The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Contemplation in a World of Action

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Merton traces mind's journey"Due to a book I wrote 30 years ago," writes Thomas Merton, "I have myself become a sort ofEllington, Coke Anniston Star (28 March 1971).
02Contemplation in a World of ActionThe sixties were a time when American youth engaged this society in a moral confrontation andLester, Julius New York Times Book Review (14 March 1971): 34-35.
03Charting a Future for Life & PrayerAlthough these two studies on the place of monasticism in the modern world were published separatelyMcDonnell, Thomas P. Pilot (24 April 1971).
04Contemplation in a World of ActionRenewal for enclosed orders, more particularly the Trappists, is not the same as for activeStork, Sister P. Review for Religious 30.5 (September 1971): 935.
05Silent Witness to the Sacred: Thomas Merton's Contemplation in a World of Action And the Dilemma ofThomas Merton has always been considered a man of paradox, a man who attempted to achieve a certainRicciardi, Marc Journal of Pastoral Counseling 34 (1999): 128-130.
06Contemplation in a World of ActionIf there are those who judge that the monastic and eremitical life is either a quaint ecclesiasticalFleming, Peter J. America 124 (8 May 1971): 490-491.
07Merton, ThomasThomas Merton died in December, 1968. Shortly before his death he submitted these "monastic essays,"Anderson, Joseph Marie, S.S.N.D. Best Sellers 31 (15 April 1971): 40-41.
08Conciliar TaleExceptional importance, deriving both from significance of subject matter and from authority ofNo Author Listed Christian Century 88 (3 March 1971): 300.
09 Ever since his student days at Columbia in the '30s, Thomas Merton had a deep, abiding interest inDevlin, Vianney M., O.F.M. Cord 21 (September 1971): 281-283.
10Recent PublicationsThe conversion of Thomas Merton to Roman Catholicism and his subsequent monastic career representGodfrey, Aaron W. Liturgical Arts 39 (August 1971): 113, 115-116.
11Thomas Merton on the Contemplative LifeThomas Merton wrote in the letter in which he accepted the invitation to speak at the Congress inMcGreggor, Bede, O.P. New Blackfriars 53.629 (October 1972): 470-476.
12Monasticism from WithinContemplation in a World of Action is a series of essays by Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk forWidis, Barbara Rutgers Daily Targum (24 February 1971): 6.
13 Thomas Merton's ideas on the monastic life changed greatly in the years after 'Elected Silence'Cameron-Brown, Aldhelm O.S.B. Month [London] 5 (July 1972): 219.
14 Thomas Merton, though dead, lives on, not only in the works published during his lifetime, butCary-Elwes, Columba, O.S.B. Heythrop Journal [London] 14.1 (January 1973): 93-94.
15 Thomas Merton's twentieth and second-last book will probably rank as one of his finest.Ledwith, Michael The Furrow 23.9 (September 1972): 563-64.
16 This book puts together a set of unpublished essays on the monastic life andO'Donoghue, N.-D. Irish Theological Quarterly 39.3 (July 1972): 311-312.
17The Hermit's VocationThe three years that have passedEvans, Illtud, O.P. Times Literary Supplement [London] 3662 (May 5 1972): 527.
18Father Thomas Merton: The Man and His Search"Gott ist Tot." When Nietzche proclaimed the expirationMacleish, Roderick Washington Post (February 27, 1971): C4.
19 Most of the material in this book was put together by Thomas MertonNo Author Listed Liguorian (May 1971): 60.
20 In this second of his posthumous booksCasey, Genevieve Library Journal.
CSQ In certain circles there has beenWeber, Richard [Columban], O.C.S.O. Cistercian Studies 7.2 (1972); Bulletin of Monastic Spirituality # 283 [145-147].
SEASONALA "World" Divided in TwoAs the glue dried out and crumbled, and the pages seperated from the binding of my 1973LeBeau, Dorothy Merton Seasonal 24:4 (Winter 1999): 26-28.