton's titles need a bibliophile to interpret. His best seller, "The Seven Storey Mountain,No Author Listed Globe Boston, MA (18 September 1949).
12The Life of the TrappistMany a reader of "The Seven Storey Mountain" may have felt an urge, temporary or relativelyShuster, George N. New York Herald Tribune (18 Sept 1949).
13aSimplicity and Humility Mark the Trappist OrderAll discussion of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance or books about them should beginKenny, Herbert A. Post Boston, MA (18 September 1949).
13bMerton's 'The Waters of Siloe' Exposition of Monk's PreceptsGeorgians have heard much in recent months about the Trappist Monastery near Conyers and theMebane, Hannah Journal Atlanta GA (18 September 1949).
14aNew Book Tells History of TrappistsThomas Merton, now a Trappist monk at the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky and known as Father Louis,Fuess, Claude M. Herald Boston MA (21 September 1949).
14bInsight Given Into Life of Trappist MonkPersons under the misapprehensions that monks are "pious athletes" competing to see who can say theBurns, George V. Press Cleveland OH (20 September 1949): Also see 15c.
14cThomas Merton's Prose and Poetry From a Kentucky MonasteryThe story of a man's soul searching for peace in a world that knows no peace was the theme of ThomasLawson, Morgan Courier Journal [Louisville KY] (18 September 1949).
15aThe Spirit of the TrappistsIf one is looking for a history of the Trappists, or more properly, the Cistercians, in the 19th andMeehan, Thomas A., S.T.L. Sun-Times Chicago IL (September).
15bMerton's Book on Facts Of Trappist Life Better Than His Current HitLast month the newspapers announced that the Trappist of Gethsemani, Kentucky, had acquired a partNo Author Listed Catholic Messenger Davenport IA (22 September 1949).
15cMonk's Life DescribedPersons under the misapprehension that monks are "pious athletes" competing to see who can say theBurns, George V. Times Indianapolis IN (24 September 1949): Also see 14b.
16aMerton Tells Trappist StoryThe author of "The Seven Storey Mountain" has written a new book which will have a ready-madeG.R.A. Star Ft Worth TX (25 September 1949). G.R.A.
16bCistercian Story in New Merton BookAltho the publishers describe this as a companion volume to the same author's "The Seven StoreyBarry, Edward Tribune Chicago, IL (25 September 1949).
16c "There is intoxication in the waters of contemplation... These are the water which the world doesNo Author Listed Herald Augusta GA (22 September 1949).
16dBook Club's October ChoiceThe Waters of Siloe by Thomas Merton, renowned Trappist monk-author, has been chosen as the OctoberNo Author Listed Catholic Messenger (29 September 1949).
17aStory of Trappis Monks Makes Fascinating ReadingThe Waters of Siloe flow in silence and the taste of them is sweet and nourishing to mankind. ThomasJ.D.P. Press Pittsburgh PA (25 September 1949). J.D.P.
17bMerton gives reasonss for monastic lifeFor the reader who has wondered why the idea of the contemplative life has held men's minds forMyers, Mildred News Los Angeles CA (1 October 1949).
17cMerton, Thomas 1915-Companion volume to the author's "Seven Storey mountain" "If you want to understand why the monksNo Author Listed Wilson Library Bulletin (October 1949).
17dMerton, Thomas"Many a reader of 'The Seven Storey Mountain' may have felt an urge, temporary or relativelyMeehan, T.A.; R.J. Hurley, George Shuster, Fulton Oursler, and A.F. Wolfe Book Review Digest (October 1949).
17eThe Waters of Siloe by Thomas mertonThe author of the Seven Storey Mountain, now known as Father Louis, here sets down, in his simple,Fadiman, Clifton Book of the Month (October 1949).
17fMerton, ThomasContinuing in his facile and fluent style, the author attempts to explain the lure of the TrappistNo Author Listed Guidepost Cincinnati OH (October 1949).
18aThomas Merton Reports Again on Search for Life's RealitiesTen years ago the tawdry, selfish, cacophonous world left more than the bad taste of a hangover inAngrist, Jane Tribune Minneapolis MN (25 September 1949).
