The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Entering the Silence: Becoming a Monk and Writer. The Journals of Thomas Merton vol. 2 1941-1945.

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Run to the Mountain: the Story of a Vocation and Entering the Silence: Becoming a Monk and WriterThese volumes are beautifully produced. Simply to hold and look at them seems to confirm theEveritt, Gabriel, O.S.B. Anglican Theological Review 79.1 (Winter 1997): 92-95.
02Prose into prayer: Merton in his journalsThe Thomas Merton revealed in these journals is the quintessentially restless American, everCarr, Anne E. Christian Century 113.18 (22-29 May 1996): 570-573.
03Five Volumes & CountingWriting to Thomas Merton in 1960, the poet Czeslaw Milosz reflected that we moderns 'Lack an imagePrusak, Bernard G. Commonweal 124.15 (12 September 1997): 36-37.
04Entering the Silence: Becoming a Monk and Writer. The Journals of Thomas merton, Volume Two 1941-Entering the Silence details Thomas Merton's growth as a gifted writer and teacher and in doing soGriffin, John Howard Journal of Religion and Health 35.2 (summer 1996): 174-176.
05Merton, ThomasIn this second of a projected seven-volume series of Merton's journals, Montaldo, an adviser to theCarrigan, Henry Library Journal 121.4 (1 March 1996): 84.
06Merton's Journal reflect on nearly everythingThe first of these journals records the thoughts, feelings and observations of the young ThomasThomson, Clarence National Catholic Reporter 32.19 (8 March 1996): 14.
07Book explores inward journey of Thomas Merton ; How a one-time atheist found religionTo judge by what is stocked in many bookstores, the religion books category grows ever broader,Niebuhr, Gustav Patriot Ledger [Quincy MA] (23 March 1996): 46.
08Thomas MertonAptly titled, this second volume of Merton's journals shows him entering more deeply into theChen, Sheryl Frances, O.C.S.O. Cistercian Studies Quarterly 33.1 (1998): 87-90.
09Kentucky MysticThe Archbishop is here in a sleek new monster of a Buick -- a streamlined Vatican on wheels." ThusCrews, Clyde F. Courier Journal [Louisville] (25 February 1996): D4.
10Moonlight in the soulIn 1968 the vibrant life of Thomas Merton -- Trappist monk, gifted spiritual teacher, writer, artistBrown, Kathy Lexington Herald-Leader (14 April 1996): D4.
11Intimate Thoughts RevisitedThis second volume in the series of Thomas Merton's unexpurgated diaries is a book full of gossip,Gervais, Mary Windsor Star (17 February 1996): E4.
12 To love onself perfectly, Merton writes in an entry near the end of this volume, is to disappear.Schroeder, Steve Booklist [Chicago, IL] 92.12 (15 February 1996): 967.
13The Uncensored MertonOne March, not long after we were married, my wife put on her birthday wish-listJones, Timothy Books & Culture: A Christian Review [London]6.6 (Nov.-Dec. 2000): 25-31.
14The Young Monk's Lenten PuddingThis second volume of Thomas Merton'sFurlong, Monica Times Literary Supplement [London] 4868 (July 19 1996): 30.
ANNUAL Jonathon Montaldo's editing of volume two of Merton's journals reflects the monastic virtue ofGrote, Jim Merton Annual 10: 326-330 [online].
JOURNALA Mirror of My Own Character and ConscienceIn 1967 Thomas Merton organised the setting up of a Legacy Trust to look afterPearson, Paul M. Merton Journal [UK] 3.2 (Advent 1996): 59-63.
SEASONALOuter and Inner LandscapesI have been told that all of our history is written on the "walls" inside us--our upbringing andCassani, Genevieve, S.S.N.D. Merton Seasonal 21:1 (Spring 1996): 23-25.