The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Disputed Questions

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Disputed QuestionsIn this Collection of random essays, provocative Father Louis, OCSO, has some trenchant things toPatricia Barrett, R.S.C.J. America 104 (21 January 1961).
02Disputed QuestionsThis is a selection of essays on various topics. The longest piece is devoted to "The PasternakNo Author Listed Ave Maria (11 February 1961).
03Disputed Questions"Meant to stimulate thought and to awaken some degree of spiritual awareness," this book is made upSchoeck, R.J. Ave Maria 93 (4 March 1961): 27.
04Disputed QuestionsFather Thomas Merton, who has gained literary fame, emphasizes the relation of the individual toP.A.L. Buffalo Evening News (9 December 1961). P.A.L.
05Disputed QuestionsThe title of this latest book by America's most amazing monk has scholastic connotation which areKeating, John J., C.S.P. Catholic World 192 (November 1960): 115-116.
06Disputed QuestionsThis book by the author of "The Seven Storey Mountain" consists of a series of essays, theHarding, Alice M. Charleston news SC (18 December 1960).
07Father Merton On PasternakFather Merton, perhaps the most urbane Roman Catholic essayist in the United States, discourses onConroy, Jack Chicago Sun Times (29 January 1961).
08Too Complacent U.S. Dismays Monk MertonThomas Merton, the young man who gave up a harried life in new York City for monastery serenity inBarensfield, Thomas Cleveland Plain Dealer (23 October 1960).
09Disputed Question, By Thomas Merton. Farrar, Straus, and Cudahy, $3.95Even on such explosive questions as contemporary Christian art, Father Merton writes with charity asNo Author Listed Commonweal (24 February 1961).
10Trappist Attacks Lack of Personal ThinkingAs in the past, our modern way of life is under attack by Mertens, a Trappist monk for some twoSala, Peter Courier-Express Buffalo, NY (9 October 1960).
11Stimulant For ThoughtThis is the latest volume by Kentucky's Trappist monk, Thomas Merton. It is nonfiction, and theHabich, William Courier Journal Louisville, KY (23 October 1960).
12Disputed QuestionsThis is a religious book, certainly; yet, in another real sense, it is not. Its scope andLentfoehr, Therese, S.D.S. Critic 19 (December-January 1960-1961): 30-31.
13Priest Puts Thoughts in Essay FormFather Merton, author of "Seven Storey Mountain," has written another book which pursues somewhatMulholland, Charles Fort Worth Star (6 November 1960).
14Essays by a MonkThe problem of the person and his relation to the social organization is the main theme runningNo Author Listed News Detroit MI (6 November 1960).
15Thomas Merton Gives OpinionsThe longest essay in this collection, dedicated to the memory of Boris Pasternak, is an evaluationFlorence M. Manny News Sentinel Ft. Wayne, IN (24 December 1960).
16 A new book by Thomas Merton, "Disputed Questions," will be published by Farrar, Straus & Cudahy onNo Author Listed NY Times (14 September 1960).
17Essays Emphasize PersonalismWhether Thomas Merton writes about Boris Pasternak or a Renaissance hermit he applies as touchstoneNolan, James W. New Orleans Picayune (5 February 1961).
18Book Reviews: Cenobite and SocietyThis is indeed an extraordinary book, even by so unusual a monk as Thomas Merton, whom we knowLentfoehr, Therese, S.D.S. Renascence 14 (Winter 1962): 102-105.
19A Search Beyond the SelfIn 1953 the author of "Disputed Questions" wrote on the closing pages of his fourth book, "The SignMichelfelder, William Saturday Review [NY City] 43 (24 September 1960).
20Essays on Problems of Current ConcernCertainly the best known Catholic writer in America today is Thomas Merton, who is Father Louis ofThomas, Alma Savannah News, GA (9 October 1960).
21Disputed QuestionsIt would by interesting to know whether Thomas Merton will be remembered as a sociologicalKirtland, Robert Sign 40 (January 1961): 60.
22Disputed QuestionsWhen Fr. Merton entered the isolation of a contemplative monastery twenty years ago he was alreadyNo Author Listed Virginia Kirkus Bulletin 28 (15 September 1960): 833.
23Disputed Questions*This is a collection of essays by the distinguished author on various subjects, related looselyNo Author Listed Virginia Kirkus Bulletin (1 October 1960).
24Provocative ReadinIs modern man in America likely to be too conformist? Is his inclination toward passivity? Does ourRushton, Frederick L. Worcester Telegram, Mass (5 February 1961).
25Book ReviewsThis might well be sub-dubbed "The Anti-Organization Man," but for the readers who might wonder whatKannapell, Martha
26Disputed QuestionsIn Disputed Questions Merton turns to have a look at the world from which his journey has led him.No Author Listed Review for Religious 21.5 (September 1962): 483.
27In Defense of SolitudeConvinced that even in America "the world has moved a very long way towards conformism and passivityConover, Charles Eugene Christian Century 78 (18 January 1961): 84-85.
28Thinking Out LoudThis is a book of essays in which the author thinks out loud on some of the disputed andJames, Bruno S. Tablet [London] (8 July 1961): 659-60.
29 A look at the table of contents will give us an idea of the diveristy of the social and religiousPeisson, Henry Catholic World 203(June 1966) :187-188.
30 Columns of nonsense and a certain amount of sense in popular avant garde pages, have been writtenW.J.B. Catholic Library World 32 (November 1960) : 141-142.
31 Over the years of his brief monastic life the late Thomas MertonDevlin, Vianney M., O.F.M. The Cord (September 1978): 252-256.