18b"Waters of Siloe"This book is a companion volume to the author's famous autobiography, "The Seven Storey Mountain."No Author Listed Standard New Bedford MA (2 October 1949).
18cInside a MonasteryThose who enjoyed "The Seven Storey Mountain," by Thomas Merton, should find additional pleasure inCalvo, Joaquin News Newark NJ (October).
18dSilent MessageThomas Merton, Father Louis of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance, has written inNo Author Listed Journal Rapid City SD (2 October 1949).
18e'The Waters of Siloe' Is Story of TrappistsAuthor of the best seller "The Seven Storey Mountain," a spiritual autobiography ending with theFreer, Harold Wiley Plain Dealer Cleveland OH (26 September 1949).
19aCatholic Book Club--October SelectionThomas Merton, or Father M. Louis, OCR as he is now called, needs no introduction to the literaryMcKenna, Stephen Best Sellers [Scranton PA] 9 (1 October 1949): 98.
19bThe Waters of SiloeFor all the thousands who have read The Seven Storey Mountain and have wondered just what theDavid Bulman, C.P. Sign 29 (October 1949): 57.
19cThe Waters of SiloeThis book, by the author of "The Seven Storey Mountain," tells how the lives of the men who enterNo Author Listed New Yorker (8 October 1948).
19dThe Waters of SiloeThat the Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton should have become a best seller and remained highNo Author Listed Virginia Kirkus Bulletin (1 October 1949).
20a Many of the thousands who read Thomas Merton's dramatic autobiography of a young man who wasNo Author Listed News-Sentinel (2 October 1949).
20bTrappist LifeOn completing Thomas Merton's "the Seven Storey Mountain"--his odyssey from man of the world toNo Author Listed World Herald Omaha NE (9 October 1949).
20cMerton Tells Story of Life of CistercianThose readers who, after perusing "the Seven Storey Mountain" by the same author, were puzzled asFitzgerald, Julia Morris Banner Nashville, TN (7 October 1949).
20d "The Waters of Siloe" by Thomas Merton may prove as popular as its predecessor and companion volume,No Author Listed Dispatch Herald Erie PA (9 October 1949).
20e "The Waters of Siloe" by Thomas Merton, author of "Seven Storey Mountain" is a companion volumeNo Author Listed Echo Boston MA (14 October 1949).
20fBook News and ReviewsThomas Merton, whose Seven Storey Mountain currently leads the nonfiction best-seller list, hasSmith, John H. Buffalo Courier-Express (2 October 1949).
21aBooks on the TableThomas Merton has disappeared. The ex-Columbia intellectual, the best-seller autobiographer, is noO'Connor, Madeleine Argonaut San Francisco CA (7 October 1949).
21bMerton's 'Siloe', His New Book Is History of Trappist Order"There is intoxication in the waters of contemplation...the waters which the world does not know,Mize, Parker Register Des Moines IA (9 October 1949).
21cThe Still Waters and Green PasturesOf especial interest in South Carolina, where the white-robed "Trappist" monks will form their ninthJ.B.P. Record Columbia SC (6 October 1949). J.B.P.
21dA Trappist's BooksThere are some readers who attribute the wide interest in Thomas Merton's books, "The Seven StoreyNo Author Listed Patriot Ledger (25 October 1949).
21eWaters of SiloeWaters of Siloe gives a complete picture of the monk's daily life, it also provides an informalNo Author Listed News Milford MA (29 October).
22aBooksIt was almost inevitable that The Seven Storey Mountain would have a sequel. Thousands of those whoFlorence D. Cohalan Commonweal 51 (14 October 1949): 19.
22bMerton Tells History of TrappistsFounded at the turn of the 12 century as a reform of Benedictine monasticism, the Cistercians (moreNo Author Listed Times Los Angeles CA (16 October 1949).
22cThomas Merton Writes About His Own OrderThere are many persons who almost dread to pick up a new book by a successful author that followsFitzpatrick, A.M., Fr. Catholic Universe Bulletin Cleveland OH (14 October 1949).
