The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Exile Ends in Glory; The Life of a Trappistine, Mother M. Berchmans, O.C.S.O.

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Exile Ends in GloryA Trappist poet and writer reveals the hidden life of a French Trappistine who, self-exiled from herNo Author Listed America (26 February 1949).
02MertonWhile most of us are at least remotely acquainted with the monks of the Cistercian Order of theUlrich, Francis J. Best Sellers [Scranton, PA] 8 (1 August 1948): 102-103.
03Merton, Thomas"A biography of Mother Mary Berchmans, foundress of a Trappistine convent in Japan."Grennan, M. R.; Theodore Maynard Book Rev Digest (November 1949). Contains excerpts of reviews by M. R. Grennan and Theodore Maynard.
04Poet Disappointing as BiographerIt is an extremely unpleasant task for anyone as enthusiastic as this reviewer about the CistercianMurray, Gerard M. Brooklyn Eagle (24 August 1948).
05Life of a French-Born NunA poet of range and power, Thomas Merton also writes in a restrained and simple prose style. HeNo Author Listed Bulletin Philadelphia PA (1 August 1948).
06Mother Marie BerchmansThis biography of the saintly French Trappistine, from the gifted pen of Thomas Merton, is anNo Author Listed Catholic Booklist Rosary College River Forest IL (1949).
07Exile Ends in Glory for Mother Berchmans In Book by Poet MertonMost of us know something about the monks of the Cistercian Order of Strict Observance, betterNo Author Listed Catholic Messenger (14 October 1948).
08Exile Ends in Glory. The Life of a Trappistine. By Thomas Merton. Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing CoThis book tells the story of Mother Mary Berchmans. Born in France in 1876 and educated at anGrennan, Margaret R. Catholic World 168 (October 1948): 87-88.
09And A Poet's RecordWhile most of us are at least remotely acquainted with the monks of the Cistercian Order of theUlrich, Francis J. Chr Sc Monitor (29 October 1948).Francis J.
10 "Exile Ends in Glory," the life of a Trappistine, by Thomas Merton reveals the hidden life of MotherNo Author Listed E. Washingtonian Pomeroy, Wash (2 November 1950).
11Mother BerchmansThomas Merton, avant-garde poet and Trappist monk, here ventures upon the field of hagiography, withJ.N.H. Journal Providence RI (15 August 1948). J.N.H.
12"Exile Ends in Glory." By Thomas Merton. Published by Bruce Publishing Co. $3.Here is a highly satisfying book of deep spiritual significance. Its author, perhaps better knownBuchtal, Henry Louisville Times (6 August 1948).
13Exile Ends in GloryThe Trappist poet and writer sets down the life story of a French Trappistine in exile from her ownNo Author Listed Our Sunday Visitor (11 December 1949).
14 Exile Ends in Glory, by one of the greatest living poets, Rev. Thomas Merton, OCSO, ($3.75), is theNo Author Listed Pilot Boston Mass (10 July 1948).
15Exile Ends In GloryA Trappist poet and writer reveals the hidden life of a French Trappistine who, self-exiled from herNo Author Listed Publishers Weekly (26 February 1949).
16Exile Ends In GloryA detailed picture of the Trappist way--a Cistercian convent from the inside--is presented in theNo Author Listed Retail Bookseller (May 1948).
17Exile Ends in GloryEmulation of the exact life pattern of the saints, canonized or not, is dangerous for the layman andCaliri, Fortunata Sign 28 (September 1948): 51.
18Exile ends in GloryThe life of Mother Mary Berchmans, French Trappistine who left the convent of her profession to makeNo Author Listed Visitor [Providence RI] (12 August 1948).
19Book ReviewsDuring her lifetime complete obscurity cloaked the activities of Mother Berchmans; and, but for herMcNair, T.L. Review for Religious 7.6 (November 1948): 324-325.
20Kingdom of SufferingIt has been my good fortune, over the past few years, to read and review the poetry of Thomas MertonWolfe, Ann F. Saturday Review of Literature 31.41 (9 October 1948): 30.
21 It is fitting that, just as the first Trappistine convent is being oraganized in old New England,Justin, Brother, F.S.C. Catholic Library World 20 (March 1949) : 199-200.
22 When a Trappist monk writes a book it is news. When he writes many boooks in quick successionMaynard, Theodore Commonweal 48 (13 August 1948): 432.
23 In the Trappist monastery in Gethsemane, Kentucky, Thomas Merton is known as Brother LouisMargaret, Helene Thought 24 (March 1949): 132-133.
24In and Out of PrintExile Ends in Glory is another contributionJames, Mary, S.S.N.D. The Pilot Boston Mass 119 (13 November 1948): 4.
25Trappistines in JapanThis is the life of Mother Berchmans, a Trappistine who in the short span of thirty-nine years achieved what manyMeath, Gerard, O.P. Tablet [London] (24 November 1951): 10.
26 Almost certainly this recent work of Thomas MertonK. M. Blackfriars 32 (December 1951): 615.