The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Cables to the Ace: or, Familiar Liturgies of Misunderstanding

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Kung Boyd Merton Johann Fesquet Nichols Labby Pintauro Corita MartyThomas Merton's newest book doesn't lend itself to reviewing. One way of describing it: poetry and pSullivan, Maureen Jubilee 15 (April 1968): 45. Maureen Sullivan.
02Library JournalThis new volume of poetry by Thomas Merton, renowned Gethsemani Abbey Trappist monk, is a challengeNelson, Elizabeth Library Journal 93 (1 June 1968): 2246.
03Poetry 114the thing, an idolator of finely crafted instruments; the sardonic culture-iconoclast (the AudenLieberman, Laurence Poetry 114 (April 1969): 40-58.
04ForecastsAvant-garde poetry and prose paragraphs on the world of rock and roll, computers, drugs and demonstrNo Author Listed Publishers Weekly 193 (19 February 1968): 88.
05Monastic Life and the Secular CitySince the Middle Ages, Christian monasteries have been periodically under attack-first by the barbarLandess, Thomas Sewanee Review 77 (July-September 1969): 530-534.
06SubliminalIn Cables to the Ace which the author subtitles "Familiar Liturgies of Misunderstanding," we observeSullivan, Aloysius M. Spirit 35 (July 1968): 93.
07Cables to the Ace by Thomas Merton. 60 pages. New Directions $3.75The late Trappist monk, in his last book of poems, offers his apprehensions of the Kentucky woods anNo Author Listed Time Magazine 93 (24 January 1969): 72-75.
08Cables to the Ace by Thomas MertonThomas Merton's latest book is an urgent message to the age. It is revelation in the way that any liNo Author Listed Virginia Quarterly Review 44 (Winter 1968): civ-cv.
09Pop, pot pourri, pastAmong these three volumes are to be found at least the theoretic poles of much contemporary poetry.Wissman, Elizabeth Catholic Library World 40 (September 1968): 86.
10Recent Studies on Thomas MertonOne of the dominant themes in Thomas Merton's later worksGlimm, James York The Lamp (May 1971): 30-31.