22d"The Waters of Siloe"Picture a Trappist monk's daily existence from the time he rises at 2 in the morning until he goesNo Author Listed Star Kansas City KS (22 October 1949).
22eMerton's ContemplativesCompanion to "The Seven Storey Mountain," Thomas Merton's "The Waters of Siloe," is a remarkableLooby, James F. Courant Hartford Conn (23 October 1949).
22f"The Waters of Siloe"The Merton who wrote of his conversion to the Trappist order in "Seven Storey Mountain" here writesNo Author Listed Beacon-Journal Akron OH (30 October 1949).
22g"Waters of Siloe"The Trappists, of the order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance, offered a gifted young man theNo Author Listed Journal Meriden Conn (27 October 1949).
23aDay--to-Day Life of MonkBy now the name of Thomas Merton needs no introduction. He is Father Louis, OCSO, the Trappist monkKelley, James B. Inquirer Philadelphia PA (16 October 1949).
23bMerton Pens Trappist Order's HistoryAlthough Thomas Merton's newest book is not likely to enjoy the wide popular acclaim of "the SevenMcGarey, Mary Dispatch Columbus OH (25 October 1949).
23cThe Waters of SiloeThe author presents with sincere feeling and occasional humor some of the history of the TrappistNo Author Listed Pa[?]iaronian Watersonville CA (5 November 1949).
23dSilent Lives of TrappistsRecent national best seller lists show that the author of this book, who sprang suddenly to fameNo Author Listed News Detroit MI (6 November 1949).
23e The reserve list on Thomas Merton's latest book, "The Waters of Siloe," is growing by the day. ThisNo Author Listed Tribune LaCrosse WI (12 November 1949).
23fHistory of the TrappistsThis latest book by the author of "Seven Story Mountain" is as readable a history of CistercianWood, Christopher Gazette Montreal Canada (19 November 1949).
24aThe Waters of SiloeThomas Merton, the man who wrote best selling The Seven Story Mountain from a Trappist monasteryE.Y. Chronicle Augusta GA (8 November 1949). E.Y.
24bThe Waters of SiloeA perceptive history of the Trappist order and an understanding discussion from the Roman CatholicNo Author Listed Books in Review Toronto Canada (December 1949).
24cThe Waters of SiloeThe history and nature of the Trappist Order.No Author Listed Commonweal (2 December 1949).
24dThe Library TableHere is a vivid portrayal of the Cistercian life, ideals and vows: that they be victims with ChristW.P.N Magnificant 85 (November 1949): 51.
24eThe Waters of SiloeThe author of "The Seven Storey Mountain" here tells the history of the Trappists, to which heNo Author Listed Journal Milwaukee WI (4 December 1949).
24fThe Waters of SiloeFrom the Foreword to the last item of the "Glossary of Some Monastic Terms," Fr. Louis does hisNo Author Listed Catholic Messenger Davenport IA (8 December 1949).
24gBooks With Religious Themes Continue StrongFew men are better qualified to make such statements, for Mr Giroux is the editor of two of the mostNo Author Listed Star Washington DC (4 December 1949).
24h And how long is it since one man has been the author of two of the three best-selling works ofNo Author Listed Saturday Review (10 December 1949).
24iThe Waters of SiloeThe author reviews the history of the Trappists and explains their spiritualityNo Author Listed Evangelist Albany NY (9 December 1949).
24jThe Waters of SiloeWhat goes on inside a Roman Catholic monastery? What kind of men go into the monastic life? Why doA.J.W. United Church Observer Toronto Canada (15 December 1949). A.J.W.
25aHistory of Cistercians And Joy of TranquilityTo read this book that takes its title from the beautiful image in Isias, "the waters of Siloe thatO'Reilly, Helen Globe & Mail Toronto Canada (17 December 1949).
25bThe Waters of SiloeThis book is a companion volume to the author's famous autobiography "The Seven Storey Mountain." ItNo Author Listed Record Chelsea Mass (14 December 1949).
25cMerton, Thomashistory of the Cistercian Order to which the author belongs. It gives a complete and comprehensiveNo Author Listed Times Roanoke VA (18 December 1949).
