The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Conjectures of a guilty bystanderIt is a relief to have this book in full form to dispel the shrillness of the excerpts published inStark, Philip M., S.J. America 115 (10 December 1966).
02Conjectures of a guilty bystander by Thomas Merton; Doubleday; $4.95The Trappist monk who wrote "The Seven Storey Mountain" about his conversion to Catholicism now hasP.W. Bee Sacramento CA (4 June 1964). P.W.
03'Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander'Cities leave me with a sense of placelessness and exile--the ceaseless motion of hot traffic, tiredNo Author Listed Berkshire Eagle Pittsfield Mass. (8 August 1966).
04The outspoken TrappistThe first of the Thomas Merton books that I read was the Seven Storey Mountain in 1948. I got in theCoffey, Warren Book Week 4 (27 November 1966).
05Conjectures of a guilty bystanderThe conjectures of Thomas Merton about the world of the '60s are drawn from notebooks the monk hasSchnaubelt, Ann Chimes Quarterly [St Mary's College] (Summer 1967): 278-280.
06Merton, Thomas. Conjectures of a Guilty BystanderEt tu Thomas Merton! Everyone else rereads the self as natural mode. Why not you? Catholic thoughtNo Author Listed Choice 4 (January 1968): 1256.
07Merton '68Thomas Merton characterizes his new book by saying that is "consists of a series of sketches andNicholl, Donald Clergy Review 53 (October 1968): 833-834.
08Thomas Merton's SpeculationsThomas Merton, the Kentucky Trappist monk who lives as a hermit in the woods of the Abbey of OurHabich, William Courier Journal Louisville KY (25 December 1966).
09Raindrops and RiddlesAlmost simultaneously, two new yet dissimilar books have been ushered out of the Kentucky woods byForest, James H. Critic 25 (April-May 1967): 70-72.
10Statesmen Fail to Interpret New Signals, Merton ClaimsThomas Merton was born in France of English and American parents, came to the United StatesCarroll, Tom Dayton Daily News Dayton OH (22 January 1967).
11Conjectures of a guilty bystander. By Thomas Merton. New York, Doubleday, 1966. pp.320. $4.95I read Seven Storey Mountain when I was 16 years old, and since then Merton has followed me whereverPlummer, Joachim, O.P. Dominicana 52 (March 1967): 73-74.
12Merton Tells Inner ThoughtsThe inner thoughts of a man, ranging from nuclear armaments to whether there is anything human inS.S. Express San Antonio Texas (29 January 1967). S.S.
13Thomas Merton's Notes Hold Variety of IdeasThere is considerable appeal in this book which provides insight into Thomas Merton's thought thatFriedebertha, Sister M., O.S.F. Fort Wayne News Sentinel (21 January 1967).Sister M.
14Conjectures of a guilty bystanderAs Dag Hammarskjold's Markings represents the religious thoughts of a layman, so this book by ThomasYungblut, John Friends Journal (1 March 1967).
15Seeking Meaning in the Sixties"This book--is a personal and monastic meditation, a testimony of Christian reflection in theHawes, William L. Gazette Charleston WV (15 January 1967).
16Concern for Individual in Today's Angry WorldThis is Thomas Merton's thirty-first book and probably best represents his thought. As a TrappistCargas, Harry James Globe Democrat St Louis MO (25 December 1966).
17A guilty bystander's unique viewpointThe Trappist monk who made his mark some years back with "The Seven Storey Mounting" has producedWoessner, Bob Green Bay Press Gazette (26 November 1966).
18"Much to Praise...Much to Deplore...""In times like ours," Father Merton writes, "it is more than ever necessary for the individual toTusiani, Joseph Homiletic and Pastoral Review 67 (March 1967):531-532.
19A Lively Trappist on the TimesThis book is for lively companionship. The Trappist poet, autobiographer and essayist offers hereCattoi, Louise Journal Milwaukee WI (12 February 1967).
20merton Bares ThoughtsThis is a book put together from notes kept for Father Merton over the last 10 years and is a seriesConver, Bill Journal Star Peoria IL (26 November 1966).
21 Thomas Merton's latest book, Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander (Doubleday, $4.95), consists ofClaire, William F. Jubilee 14 (March 1967): 42.
