The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Collected Poems of Thomas Merton

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01A Selection of merton PoemsIt was 15 years ago that new Directions published a slim volume called "Thirty Poems" --ThomasHabich, William Courier-Journal [Louisville] (31 January 1960).
02The Vision and the PoemThomas Merton's "Selected Poems" is a book in which the appendix demands to be read first. MertonJohnson, Carol Poetry 96 (September 1960): 387-391.
03Out of GethsemaniThe recent numerous reprints and translations of articles by Thomas Merton in such foreignLentfoehr, Therese, S.D.S. Renascence 15 (Fall 1962): 46-50.
04Spirit Poets in PrintHere, at least, is something of an answer to the sometimes not-too-carefully-made charge that SPIRITRayne, Allan Spirit 27 (May 1960): 59-62.
05Four BooksSince I wish to devote a good part of this review to Carol Hall's book, and since space is at aTurco, Lewis Voices 172 (May-August 1960): 39-42.
06Poetry and PassionThere is justness as well as wit in Mr. Allan M. Laing's "New Statesman" epigram (22nd April, 1950)Enright, D.J. Month [London] 5 (April 1951): 247-248.
07Selected Poems of Thomas merton. Intr. By Robert Speaight. London: Hollis and Carter.To the swiftly increasing numbers of foreign editions of "Mertoniana"--the "Seven Storey Mountain,"Lentfoehr, Therese, S.D.S. Renascence 4 (Spring 1952): 197-199.
08Thomas Merton as a Poet: Form and ContentFor a double reason passing judgment on "The Poems of Thomas Merton" is an unenviable task.Quin, I.T. Irish Monthly 79 (September 1951).
09Tasting the terrible sweetnessOlder men have been attracted to younger women before, patients to their nurses. Poems have beenWilkes, Paul Commonweal 113.19 (7 November 1986): 602.
10Merton scholars can benefit from 4 worksIt has been 18 years since the death of Thomas Merton, the internationally acclaimed Trappist monkKiser, Thelma Scott Sunday Independent [Ashland Ky] (27 June 1986): 12.
11Book Reflects True Meaning of ChristmasIn Kentucky poetry circles "The Collected Poems of Thomas Merton" is certainly an excitingKiser, Thelma Scott Ashland Daily Independent (25 December 1977).
12Poetry from Merton to Greet New YearPoetry is the only real way to mediate the functional supernatural, the auguries of this Janus monthBrady, Charles A. Buffalo Evening News (1 January 1978).
13The Collected Poems of Thomas MertonMerton wrote compulsively and well throughout his career and this is documented in these 1046 pages.Kramer, Victor A. Commonweal 105 (3 February 1978): 93-94.
14Thomas Merton's poems -- a mystic's sense of the realIt is commendable that Merton's poems from 1940-68 have been brought together in a single volume andPatnaik, Deba P. Courier-Journal Louisville KY (29 January 1978).
15The Seventy Time Seventy Seven Storey MountainThere is first of all the gargantuan size of the book. Zounds! It compares impressively with TheBerrigan, Daniel J., Fr., S.J. Cross Currents 27 (Winter 1977-78): 385-393.
16Monk's JourneyThomas Merton's popularity rests chiefly on his autobiography. "The Seven Storey Mountain" is thePrendergast, Alan Leviathan (April 1978): 14-15.
17PoetryMerton's poems, covering a wide range of social and religious issues, illustrate his humanistic andCraft, Carolyn M. Library Journal 103 (15 March 1978): 668.
18aThe Log of a Spiritual Odyssey"Geography comes to an end,/Compass has lost all earthly north,/Horizons have no meaning/Nor roadsKirsch, Jonathon Los Angeles Times (9 January 1978).
18bThe Ultimate MertonThe Collected Poems of Thomas Merton (New Directions, $37.50) presumably is the entire and finalMurray, G.E. Panorama - Chicago Daily News (7-8 January 1978).
19Book ReviewsIn one of the many books (Contemplation in a World of Action) that appeared after his bizarre deathWoodcock, George Malahat Review [Victoria, British Columbia] 46 (April 1978): 148-151.
