The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Faith and Violence: Christian Teaching and Christian Practice

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Theology of Love"Faith & Nonviolence" is a trenchant, heroic and constructive analysis of Christian teaching andPatnaik, Deba P. Courier Journal Louisville, KY (13 October 1968).
02The Sworded Cross: Faith and ViolenceIt is a sad thing, and a terrible loss for the cause of revolution, that Thomas Merton cannot sloughRitalin, Thane Gower Skyline Chicago, IL (18 September 1968).
03 If outstanding theologians find it difficult to explain the morality of man's sexuality in the lightCole, Basil O.P. Thomist 33.1 (January 1969): 197-200.
04 For the fourth time in as many years, Thomas Merton has come out with a collection of hisStark, Philip M., S.J. Sign 48 (December 1968): 52.
05Merton Essays Warn Christians Against Too Much Accommodation to SecularityThis book is a collection of essays, many published before,Lammers, Stephen Catholic Messenger (5 September 1968).
06 This second book by a Roman Catholic writer recently publishedNo Author Listed Canadian Mennonite (September 12, 1969).
07From a Trappist CellThomas Merton, one of the few authentic saints of our timeLapp, John A. Christian Living (August 1969).
08Notes and QuotesTo many Fr. Thomas Merton was an irreplacable man.Perdix The Tablet 223.6748 (20 September 1969): 928.
CSQ This paperback volume, published just a fewHart, Patrick, Br., O.C.S.O. Cistercian Studies 7.2 (1972). Bulletin of Monastic Spirituality # 284. [147-148].