22merton, Thomas"Maybe the best way to characterize this book is to say that it consists of a series of sketches andAmrhein, John K. Library Journal 91 (15 November 1966): 5624.
23Recent PublicationsThe complexity and ambiguity of contemporary life have put a tremendous strain on our perspective.Godfrey, Aaron W. Liturgical Arts 35 (May 1967): 130.
24The Judgement of Thomas MertonHere is a strange and moving book, difficult to classify, difficult even to describe. Superficially,Sykes, Christopher Month [London] 40 (October 1968): 211-212.
25Life viewed too facilelyOnce more we have the work of Thomas Merton, this time in two books published almost simultaneouslyMurray, Michele National Catholic Reporter 3 (21 December 1966): 9.
26Conjectures of a guilty bystanderIn the interval since that rather noisy book Elected Silence we have grown so used to being shoutedSquire, Aelred, O.P. New Blackfriars 49 (September 1968): 665-666.
27Comments Not Only For LentThis is delightful reading. It includes meditations, collections, descriptions of particular momentsPasley, Gertrude Newark News (26 February 1967).
28Thoughts on religion, life stimulatingThe author of the famous The Seven Storey Mountain has written a collection of spontaneous thoughtsChips, Ian News Birmingham Alabama (4 December 1966).
29Conjectures of a guilty bystanderFather Merton, even when he is writing casual notes, is always interesting and provocative. HeNo Author Listed Newsday (7 January 1967).
30For 'Lent in a Year of War'Thomas Merton was the secular name of the Trappist monk, Father M. Louis, of the Abbey of GethsemaniReeves, Elizabeth Oberlin Herald Topeka, KS (20 March 1969).
31Fr. Thomas Merton, Poet of InnocenceIn 1956, Thomas Merton, the Trappist monk who has achieve world-wide fame as an author in the worldO'Hara, Mary Press Pittsburg, PA (27 November 1966).
32Books in ReviewWhen the Seven Storey Mountain became a best seller, I read it. That many years ago I was just outEckhart, John J. Priest 23 (May 1967): 401-403.
33November 4Not a spiritual journal, but notebook writings--reflections, insights, metaphors, judgments onKitching, Jessie Publishers Weekly 190 (22 August 1966): 103.
34Monk for all SeasonsThe Christian church and the committed Christian are in turmoil. Any one who takes ChristianitySupik, Wilma Record [Hackensack, NJ] (5 November 1966): A4.
35Conjectures of a guilty bystanderThomas Merton was catapulted into international literary prominence by his autobiographical SevenPeter Thomas Rohrback, O.C.D. Sign 46 (February 1967): 58.
36Conjectures of a guilty bystanderThomas Merton's stunning new book is a portent. Clearly the fruit of nearly a decade of interiorChristopher, Morley, Jr. Times Chattanooga, TN (4 December 1966).
37Solves World's Problemsby this time we know that any book by Thomas Merton, whatever else it may contain, will have theCanisius, Peter Peter Canisius.
38Conjectures of a Guilty ReviewerThere was once a convert to catholicism who wrote a beautiful, moving book explaining why he hadEdwards, Lee Triumph 2 (March 1967): 34. Lee Edwards.
39 From the notes, opinions, experiences, reflections and meditations of the last decadeLukacsy, Ann E. Catholic Library World 38 (May-June 1967): 611.
40Balancing the Books: Merton ObservesWhen Thomas Merton entered aKennedy, J. S. The Faith (February 1967): 292 (Reproduced from Our Sunday Visitor).
41 Merton's latest book is a series of reflections and observations drawn from notebooks kept since 1956Schlesinger, Bruno P. The Shield (September 1967) [cited in Bruno Schlesinger letter 17 August 1967]. One copy from Schlesinger correspondence file at Merton Center and one alternate version from Saint Mary's College archives.
42Christian ConcernIt would be a pity if a pretentiousEvans, Illtud, O.P. Times Literary Supplement [London] 3471 (Sept. 5 1968): 948.
43 In his twentieth book since his Elected Silence Father ThomasO'Donoghue, Noel-Dermot The Furrow, 19. 9, Supplement: Books, 5 (Summer, 1968): 4-6.