The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Reviews of:

God is My Life: The Story of Our Lady of Gethsemani

File#TitleFirst LineRev.AuthorCitationYear
01God is my Life"Here time has no meaning, their goal is eternity." This is what Shirley Burden has undertaken toWyatt, Euphemia Van Rensselar Catholic World (September 1960).
02God is My LifeMr. Burden was given an unusual opportunity in freedom of access to the Abbey of Our Lady ofNo Author Listed Religious Books - Catholic (15 March 1960).
03God is My LifeShirley Burden is an artist with a camera. God is My Life is an exquisitely beautiful volume ofCuneo, Charles A. Sign 39 (July 1960): 60.
04Book Reviews: Out of GethsemaniThe recent numerous reprints and translations of articles by Thomas Merton in such foreignLentfoehr, Therese, S.D.S. Renascence 15 (Fall 1962): 46-50.