The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Wisdom of the Desert

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01The Wisdom of the DesertThe ascetics of Scete and the Thebaid in the Egyptian Desert have been more often admired than knownNo Author Listed Jacket blurb from New Seeds of Contemplation.
02Patristic and TitanicThe current interest in Oriental though together with the impact of the Zen mondo, possessing asLentfoehr, Therese, S.D.S. Renascence 14 (Summer 1962): 218-222.
03 Love of Christ, a recent and handy addition to the Fleur de Lys Series, consists of thrity shortNo Author Listed Month [London] 26 (July 1961): 61-62.
04 Although popular fancy may people monasteries with wraithlike figures that leap out of bed whenToelle, Gervase, O. Carm. Catholic World 193 (August 1961): 330-331.
05 This collection of proverbs and stories from the desert fathers show how justified Saint BenedictNo Author Listed Sign 41 (November 1961): 72.
06 Here are two notable additions to the increasingly significant body of writings by Thomas Merton.McDonnell, Thomas P. Commonweal 74 (9 June 1961): 285-286.
07Noonday Devils Kept at BayThe monks of the desert, whose wisdom is distilled here by the well-known Trappist monk ThomasCaraman, Philip Literary Review [London] (September 1988): 52-53.
08Madry jak pustelnikCzy zabiegany czlowiek ery empetrojekJakimowicz, Marcin Gosc Niedzielny (20 May 2007): 51.
09Tao PustelnikowNajslynniejszy chyba pustelnik XX wieku Thomas Merton podSokolowska, Katarzyna Znak 60.1 (Jaunuary 2008): 165-168.
10 Some sayings of fourth-century desert FathersGold, Howard Jubilee 9.6 (October 1961): 46.