The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Elected Silence

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01 An American autobiography describing a personal religious conversion is having the successPritchett, V.S. New Statesman and Nation (13 August 1949): 174, 176.
02A Study in RedemptionThomas Merton is an American Trappist monk, and Elected Silence is the English edition of his autobiography.Evans, Illtud, O.P. Tablet [London] (6 August 1949): 8.
03Elected Speech: Thomas Merton and the American ConscienceSixteen years have passed since Elected Silence cast its sudden light on the drab landscapeEvans, Illtud, O.P. Tablet [London] (12 November 1966): 9.
04One Man's PilgrimageMr. Evelyn Waugh tells us in a prefatoryCarlill, H. F. Times Literary Supplement [London] (29 July 1949): 491.
05 The Catholic reader will take up this volume, the autobiographyWalker, Bruno, O.C.R. Life of the Spirit 4.40 (October 1949): 183-185.
06Autobiography of a TrappistOwen Merton, the father of the author of this unusual autobiography,Hudson, Derek The Spectator 6318 (July 29, 1949): 148.
07 In America this book, under another title (The Seven Storey Mountain)Read, Herbert Edward Unpublished Typescript.
JOURNALA Hideous Book (But Very Good)There come frightful moments to everybody, when no human being canBetjeman, John The Merton Journal 23.2 (Advent 2016): 30-31. Originally publised in The Daily Herald. (27th July 1949).