The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Why We Live in Community

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Why We Live in CommunityThis concept of community fascinates people more than the reality of community. The conceptRochelle, Jay C. Currents in Theology and Mission 24 (October 1997): 460.
02Why We Live in Communitythis booklet is a translation and reprinting of Eberhard Arnold's 1925 publication of the same titleHarrison, Wes Mennonite Quarterly Review 70 (July 1996): 365-366.
03Why We Live in CommunityThis is a reprint of a short treatise written in 1925. It has been somewhat updated by the additionBailey, Raymond Review and Expositor 93 (Summer 1996): 439-440.
04MertoniaThis book which includes two talks by Merton on Community is written byEastman, Patrick Monos 7.5 (Sep/Oct 1995): 8.