The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Father Louie: Photographs of Thomas Merton

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01The complex spirit of Meatyard's MertonFather Louie features, in one volume, three of the more fascinating artists ever toPrather, Paul Lexington Herald-Leader (14 July 1991): F4.
02 Those of us who knew and lived with Thomas Merton considered him anWeber, Richard [Columban], O.C.S.O. Filson Club History Quarterly 67.1 (January 1993): 87-90.
ANNUAL This is not the usual kind of portrait-photography book. It contains fifty Merton portraitsPatnaik, Deba P. Merton Annual 5: 373-377.
SEASONALMerton in ApparitionIt may be an exaggeration to say that Thomas Merton has been photographed as much as theQuenon, Paul, Br., O.C.S.O. Merton Seasonal 16:4 (Fall 1991): 25-28.