File# | Title | First Line | Rev.Author | Citation | Year |
01 | | An American autobiography describing a personal religious conversion is having the success | Pritchett, V.S. |
New Statesman and Nation (13 August 1949): 174, 176.
| 1949 |
02 | A Study in Redemption | Thomas Merton is an American Trappist monk, and Elected Silence is the English edition of his autobiography. | Evans, Illtud, O.P. |
Tablet [London] (6 August 1949): 8.
| 1949 |
03 | Elected Speech: Thomas Merton and the American Conscience | Sixteen years have passed since Elected Silence cast its sudden light on the drab landscape | Evans, Illtud, O.P. |
Tablet [London] (12 November 1966): 9.
| 1966 |
04 | One Man's Pilgrimage | Mr. Evelyn Waugh tells us in a prefatory | Carlill, H. F. |
Times Literary Supplement [London] (29 July 1949): 491.
| 1949 |
05 | | The Catholic reader will take up this volume, the autobiography | Walker, Bruno, O.C.R. |
Life of the Spirit 4.40 (October 1949): 183-185.
| 1949 |
06 | Autobiography of a Trappist | Owen Merton, the father of the author of this unusual autobiography, | Hudson, Derek |
The Spectator 6318 (July 29, 1949): 148.
| 1948 |
07 | | In America this book, under another title (The Seven Storey Mountain) | Read, Herbert Edward |
Unpublished Typescript.
| |
JOURNAL | A Hideous Book (But Very Good) | There come frightful moments to everybody, when no human being can | Betjeman, John |
The Merton Journal 23.2 (Advent 2016): 30-31. Originally publised in The Daily Herald. (27th July 1949).
| 2016 |