25dNon-FictionIn this companion volume to the author's autobiography, "The Seven Storey Mountain," Thomas MertonNo Author Listed Reporter Berlin NH (22 February 1949).
25e A companion volume to Thomas Merton's famous autobiography, The Seven Storey Mountain, The Waters ofNo Author Listed Sentinel Waterville, ME (15 February 1950).
25f"The Waters of Siloe"this books is a companion volume to the author's famous autobiography, "Seven Storey Mountain." ItNo Author Listed Review Toppenish Wash (16 February 1950).
25gThe Waters of SiloeA study of the Trappist or Cistercian Order, its life, its history, its ideals, by the author of TheNo Author Listed America (18 February 1950).
25hThe Waters of SiloeStudy of the Trappist order by the author of "Seven Storey Mountain."No Author Listed News Cleveland OH (22 February 1950).
25iMerton, ThomasA study of the Trappist Order, its life, its history, its ideals by the author of the "Seven StoreyNo Author Listed Leader Manchester NH (14 March 1950).
25j "The Waters of Siloe", by Thomas Merton (Harcourt, Brace publishers) is a study of the Trappist andNo Author Listed Call Paterson NJ (25 February 1950).
25kThe Waters of SiloeA study of the Trappist or Cistercian Order, its ideals by the author of The Seven StoryNo Author Listed New York Herald-Tribune (26 Feb 1950).
25l Thomas Merton's Seven Storey Mountain told how he traveled from agnosticism to Gethsemani. It'sNo Author Listed Michigan Catholic Detroit MI (March 1950).
26aMr. Merton Adds to His Able WritingsThe 'Waters of Siloe' is a sequel to Mr. Merton's 'The Seven Storey Mountain.' In the first book, heJ.H.A. Standard Times New Bedford, MA (1 January 1950). J.H.A.
26bThe Waters of SiloeA study of the Trappist, or Cistercian Order by the author of "The Seven Storey Mountain."No Author Listed Plain Dealer Cleveland OH (5 March 1950).
26c Waters of Siloe and Seeds of Contemplation by Thomas Merton, the former a study of the TrappistNo Author Listed Press Bristol Conn (17 February 1951).
26dWaters of SiloeHere is a book of special interest to Catholic readers. Written by the author of Seven StoreyNo Author Listed Journal Transcript Franklin NH (19 July 1951).
26eThe Waters of SiloeA study of the Trappist or Cistercian Order, its life, its history, its ideals by the author of "TheNo Author Listed Monitor San Francisco CA (24 February 1950).
26fThe Waters of SiloeThomas Merton's previous book, the Seven Storey Mountain, was more than a non-days' wonder: thisFremantle, Anne Tomorrow (January 1950).
27 To re-read these two books is to be transported to another world, one of high hope and enthusiasm.Cary-Elwes, Columba, O.S.B. Heythrop Journal [London] 19.1 (January 1978): 118-119.
28 The Waters of Siloe is something of an interior history of the great Order to which Thomas MertonDonaghy, William A. Thought 25 ( March 1950): 178-179.
29 This third in the trilogy of Merton best sellers is an intriguing commentary on CistercianDucey, Michael American Benedictine Review 1 (June 1950): 280-282.
30 Here at Integrity we joke about putting in place of a review of Thomas Merton's The Waters of SiloeFondis, Peter Integrity 4 (October 1949):46-47.
31La Trappe to GethsemaniLast month the newspapers announced that the Trappists of Gethsemani, Kentucky, had acquiredMulhern, Jospeh C. America 81 (17 September 1949): 646.
32Joy Through PrayerPrayer, the act of loving converse with our Maker, is the one occupation that brings greatest joy toTierney, Francis America 82 (26 November 1949): 236.
33The CisterciansMoving down a gentle decline from their source a third of a mile away, the waters of Siloe flowMcSorley, Joseph Catholic World 170 (December 1949): 198-203.
34 The author says in his prologue that theBurke, Thomas E. Ave Maria 71 (January 7, 1950): 26.