The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Dancing in the Water of Life: Seeking Peace in the Hermitage

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Dancing in the Water of LifeThomas Merton, professor of literature, convert to Roman Catholicism, Trappist monk, acknowledgedRing, Nancy C. America 178.18 (23 May 1998): 31-33.
02Five Volumes & CountingWriting to Thomas Merton in 1960, the poet Czeslaw Milosz reflected that we moderns "lack an imagePrusak, Bernard G. Commonweal 124.15 (12 September 1997): 36-37.
03Dancing in the Water of Life: The Journals of Thomas Merton Vol. 5 1963-1965Dancing in the Water of Life is the fifth volume of Thomas Merton's complete journals and covers hisPearson, Paul M. Heythrop Journal 40:3 (July 1999): 360-361.
04Dancing in the Waters of Life: Seeking Peace in the Hermitage. The Journals of Thomas Merton. VolumeLike a great crescendo, this next-to-last volume of Thomas Merton's journals manifests theGunn, Robert W. Journal of Religion and Health 36.4 (Winter 1997): 379.
05Merton, ThomasThis fifth of seven projected volumes of the journals of Thomas Merton (A Search for Solitude, LJWoodhouse, Mark Library Journal 122.10 (1 June 1997): 104.
06'Dancing' Offers Monk's Insight into '60sDancing in the Water of Life is the fifth volume of the journals of Thomas Merton, the late TrappistToomey, Patrick, Jr. Palm Beach Post (28 December 1997).
07Dancing in the Water of LifeThis next-to-last volume of the famous Trappist monk' personal journals covers the years before andNo Author Listed Publishers Weekly 244.15 (14 April 1997): 69.
08 Near the middle of this fifth of seven volumes (October 31, 1964), Merton writes,Schroeder, Steve Booklist [Chicago, IL] 93.21 (July 1997): 1778-79.
09The Uncensored MertonOne March, not long after we were married, my wife put on her birthday wish-listJones, Timothy Books & Culture: A Christian Review [London]6.6 (Nov.-Dec. 2000): 25-31.
10Enamoured AnchoriteThe life of the American monk and spiritualFurlong, Monica Times Literary Supplement [London] 4974 (Aug. 14 1998): 31.
ANNUAL For Thomas Merton, the years 1963 through 1965 are marked by 'ambiguity'.Johmann, Michael Merton Annual 11: 196-199.
JOURNAL This, the fifth of the seven projected volumes of Thomas Merton's complete journals,Pearson, Paul M. Merton Journal [UK] 5.1 (Easter 1998): 66-68.
SEASONALMerton in MotionThe intriguing title of this volume, imaging Merton as dancing in the water of life, reminded me ofWeber, Richard [Columban], O.C.S.O. Merton Seasonal 22:2 (Summer 1997): 25-26.