The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Gandhi on Non-violence. Edited, with an introduction, by Thomas Merton

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Gandhi on Non-Violence by Thomas MertonIn Gandhi on Non-Violence Thomas Merton has assembled some fifty pages of the most interestingWoodcock, George Pacific Affairs, 38.3/4 (Autumn 1965- Winter 1966): 104.
02Nonviolent Resistance RedefinedNon-violent resistance is one of the best-known and least-understood phrases in our language. SomeRahtjen, Bruce D. Kansas City Star (5 November 1965).
03Gandhi on Non-ViolenceThe texts, carefully chosen and edited, are arranged in sections, each with a brief but clearSwaminathan, K. Mountain Path 3.2 (April 1966): 202.
04 Obedient to his own advice "to contemplate with a pen," Thomas Merton copied by hand a whole series of excerptsCunningham, Lawrence S. Commonweal 135.6 (28 March 2008): 26-27.
ANNUAL It has often been noted that the twentieth century, though rife with scientific achievements, alsoFrazier, Julie Merton Annual 21: 268-272.