The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

Getting It All Together: The Heritage of Thomas Merton

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01 If you can get past the irritating title and the overstated subtitle, there are some decent items inGrayston, Donald Edward Theological Studies 46.4 (December 1985): 756-757.
02 The essays in this volume are not "about" Thomas Merton.Leonard, Billy Jim Review & Expositor [Louisville] 82.4 (Fall 1985): 614-615.
03 Thomas Merton has fascinated the public ever since his youthful autobiography became a bestMalits, Elena, C.S.C. Theology Today 42.3 (October 1985): 406, 408-409.
SEASONALFacets of MertonThe title, Getting It All Together, has a folksy sound, but, considering the wide-ranging interestsTobin, Mary Luke, Sr., S.L. Merton Seasonal 11:1 (Winter 1986): 14-15.