20Merton: Phenomenon and PoetWhen New Directions published Thomas Merton's first collection in 1944, Robert Lowell remarked thatLentfoehr, Therese, S.D.S. Milwaukee Journal Book Review (16 February 1978): 23.
21The Sounds of SilenceThat Thomas Merton was an extraordinary man no one doubts. Born in France, Jan. 31 1915, the son ofKostelanetz, Richard New York Times 127 (5 February 1978): Sect.
22Monk leaves legacy of love"The Collected Poems of Thomas Merton" (New Directions. 1,048 pages; $15 paperback) is anMunger, Guy News and Observer (31 August 1980).
23 Robert Lowell said it in 1945 of Thomas Merton's first book of poetry: "Unfortunately, Merton's workMalits, Elena, C.S.C. Notre Dame English Journal 11 (October 1978): 71-74.
24The voice of contemplationMerton's The Seven Storey Mountain, which first appeared in this country 30 years ago under theToynbee, Philip Observer [London] (12 March 1978): review section 32.
25 The potpourri of books listed above represents one small eddy in the stream of books and monographsCunningham, Lawrence S. Parabola 6 (Winter 1981): 109-113.
26Monk of the Western WorldIt is incredible to think that nearly a decade has passed since the death of Thomas Merton. Was heMcDonnell, Thomas P. Pilot [Boston] 148 (18 November 1977).
27Books In Breif -- Splendid LinersThough the Trappist monk, Robert Merton, died almost a decade ago, his verse is still read, andNo Author Listed San Francisco Examiner (22 January 1978).
28The Merton legacyThis collection of over 1,000 pages of verse, prose-poems, humorous poems, translations, down toRaine, Kathleen Tablet [London] 232 (6 May 1978): 431-432.
29The Collected Poems of Thomas Merton. Ed. James Loughlin. New York: New Directions. 1977. Pp 1046.Thomas Merton personifies the spirit of transitional American Catholicism. He entered the monasteryKilcourse, George Thought 53 (March 1978): 112-115.
30Canticles for a Godless AgeIt is no accident that there is more bad religious poetry written than bad poetry of any other kindJacobsen, Josephine Washington Post (25 December 1977).
31 Monk, mystic, poet, and prophet Thomas Merton has been dead for 10 years. Yet reprints and analysesNo Author Listed Wilson Quarterly 2 (Summer 1978): 164.
32Selected poems of Thomas MertonFrom his retreat at Gethsemani Monastery in Kentucky, the Trappist monk has chosen sixty-eight poemsNo Author Listed New York Times Book Review (6 March 1960).
33PoetryThis is rich fare, profuse, engaging, sometimes puzzling, more often absorbing, the entire poeticO'Donnell, Robert, S.J. Best Sellers 37 (March 1978): 395.
34The Collected Poems of Thomas MertonThe number of Thomas Merton's prose works and the general interest in his social commentary andLeax, John Merton Seasonal 3.1 (Spring 1978): 5.
35A Potpourri of Thomas Merton's PoetryBuried in the middle of this thick book - a 1,048-page potpourri if themes,Huckaby, Mary Pjerrou Los Angeles Times (December 14, 1980).
36 This massive collection contains all of the poetryJ.J. ALA Booklist (March 1, 1978).
37 There are really two Mertons: one the Sufi, the mystic, the desert saintNo Author Listed Choice (July-August 1978).
38 Cet enorme volume de plus de mille pages contientHart, Patrick, Br., O.C.S.O. Collectanea Cisterciensia 40 (1978).
39 Over the years of his brief monastic life the late Thomas MertonDevlin, Vianney M., O.F.M. The Cord (September 1978): 252-256.
SEASONAL The number of Thomas Merton's prose works and the general interest in his social commentaryLeax, John Merton Seasonal 3:1 (Spring 1978): 5 [online: accessed March 20, 2017].
XREF1Merton's Affirmation and Affirmation of Merton: Writing about SilenceThomas Merton chose to be a cloistered contemplative within one of the most austere religious orders in the United States.Kramer, Victor A. Review [Charlottesville, VA] 4 (1982): 295-333 [see review author file].