The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Follow the Ecstasy: Thomas Merton, The Hermitage Years 1965-68

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01 Entering the Silence details Thomas Merton's growth as a gifted writer and teacher and in doing soCarter, Richard Journal of Religion and Health 35.2 (Summer 1996): 174-176.
02Many Mertons, Many MeadsThe Merton "industry" keeps growing. The first dissertation on Merton's writings appeared the yearShannon, William H. Commonweal 111 (19 October 1984): 560-562.
03 The well-known author Joseph Campbell encouraged others to "Follow their Bliss" not to get someEastman, Patrick Monos 5.7 (Jul/Aug 1993): 7.
04Zycie nie do podrobieniaZta ksiazka cos nie tak.Solecka, Katarzyna Gosc Niedzielny (15 October 2006): 51.
05Merton biography walks pedestrian lineWhen Thomas Merton, the American monk and writer, died by accidental electrocutionHiggins, Michael W. Toronto Sunday Times (14 January 1984): K-10.
06New Book Reveals Depth of Merton's SearchSince his death in 1968, Thomas Merton has become an established figure in NorthBrennan, Margaret Catholic New Times [Toronto, ON] (30 October 1983): 8.
07Testament of Griffin's Friendship with MertonI believe it was the British scholar George Steiner who commented that the single most importantHiggins, Michael W. Catholic New Times [Toronto, ON] (30 October 1983): 9.
08 Until Michael Mott's comprehensive biography of Thomas Merton appears inHettinger, John A. Courier-Journal [Louisville] 258 (4 March 1984): D5.
09John Howard Griffin Re-VisitedOne night, shortly before his death, John Howard Griffin spoke to me on theSilver Sussman, Cornelia Contemplative Review 17 (Fall 1984): 24-30.
10 Trappist monk Thomas Merton worked very hard at beingDunn, Si Dallas Morning News (24 January 1984): 45.
11Merton and UsThe summer of 1969 I received a letter from a major northeaster university asking if ILester, Julius Katallagete 9.3 (Summer 1986): 7-14.
12 Johnson examines the concept of romantic love through the exploration of a myth.Liddell, Rose A., S.L. Occasional Review [Loretto Central Office] 2 (Summer 1984): 13-15.
13Thomas MertonAny list of great American Catholics is incomplete without one name: Thomas Merton.Finley, Mitch Our Sunday Visitor 73 (16 December 1984): 12,16.
14Merton: 'I got angst up to my eyes'Wallace Stevens was writing about the poetry with which, they say, he attempted to replace belief, but those wordsGarvey, Michael National Catholic Reporter 20 (16 December 1983): 9, 16-17.
15A Solitude That Exploded On the WorldThomas Merton's death left a profound sense of loss.Hoover, Conrad C. Sojourners 14.4 (April 1985): 40-41.
SEASONAL-DaggyBiographer Like MeBiography can be challenging and difficult and there are several ways to write the story of anotherDaggy, Robert E. Merton Seasonal 10:4 (Fall 1985): 6-8 [online: accessed March 7th, 2017].
SEASONAL-HigginsTestament of Griffin's FriendshipI believe it was the British scholar George Steiner who commented that the single most importantHiggins, Michael W. Merton Seasonal 9:1 (Winter-Spring 1984): 12-13 [online: accessed March 8th, 2017].