File# | Title | First Line | Rev.Author | Citation | Year |
01 | Lessons from Merton | Throughout history, much has been written about how Christians can understand the paradoxes of our lives | Nuccio, Anthony |
The Living Church (March 15, 2024).
| 2024 |
JOURNAL | | Not being terribly familiar with Thomas Merton, I must admit that I found | Knox, Paul. |
The Merton Journal 30.2 (Advent 2023): 38-39.
| 2023 |
SEASONAL | Merton as Guide for the Lenten Journey. | Thomas Merton’s journey encompassed the turbulent period of the early and mid-twentieth | McDonnell, Chris |
The Merton Seasonal 48.4 (Winter 2023): 35-37.
| 2023 |