The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

The Geography of Lograire

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01Keys to OurselvesThomas Merton's "The Geography of Lograire" (New Directions, $4.95) may be the past year's mostKessler, Jascha Saturday Review 53 (2 May 1970): 34-35.
02Intriguing Poetry by MertonIn the Summer of 1968, a few months before his death, Thomas Merton delivered to his publishers theRohrbach, Peter T. Star Washington DC (18 November 1969).
03Poems by Merton Create a MosaicAccording to Thomas Merton's introductory note,Cronin, Joan Miami Herald (January 18, 1970).
04 A book-length poem in four books, part of a longer workCarruth, Hayden Hudson Review (Spring 1970): 187.
05 The final poem of the Trappist monk, Thomas Merton, is one ofLocklin, Gerald Long Beach Press-Telegram (July 8, 1970).