The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Words and Silence: On the Poetry of Thomas Merton

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01A kinsman to manyA decade ago, when I took the first tentative, frightened step toward an evaluationBaker, James Thomas Commonweal 108 (1 April 1981): 214-216.
02Recent Merton CriticismShortly before Thomas Merton left on his Asian journey in 1968, his friend Edward RiceCooper, David D. Renascence 34.2 (Winter 1982): 113-128.
03 Thomas Merton once said, "An author in a Trappist monastery is like a duck in a chicken coop.Corr, Thomas J. College Literature 8 (1981): 203-204.
04 Thomas Merton held a very special position among modern American prose writers.Martin, Jay American Literature 51.4 (January 1980): 583-584.
05 In 1977 New Directions published The Collected Poems of Thomas Merton (paperbackCunningham, Lawrence S. Horizons 8 (Spring 1981): 170-171.
06 The author, a poet herself, was the privileged confidante of Merton the poet from 1939 until hisLewis, Kevin Journal of the American Academy of Religion 48.4 (December 1980): 637-638.
07Charting the Spirit of MertonThomas Merton's "Seven Storey Mountain," published in 1948Montag, Tom Milwaukee Journal (17 June 1979).
08 Sister Therese Lentfoehr's Words and Silence: On the Poetry ofMurray, Brian Christianity and Literature 30.2 (Winter 1981): 100-101.
SEASONAL Sister Therese Lentfoehr is a recognized poet and scholar in her own right (she has published threeHart, Patrick, Br., O.C.S.O. Merton Seasonal 4:2 (Summer 1979): 12 [online: accessed March 20, 2017].
XREF1Merton's Affirmation and Affirmation of Merton: Writing about SilenceThomas Merton chose to be a cloistered contemplative within one of the most austere religious orders in the United States.Kramer, Victor A. Review [Charlottesville, VA] 4 (1982): 295-333 [see review author file].